Monday, July 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #11

February 29, 2016

Academy Awards

A huge fan girl moment last night when this foreign born Academy Award winner from last night met this A- list mostly television actress who starred on a long running hit network show before heading out to do her own show. No one could tell who was more excited to meet the other. They are going to be best friends forever.

Alicia Vikander/Mindy Kaling


  1. Hmmm. This feels like a palate cleanser as we wait for the juicier reveals.

  2. Kno Won Uno4:43 AM

    Mindy Kaling is what list?!

  3. Pink Escada4:48 AM

    This is a blind item? Why??????

  4. Muchlu5:45 AM

    Vikander doesnt look like friendly, dont know why.

  5. Vikander seems to me to be completely devoid of charm and personality, so I find this very suspicious.

  6. Ice-Cold8:41 AM

    she is not as sunny as ppl from S.America, maybe...

  7. It's great to find soemnoe so on the ball

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