Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Blind Item #8

Normally this A- list foreign born mostly movie actress lets the world know when she is in Paris or doing PR for a fashion line. Not this time. Even though she has been in two European cities for work, she is keeping it quiet because with her is that cable actor she has been seeing. The one that started out as cheating.


  1. Tricia131:48 AM

    Dianne Kruger/Norman Reedus

  2. Tricia131:49 AM

    Fashion line is Chanel I think...

  3. Alana2:54 AM

    Rosetta Getty's annual July 4 fashion show was in Tuscany, so maybe that one? Diane was seated next to Norman in several pics throughout the weekend. Gotta be them.

  4. Courtney2:59 AM

    I'm jealous of her if it's Diane. Gorgeous. Working for a fashion line. Snagged Pacey AND Daryl...?
    Where is it I went wrong in life...?

  5. Norman Reedus doesn't sound like much of a prize. And he always looks wrecked.

  6. TopperMadison3:25 AM

    Good heavens, do I agree! He looks like a homeless person, and I imagine he smells like one, too. I wouldn't let him near me with a ten-foot pole.

    Gross, gross, gross.

  7. If Norman Reedus is interested in settling down again, I think Diane Kruger would be a great match.

  8. She picked Norman Reedus over Pacey! I'd always pick Pacey!

  9. Hot Cola5:19 AM

    He looks like his picture should be under "sleazy" & "grees ball" in a dictionary...

    Something very wrong with that man.

  10. GroovieMann5:32 AM

    Seriously, I feel greasy just looking at him. Gagsville.

  11. Malibuborebee5:32 AM

    She and Pacey have been together for a hundred years, much longer than most Hollywood couples. I doubt the thing with Reedus will last. He'll sober up and decide he wants someone else or drink himself to death.

  12. Just genuinely curious here: do those that think Norman Reedus is greasy/wrecked/basically not hot watch the Walking Dead?

  13. Is it Diane Kruger next to Norman Reedus at Rosetta Getty Poolside Picnic in Tuscany (with B.Getty): ?
    Looks like her.

  14. Stacey6:42 AM

    I'd choose Daryl over Pacey any day.

  15. Ya that's Diane. Her forehead looks exactly like it. I guess they are in Paris now?

  16. He's gotta be doing something right. He bagged Helena Christianson, plus tons of other exotic models including some 19 year old lingerie one he dated last year.

  17. Maryanne6:58 AM

    He'll sober up an realize she's not barely legal. I heard he likes 'em young. Anyhoo000, his drinking is legendary & he looks like sh$t with alcohol bloat face all the time.

  18. Wendy7:05 AM

    +1...I used to think the same thing, then watched Walking Dead, and there is something seriously sexy about him.

  19. Wendy7:06 AM

    Wasn't there rumors of an open relationship? Either that or her and Jackson broke up because that is definitely her and Reedus in that pic.

  20. Brenda7:39 AM

    When did Reedus settle down the first time?

  21. Brenda7:43 AM

    Yes it's them. Surprised DM hasn't caught this like they did last time. I love this guy and have the biggest lady boner but him cheating with DK is killing it. I hope it's not true but it looks like it is in the above picture. Normie, you're breaking my heart.

  22. SkittleKitty8:02 AM

    Pic is gone, and looking through the remaining pics from the party, I see Reedus in several, and do not see Kruger in any. Hmmmmm. Sounds like someone asked for them to come down.

  23. Ya it's gone. Are the PR teams trying to keep the tabloids from picking up the story? Looks like it. Somethings fishy.

  24. Brenda8:31 AM

    Welp the other pictures of Kruger have also been removed. Hmmmmmm

  25. Malibuborebee11:14 AM

    I think he's hideous and I have never seen the Walking Dead.

  26. Well we all saw it before it disappeared so just let it be known, Diane!

  27. It's easy to see why they are attracted to each other. Who cares how long it lasts. Make hay while the sun shines. That's what I always say.

  28. Claire7:12 PM

    "Pacey" isn't much of a prize either.

    First of all, he's ugly. Second, he's a grown-ass man who is still mostly known as "Pacey."

  29. Claire7:13 PM

    Gross! Team Dawson! :-P

  30. Blind Gossip has a similar BI about Kruger, Reedus and Jackson with more details:

    This is such a mess...

  31. Brienne81:25 AM

    I saw these recent pictures of Diane Kruger and Josh Jackson..
    They seems happy and I don't know what to believe..

  32. These pictures aren´t recent. They were taken in LA, Diane hasn´t been in LA since May.
    J. Jackson was seen in Vancouver (his hometown) over the 4th July weekend and now is back in LA.

  33. Joshua Jackson has been seen drinking coffee with former Teen Wolf actress Crystal Reed about three weeks ago in LA. They looked very friendly with each other although Crystal has a boyfriend.

    Perhaps both Diane and Joshua are cheating on another. Or they really have an open relationship. But that means that Crystal is cheating on her boyfriend Darren as well. She apparently was known on the Teen Wolf set for not being exactly shy when it came to hook-ups. I'm surprised Enty hasn't picked up on their meeting yet.

  34. They were friendly because they are friends and have been for awhile. It seems they were catching up as friends for a bit. As per pics, Josh drank abit of his coffee and then took it and his other drinks with him when he left alone. Crystal has a very serious boyfriend and they have been doing stuff together in LA as per their instagrams after this catch up.
