Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Blind Item #8

This long long time A- list television actress who goes from hit to hit wanted to make sure her strict rules remained in place for the final few episodes of her latest hit. She had script approval over the final half of the season.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Angie Harmon

  2. Tricia131:48 AM

    Or Julianna Margulies

  3. Elle B1:57 AM

    I'll probably get "hate" for this comment, but I feel like if it was man leading a show with strict rules it wouldn't even be mentioned.

  4. Kno Won Uno2:05 AM

    But you're right.

  5. Guesser2:13 AM

    You are probably right, they would say he was protecting the integrity of the character , which is probably the case here. They have often ruined shows with clumsy finalles. I'm guessing Angie Harmon,I think she has clout on the show.

  6. JoshBaskinh2:40 AM

    It's not Angie Harmon. Her show ended because she couldn't have control of it and wouldn't do what they wanted her character to do.

  7. marquois2:43 AM


    I have NEVER in my life been able to obviously ping a self-hating lesbian more than Angie Harmon. She is 100% closeted and in denial about it because she is a hardcore conservative who even dismissed a gay romancein her show cause she was against it.

  8. candypants2:58 AM

    Angie Harmon is considered A-List who goes from hit to hit? Does this make Sara Gilbert A-List by going from Roseanne to The Talk? I don't understand what passes for being at the top of show business lately.

  9. Or, the show "Jumped the Shark" when Lee Thompson Young died.
    I thought he was the most likable character on it.
    So, sad.

  10. Zilla13:38 AM

    Heather Locklear

  11. kpist4:58 AM

    I agree with the Julianna Marguilies guess

  12. Hot Cola6:15 AM

    That's makes 2 of us!

  13. I'm not quibbling about status in Entyland, only wanted to mention that Sara Gilbert was in The Big Bang Theory where she was hilarious. I only know her from that. Amazingly enough I never saw Rosanne and don't care for talk shows anymore.

  14. Mowbray7:03 AM

    It's Julianna - going "from hit to hit" refers to the ending of "The Good Wife".

  15. Barbara RADY11:13 PM

    I loved LTY, I still miss him and it was so sad his life ended like that.:(

  16. Tricia1312:54 AM

    @marquois...yes I heard(maybe read that here even , about AH). I know little about her aside from she's from Texas and married Jason Sehorn, has kids. I think they officially divorced long ago--- but she has always a had a kinda hard edge I felt.

  17. SnarkIsFun11:40 AM

