Friday, July 22, 2016

Blind Item #8

I have never looked, but I suspect there are hundreds of Tumblr accounts dedicated to dissecting the marriage of this foreign born dual threat A list actor and his wife. All of the rumors and innuendo, but one piece of actual news is that divorce for the couple is not just the fantasies of women who want to be with him. His wife actually told a family member their marriage is very much on the rocks.


  1. Tricia131:45 AM


  2. Derek Harvey1:46 AM


  3. MontanaMarriott1:46 AM

    Cumberbitch and SHunter?

  4. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    or Jamie Dornan

  5. Kno Won Uno1:48 AM

    Now I'll think of her as Shunter

  6. Sandy1:50 AM

    Jamie Dornan and Amelia Warner. Question is, what family member has the big mouth!

  7. crystalmeh1:50 AM


  8. Cumberbatch. my first thought was Jamie dornan but idk if he is A list and the fanbase seems to be mostly on twitter and very loud

  9. Guesser1:51 AM

    His fans have kept one of Enty's old blinds going for ages, let's see if it starts up here! One mention of his name, and they show up.

  10. sandybrook1:52 AM

    Hey it's Cumberbitch page view day! Hey muthafuckers welcome back (btw you're all idiots who should get lives)!

  11. Kno Won Uno1:53 AM

    I thought of him, too.

  12. Either Cumberbatch or Dornan, but neither of their wives seem like the type to let go of the fame train. Maybe Redmayne?

  13. Kno Won Uno1:54 AM

    Friday! Friday! Friday!

  14. Derek Harvey1:54 AM

    I noticed that too
    and isn't the blind called "She is NOT LETTING GO" haha...either are they, I guess...I wonder if that one has been revealed yet?! If not -call it a day and reveal it away...there is not enough space on the internet for the way some can go on and on..

  15. ^^^^^1:55 AM

    Isn't Jackman a triple threat?

  16. Robyn1:57 AM

    I'm torn between Dornan and Cumberbatch. Leaning towards Dornan, because when it comes to fantasizing I just don't see Cumberbatch in my dreams, man reminds me of an alien. But Dornan, hey I wouldn't kick him out of bed!

  17. Ms. Anne Thrope1:59 AM

    "Shunher" is probably what those crazy stans of his call her lol

  18. Derek Harvey2:02 AM

    Tom Hiddleston also has a huge fan base---Taylor is VERY smart. When it comes to bearding-Go BIG or GO HOME. She has the crazy cat lady demographic for life if she bags him...

  19. Come on, Cumberbatch. But probably BI about Dornan

  20. French girl2:04 AM

    Because now when you talk to a family member,you are a famewhore

  21. sandybrook2:11 AM

    WOO TO THE HOO! PARTY PARTY PARTY!! It's five o'clock somewhere!

  22. I think most of Dornans fans fantasiz him and Dakota together, they'd would kick him out of their beds and into hers given the chance

  23. Kno Won Uno2:16 AM

    Fridays can be so very trolltastic, plus the RNC let out.

  24. "I have never looked". Oh sure. That's what they all say. ;)

  25. Whenever Enty says double threat foreign born actor, it's either Dornan or Cumberbatch. And lord knows their are tumblrs, twitter, etc. regarding both of them and divorce. So it could be either one.

  26. hothotheat3:43 AM

    Not sure Dornan is a double treat.

  27. @hothotheat4:04 AM

    You would think, but he did sing for a short while. Enty has revealed some blinds describing him as a dual/double threat. There's only so many blinds you can say foreign born actor in a franchise, he's probably mixing it up.

  28. Daniel Craig & Rachel Weisz

  29. Guesser5:37 AM

    It should show up on the sidebar soon, unless they switch to this one.They make a point of keeping it going, so I think in the US he has more of those type fans.

  30. mmmmmm5:43 AM

    Hey Sandycooch, happy to be here! Except last time I checked, I follow ONE celeb. Perhaps you should check your life outside of commenting on everything from Jennifer Anniston (I know! You caught me, I can't even spell it right!) pregnant at 50 to teeny bopper pop stars and their drug habits. I'm sure you're life is thrilling. Now if you don't have shit to say about Cumberbatch on this thread, kindly piss off to the next. Until next page view day, cooch.

  31. It's a day ending in Y, so it must be time for another fake Cumberbatch Blind Item!

    Clever work in dissing the nutters who submit them to you and feed their delusions at the same time, that'll definitely keep the hits up.

  32. Josiah8:34 AM

    Cumberbatch. His fans are women. Dornan's fans are little girls

  33. sandybrook8:58 AM

    Actually you fu<king loser POS my life is quite exciting. I live on a beach in Florida and don't need to work. And you? Go fu<k yourself idiot.

  34. SnarkIsFun9:57 AM

    I'm just going to sit here with popcorn, enjoying the arguments, & the eventual reveal.

  35. magnolia belle10:47 AM

    What about Tom & Charlotte?

  36. I think Dornan started as a model but don't know if that's considered a threat.

  37. Derek's Anal Beads12:38 PM

    Late late late late late

  38. Dornan!!! I don't see anything between these two. Only that they share 2 children.

  39. +×÷=4:26 PM

    Her mother

  40. WAllen2:10 AM

    I'm going with Dornan because every time you see him out and about with his wife he looks like my 18 year old the moment I open my mouth to speak to him, completely zoned out. If my spouse did that to me? Pfft. I'd take the money and run.

  41. have you seen her on pap shots? she always looks straight into the cameras like she's the famous one. like she's the one with the impressive CV.

  42. Barbara ackerman12:30 PM

    Definitely Jamie dornan and wife not much there anymore I feel but who in family would let it out

  43. Yeahsure12:34 AM

    Don't do that! If you send them away we'll get Hiddleswift back!!!! Anything is better than Hiddleswift!

  44. Yeahsure12:36 AM

    As Enty gets most of his BIs about Cumberbatch from those insane Tumblr blogs, his nose should be so long after printing that one he can't get out of a doorway sideways.

  45. TopperMadison1:29 AM

    Oh, that singing and dancing Cumberbatch strikes again!

  46. Hillary7:19 AM

    From what I've seen David Tennant has a much larger Tumblr following than any of the above. And he spends A LOT of time away working. So could it be him and Georgia Moffett?

  47. Yeah. She truly believed it when Jamie said on his IG (with a pic of her ARMS CD) that she was the "talented one in my marriage". Poor Jamie. IF he's NOT out by now, HE needs to GET OUT of that condemned situation!! Sad part is that the other 3 "fiancés" were lucky to "see" her for who she really is....and got out without qualms about it!! But Jamie, being an upstanding guy, was "manipulated" into getting married for the first baby and the divorce procedures were halted for the second one. Sure would look bad if he would have left her while pregnant, even if it was not his!!

  48. Barbara ackerman8:41 PM

    Yes I to think he was manipulated isn't arrive he does seem to love dulcie unsure on second baby he don't seem to connect with her at all she's had a few men fiancée s before Jamie got pregnant to trap him decent booked that he is I hope he does free himself of her so his career can continue it never will with her following him everywhere
