Monday, July 18, 2016

Blind Item #7

This permanent A+ list director recently had a bomb of a movie. Maybe it would have performed better if the married director was not hooking up with one of the stars of the movie during filming.


  1. Enigma_X1:38 AM

    Why would that have had any effect on the box office?

  2. Tricia131:39 AM

    Garry Marshall/Mothers Day(supposed to be Kate Hudson maybe)?

  3. Tricia131:41 AM

    Or Woody Allen-Cafe Society(kstew) meant to be maybe...

  4. CrashDiego1:47 AM

    Spielberg/ Penelope Wilton

    : D

  5. Craps!
    I keep telling people filming a movie is like playing craps.
    You roll the dice and see what happens.
    (Usually, you loose.)

  6. French girl1:54 AM

    Spielberg. His movie is good even very good but the promotion was the problem .They never use his name,never really made promotion for the kids

  7. Ettacettera1:55 AM

    Not a bomb yet..give it time..I think it's probably something more big budget..Mothers day good guess.. Fooling around might affect egos on a set, but should still get a good film if everyone does their job

  8. Tricia132:03 AM

    @ ettacettera , I agree probably bigger but the film was received lukewarm at best, I read...I didn't read as "bomb" just as underperforming? Dunno.

  9. Kno Won Uno2:10 AM

    Enty needs something to be judgmental about, so it's that.
    One would think the situation would make for a *better* movie, truthfully.

  10. marco polo2:16 AM

    wow, this is definitely Steven Spielberg with the bomb being The BFG!

    who was he hooking up with on set? yikes, he's crusty/

  11. Gerard2:18 AM

    Which film -the animated one? I don't think that's it but his only recent release. Penelope Whilton is a great actress but a 70 year old somewhat , homely woman. Kate Capshaw is younger and hotter... And it's animated right?Did they really work together that much. Doesn't seem possible. Or is there another SS film just released?

  12. sandybrook2:24 AM

    So Rebecca Hall is to blame for the BFG sucking?

  13. Tricia132:24 AM

    If Spielberg and the The BFG it would likely be Rebecca Hall for the actress,Inthink. Reputation and history of dating directores(see Sam Mendes)

  14. Juank3:22 AM

    Jodie Foster

  15. Suzanne3:28 AM

    I think this is Jodie Foster.

  16. lemon swizzle3:52 AM

    I saw it last week, and was not expecting much from the movie. It ended up being better than I expected. Not great, but definitely charming in places.

  17. AndrewBW5:34 AM

    @Tricia I would actually pay to see Kate Hudson hooking up with Garry Marshall!

  18. AndrewBW5:36 AM

    I like this guess since the blind doesn't identify the director's gender.

  19. Give me a break5:46 AM

    Said the most judgmental person on the internet.

  20. Not that much younger, 63

  21. Speilberg/Rebecca Hall?

  22. Marybel9:32 AM

    Jodie Foster

  23. Zilla19:51 AM

    Jodie Foster is a permanent A+ list actress. As a director, she is B or lower.

  24. Folks, Money Monster was NOT A BOMB! InEnty's mind it is, but it was not.

  25. Zilla112:39 PM

    Critically, it was a bomb. Given who the two stars were and what the box office was, it was a bomb there too. If it were any other three names who were not as wellknown or A list, it wouldn't have been considered as much of a failure.

  26. Tricia1310:50 PM

    I know right? But unless it's for a future role in a film, not likely....he doesn't play an instrument and isn't in a band :)
