Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Blind Item #6

I'm not sure a new team would be such a good idea for this future NBA hall of famer. Apparently he is cheating on his actress wife again and that is with them both living in the same city together.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM

    Duane Wade/Gabrielle Wade

  2. sandybrook2:37 AM

    Bitch must live in Denver, Milwaukee or back home in good ole Chicago. That's where he's headed if he leaves Miami..

  3. Whywhywhy???2:39 AM

    I just wonder how in the hell Gabby is going to break that prenup to get some of that Wade coin...She played the reluctant bride until she was one and if the rumors are true, he was activiely married when she first hooked up with them, she won't be surprised. Question is how much can she bear. That before and after gross video, along with his treatment of the mother of his chidlren, tells me he is a pig.

  4. GroovieMann5:34 AM

    How is it cheating for GU/DW - isn't she a beard?

  5. Wendy7:08 AM

    yep, Wade..meeting with the Nuggets

  6. Wendy7:09 AM

    And there is a child that came out of his cheating and Gabby is still with him, I doubt she's leaving him anytime soon.

  7. peopleselbow1:22 PM

    D Wade is officially a Chicago Bull ........

  8. peopleselbow1:24 PM

    D Wade is officially a Chicago Bull ......
