Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Blind Item #4

Well, she has already had sex with both of these acting brothers so I guess it shouldn't come as a shock that this B+ list actress offspring is still sleeping with one of them and he is going along despite the fact he is about to be married. Or is he?


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Emma Roberts/Dave Franco(and James)

  2. Kate Hudson - Owen & Luke Wilson??

  3. Not sure of the actress, but I was thinking the same as others: it's either the Franco brothers or Wilson bros. Or is it those Wendt brothers? (I think that's their name? you know the ones who were married to nicole richtie and I think Cameran diaz? or am I confusing them w/ other brothers?)

  4. Kno Won Uno1:04 AM

    I was thinking Hemsworths.

  5. mysticchic1:10 AM

    +1 kwu I think you are right but who is the actress I wonder?

  6. Tricia131:30 AM

    She just wrapped "Nerve" or was just doing pick up shots for it with Dave(engaged to Alison Brie), and shot "I am Michael" with James a couple years ago and it was alluded he creeped on her, or they had a "thing".

  7. January Jones and Hemsworth

  8. Enigma_X1:55 AM

    I don't think either Wilson brother is engaged, but Dave Franco/Alison Brie are and Liam Hemsworth is w/ Miley Cyrus- although I don't know that they're engaged.

  9. hothotheat2:01 AM

    I like Hudson/Wilsons guess. Luke as the groom to be.

  10. Enigma_X2:15 AM


    Dave Franco is engaged to Alison Brie and currently promoting a movie with Emma Roberts, who ostensibly has a new no-name boyfriend but is a known cheater.

  11. Enigma_X2:17 AM

    Yep. And 'Palo Alto' as well.

  12. Winnie2:22 AM

    Is she a celebrity offspring?

  13. Oh yes, those two as well. Forgot about the boys down under.
