Thursday, July 07, 2016

Blind Item #3

This is awkward. This A- list mostly movie actor who has bombed in a superhero type movie says he wants kids. The woman he calls his girlfriend is freaking out because she does not want to be in the middle of all of this. Not what she signed up for.


  1. Vera Solis12:04 AM

    Cris evans? Fantastic four (bombed superbero movie)

  2. Tricia1312:04 AM

    Chris Pine

  3. Tricia1312:06 AM

    Is he still dating Vail Bloom-ex Vanderpump Rules chick-maybe her?

  4. JoshBaskin12:30 AM

    Not sure about the rating but maybe Miles Teller? Fantastic four being the bomb. It's been implied here before that his now girlfriend started as his hired oscars date.

  5. You do realize Chris Evans is Captain America, right? Hardly a "failed superhero".

  6. Groaning1:23 AM

    The Tarzan movie with Sgaarsgard.

  7. Tricia131:51 AM

    Good call. I didn't realize it opened but ASkars/Alexa Chung work perfectly here....

  8. Cindy Who?1:59 AM

    Totally agree with ASkars and Alexa Chung guess.

  9. Paint Chips2:14 AM

    Unless he's telling her this in private, she should just ignore. He just wants the image of wanting kids "someday".

  10. If it is Skarsgard, I will have his babies.

  11. back again2:46 AM

    @ JoshBaskin
    - I think Miles Teller is or at least should be A-. He's in the popular Divergent Franchise & he's gotten critical acclaim in his other films,Whiplash,The Spectacular Now,Two Night Stand,ProjectX,etc.(we'll just hide that Fantastic Four debaucle under the mattress seeing that that mess wasn't any of the actors' fault)
    -He's doing a bunch of interviews right now for "Bleed For This"(& early Oscar worthy buzz for his performance) AND for "War Dogs" opening in August so he could've talked about getting married,kids etc..
    But, I think Enty made this Blind up from Chris Pine's recent interview during his current "StarTrek" promo tour wherein he literally just said that he wants to have kids...and his flop is "Rise Of The Guardians".

  12. back again2:53 AM

    Nevermind about Chris Pine lol
    ... i have to agree w/@ Groaning's guess of Tarzan--I NEVER think of Alex Skarsgard b/c he's such a non-entity to me & I thought Enty meant the actor was in a PAST Superhero Flop rather than a current one.

  13. back again2:54 AM

    +1 @ Groaning !!!

  14. Kno Won Uno3:04 AM

    It was in the DM this morning about him wanting children

  15. back again3:31 AM

    UGH-I thought you'd gotten this b/c of Chris Pine's interview(that Enty invariably JUST saw DM's article on 7/3) wherein he literally says he wants to start a family but I couldn't think of a Superhero-type bomb he'd been in & then saw that "Rise Of The Guardians" was considered a flop (superhero TYPE being that it's animated).I thought Enty meant a past bomb not a current one so i agree that @Groaning totally got this w/Tarzan.
    - BUT STILL,I still think Enty made this blind up about A. Skarsgard DIRECTLY FROM Chris Pine's interview since A.S. JUST said ENTIRELY the opposite on 'Ask WhatHappens Live' when Andy Cohen asked him about marriage last week....
    --As you see,I like to guess from whence Enty makes up his Blinds--it makes it much more interesting while I sit here waiting for the

  16. Zilla13:49 AM

    Whose kids does he want? o.O

  17. mocka6:43 AM

    alexa chung, skarsgard's oncall beard. she never seemed like the type that would want to reproduce.

  18. Tricia136:50 AM

    Yeah- it read so remininiscent of Pines recent interview....but absolutely moniker alert!!
