Saturday, July 16, 2016

Blind Item #3

Back in the day this former A- list mostly movie actress in a franchise would compete for guys with this, at the time Playboy model turned game show host turned a million other things. The actress would win the vast majority of the time. Fast forward almost two decades and now the former Playboy model digs at the actress every chance she gets about how the actress has gone downhill. Hey, the Playboy model is not doing that much better career wise, she just married better. Cheats better too.


  1. Elle B2:36 AM

    tara reid/ jenny mccarthy

  2. Zilla12:52 AM


    Jenny is an asshole.

  3. AshBey2:54 AM

    I have no guesses ... only comment is to piggyback that JM seems he type to trash someone when they're down

  4. sandybrook2:58 AM

    Jenny is angry because she can't f*ck for parts anymore like she used to and she has no other talent to speak of.

  5. Wow. What's w/ the hate for Jenny McCarthy? And why all the love for psycho Tara Reid?
    Did JM do something really bad that I'm not aware of? And has Tara Reid done something selfless and wholesome? What did I miss?! O_o

  6. **dont' get me wrong, i'm not really a fan of either...i'm just curious.

  7. One of the biggest reasons she is so hated:

    Damage is done.

  8. They should settle this feud in a vat of jello.

  9. What exactly did McCarthy do that was "selfless and wholesome"? The Candie ad when she sat on a toilet with her panties bunched around her ankles? Or her spread for Playboy? I'm not a fan of either but your wording begged for this retort.....

  10. I never said JM was selfless and wholesome. Not once. I just asked why all the hatred for JM. I mean come on. I don't live under a rock, I know she's not "wholesome." lol! Then I asked about Tara Reid separately. I should have put them in different paragraphs so you wouldn't assume I meant that JM was wholesome. My bad.

    To clarify: I just didn't know if JM had done something "specific" to attract all the hate. Regarding Tara, I was questioning if she had done something wonderful to gain all this love and sympathy when she's usually trashed on this site. That is all.

  11. @glue, your first post was perfectly comprehensible. Some people just love to look for a fight.

  12. Zilla11:42 PM

    A lot of it has to do with the interview Tara walked out of. McCarthy, who is in no position to be talkig down to anyone, was nasty , condescending and insulting for no apparent reason when she had Tara on her show. I posted the link to the People article on it.

  13. Claire2:27 PM

    I don't have love for Tara Reid AT ALL but McCarthy is worse because she seems to have this attitude that she's sooooo hot and sooooo smart and sooooo funny, while in reality she is none of those things. She's just annoying and always has been.

  14. Ratoncita9:41 PM

    @glue I don't understand why people don't like Jenny Macarthy either. I didn't know much about her until I read her first book on her journey with her son and his special needs. I found her book to demonstrate her to be smart, curious and an aggressive advocate for her kid. It's an awesome combo and many doctors are unhappy with the accepted science and lack of science around vaccination so I don't see why people are threatened by an ex playboy model on that count. Maybe she is just annoying but I don't listen to her show.
    Tara I don't know much about either. Meh.

  15. Ahh I see now. Okay, now it all makes sense. Thank you Zilla1.

    Thanks again to everyone who answered my questions. Much appreciated.

  16. jenny breen5:34 AM

    Entry had a blind that Jennifer stole a manuscript from Mellisa and turned it into a show for herself if you would steal from a cousin you are a pretty crappy person and I think she has proved that over and over I think Tara mostly just hurts herself
