Thursday, July 07, 2016

Blind Item #2

While away from his wife, this A+ list singer/horrible actor spent several hours alone with this A+ list "singer" in her hotel suite. It would be crazy if they got back together. Apparently she was really animated after which is not her usual state.


  1. Tricia1311:45 PM


  2. Tricia1311:51 PM

    "Oops He Hit it Again".
    Is Enty saying this now because her conservatorship is over(I think) and she doesn't have minders, handlers, professional cootchie watchers etc around?

  3. Don't make me cry.

  4. I don't believe it. Rumor is she has something that can't be cured.

  5. Sarah1:06 AM

    Have we ruled Britney out for MV? Just wondering about the quotations marks.

    That would be gossip gold if true!

  6. Sarah1:19 AM

    Don't play with my emotions, Enty. Stop it.

  7. Tricia131:42 AM

    Haha. Enty is playing us hard with this one I agree:)

  8. I don't mind Timberlake on SNL, Fallon, live venues, but Gawd does he come off horrible on film. Would it be so bad for him and British British to reunite?

  9. I don't mind Timberlake on SNL, Fallon, live venues, but Gawd does he come off horrible on film. Would it be so bad for him and Brit Brit to reunite?

  10. anna from savannah2:15 AM

    The chatter has been for years it was Colin Ferrell who gave it to her. She is on a long list of those he gave the gift that keeps on giving to.

  11. anna from savannah2:24 AM

    Farrell. Sorry.

  12. Guesser2:44 AM

    For years Enty has been hinting JLo's MV, but lately he has been hinting Britney. Don't take ever hint in the blind literally either, some reveals have proven red herrings are n them.

  13. SD Auntie2:53 AM

    Hi Tricia, I think her conservatorship is for life. Jessica is pregnant also. Maybe possible collaboration on a song ??

  14. Guesser2:54 AM

    He means something worse than that. But they could just be you know ,friends?

  15. back again3:25 AM

    The thing that baffled me about Justin Timberlake was the immense popularity of his whole "bring sexy back" song --like he was reincarnated into some kinda hot stud....he has to be one of the unsexiest people who gives off the least sexy vibe i've ever seen..entertaining & fun in skits &,he soooooooo did NOT bring sexy back...the irony is that even though he got a whole new image from that song,the only cool part about that whole song was Timbaland!

  16. Tricia133:38 AM

    Hiya@SD Auntie:)
    I thought it might be, but she recently won some battle with it or judgement I thought? I agree with a ya that Enty enjoys toying with the idea more than the MV reveal itself though...
    Is JB Preggo for sure? Wouldn't it be sumtin if they were just a normal happy in love couple like they seem(not good for blinds though:(

  17. grotto4:27 AM

    as a straight female...I group men like timberlake and adam levine into the male butterface group. their faces actually arent hot enough to make me think, DAMN.

    plus, I thought timberlake was closeted, double-bearding w/jessica biel

  18. peter4:51 AM

    alright... 1. if this is true, whatever form they were to reunite in would be gold (at least for people who are in their mid-late 20s and follow pop culture). 2. i actually think about MV a lot - and I still can't believe it is Britney. yes, i think she gets some vocal help now, but most of the MV blinds hint that whoever she is used a voice double toward the beginning of her career. i really really don't think Britney did that. J Lo i don't know. maybe it's someone entirely different?

  19. i got "pocket full of sunshine" (2009,Natasha Bedingfield);
    "i have sunshine in my pocket"(2016, justin timberlake)
    good thing she isn't his "friend" tay-tay w/ her trademark words...
    looks like justin needs some money....

  20. but has no any fresh ideas....

  21. Wendy7:31 AM

    Omg don't play with my heart like that enty.

  22. Hot Cola8:54 AM


  23. Gypsy Trill2:59 PM

    I have always thought that MV is Shania Twain.

  24. What does "mv" stand for?

  25. Trixie2:04 PM

    Can't be Shania. Her career started decades & decades ago before autotune. She was singing in bars & clubs to support her younger sibs long before she ever had a hit and can carry a tune.

  26. Daniela10:53 PM

    You're still trying it enty....sure Jan
