Sunday, July 24, 2016

Blind Item #2

This permanent A+ list singer with the one name thinks she is better than you. All of you. Yes, even you. If she could make you bow in her presence she would. Apparently she also thinks she is above the law and swore to that under penalty of perjury. She thinks there should be different laws for regular people and for celebrities.


  1. Derek Harvey2:17 AM


  2. Derek Harvey2:18 AM

    Co-op slams Madonna for trying to skirt residence rules
    Page Six‎ - 1 day ago
    Members of Madonna's ritzy Upper West Side co-op want a Manhattan judge to force the ..

  3. Now.. she was huge. I won t bow in front of her but she Was an amazing singer

  4. Kathy2:53 AM

    I have never been impressed by Madge....her vocal talents are mediocre at best....she was much better at dancing. Hate her attitude.

  5. sandybrook2:55 AM

    I'd call her out and dare her to try something back.

  6. Honeybunny3:03 AM

    Madge, yo stuff stinks just like everyone else so .......

  7. Kno Won Uno3:07 AM

    Another 'Enty reads the DM' blind.
    Why doesn't she just buy the damned building and make her own rules?

  8. Derek Harvey3:20 AM

    IKR! Exactly what I was thinking...I know NYC reality is pricey but SHE could afford to buy the whole damn block without breaking the bank.

  9. Derek Harvey3:24 AM

    I think a lot of her stuff is pop perfection. She needs to stop trying to be "young and hip" and focus on ballads. Take a Bow, Rain, Live to Tell, Crazy for You, This use to be my Playground, Secret, Love dont Live here Anymore--ALL SO GOOD! She did Ghosttown last year and that was good but didn't pick-up as expected...

  10. If anyone is a Camille Paglia fan, over on Salon she recently responded to a letter writer asking about her thoughts on late-phase Madonna, (though I personally thought 2005's Confessions on a Dance Floor was terrific):

    About Madonna—alas, given my generational perspective, I’m afraid there is little way I can view her career except in terms of decline and fall. The electrifying impact of her gorgeous early videos like “Burnin’ Up” (1983) and “Open Your Heart” (1987) would be a hard act to follow for any performer. Madonna’s great period was 1984-92, culminating in “Vogue” (1990) a dazzlingly dynamic video that remains a major work of art. Painful signs of imaginative slackness start with the silly, messy video for “Deeper and Deeper” (1992), a magnificent song that deserved better.

    Except for her collaboration with British electronica producer William Orbit in the late 1990s, there is little evidence that Madonna has broadened or deepened herself artistically over the intervening decades. Part of this was surely due to the stultifying isolation that inevitably comes with great fame and wealth. As a dancer, Madonna needed to mingle on a regular basis in small clubs, where she could absorb new rhythms and production techniques and stay at the cutting edge. But that adventurous, serendipitous life style is impossible for superstars of her magnitude. Her presence inevitably changes any social context she enters.

    The cultural explosiveness of Madonna’s early period came from her instinctive violation of taboos, which she intimately understood from her strict Italian Roman Catholic upbringing. But by the 1990s, the world had become Madonnified through the victory of insurgent pro-sex feminism, which she had inspired and emboldened. Madonna’s cardinal error was her failure to recognize that change and to adjust her persona and goals accordingly, the way her great role model, the ultra-sophisticated Marlene Dietrich, had done. But Madonna went blindly, doggedly on, still marketing herself as a taboo-breaker when there were no more taboos to break….

    And of course we cannot avoid Madonna’s descent into bad soap opera over the past several years, as she has competed with her far more sensible daughter by over-sharing on Instagram and then over-exposing her son by broadcasting his pubescent travails to the world. Which brings us to what appears to be a total collapse of Madonna’s artistic eye, as she resists advancing age by inserting grotesque cheek cushions over her naturally superb bone structure and shoring up her sagging buttocks with cringe-making swirls of strapping ...

  11. Guesser4:28 AM

    She acts the fool embarrassing herself and her children.I'm her age and the last thing I want is a grill on my teeth. She should just be happy she has her own teeth. She also lied about Sean Penn not beating her. There was a police report and a medical report so there's no denying it.

  12. Ms. Anne Thrope4:41 AM

    Frozen. The Ray of Light album was her masterpiece imho.

  13. Derek Harvey5:08 AM

    Yup and Power of Goodbye too

  14. Derek Harvey5:10 AM

    I completely agree with everything-including Confessions on a Dancefloor. Some songs on American Life we pretty good as well---just her last two albums are crap..

  15. When I hear a Madonna song on the airwaves, I immediately think "auto-tune."
    (Wasn't it invented around the time she first became famous?)

  16. Ah yes - Die another day, Love Profusion. I think Cher was the one that really rolled out auto-tune with Believe in the late 90s, South Park made fun of it anyway.

  17. Saras6:27 AM

    Lol those butt straps kill me! Less is more people: p

  18. basic twitch6:58 AM


    She wishes it was still the 80s. Newsflash: the demo who listens to pop music...their parents listened to you.

  19. Only if this was Cher would she be right.

  20. I've gotta be honest, I love music and Madonna really has not even been on my radar since Ray of Light. That was, what, '98, '99? My kids have no idea who she is. She's supposed to be permanent A+ and yet, she's not a part of my world at all.

  21. Hot Cola8:32 AM


  22. Studio548:48 AM

    Yeah, she's always been entitled, a real jerkette.

  23. Bubbles8:59 AM

    My reality doesn't cost much at all in NYC

  24. Derek Harvey9:06 AM

    I meant realty

  25. macaroniandcheese9:27 AM

    I was just thinking this myself. I love her.

  26. Guesser9:48 AM

    People in the business who knew her early on said she acted this way before she was famous.

  27. Get into the Groove--ultimate dance song; Holiday--still makes me
    Smile as soon as it comes
    Love her.

  28. Laura Palmer11:40 AM


  29. Patrick12:38 PM

    Those coop buildings are full of non-celebs that could buy and sell her infinity times over. Plenty of people worth tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars.
    But they aren't famous. I've noticed that celebs don't like it when they run up against non celebs with more money and power than the celebs.

  30. Derek Harvey1:37 PM

    You are COMPLETELY correct (nice to see you post again Patrick) however she truly is an icon. CHER? Fantastic actress but she never kicked out the jams. And like Cher, she made the money herself, under her OWN name. Unlike most people on that block. I am more an Upper East side guy myself..

  31. Brian1:47 PM

    Madonna is worth about $800 million, some estimates put her at a billion. I doubt that her building is full of people who could buy and sell her even once.

  32. Brian1:48 PM

    Ghosttown was the best single she's put out in ages, it's criminal that it was completely ignored worldwide.

  33. Derek Harvey1:51 PM

    And that....

  34. Derek Harvey1:52 PM

    It's not a "co-op" for no reason...

  35. I so agree with this, I loved that song when I first heard it too. But as far as the co-op is concerned, anyone who has spent any time at all in NYC knows that co-op boards are a PITA. If she doesn't want to follow as many rules just by a condo and call it a day.

  36. Motherof5Boys12:52 AM

    Beyonce. The Lemonade mini movie

  37. Camal1911:20 PM

    How did Madonna get this way? She didn't just automatically become a Diva and view herself as godlike. The masses put her there. We tend to build celebrities up...then we try to tear them down. Madonna has been worshipped for so long...there's no tearing her down. We've created a monster.
