Thursday, July 14, 2016

Blind Item #2

This outspoken Fox news host who has his own issues, says that Gretchen Carlson is getting old and should be grateful her boss hit on her.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Bill Oreilly?

  2. sandybrook11:48 PM

    Maybe him but also could be Geraldo Rivera

  3. Tricia1311:51 PM

    True. Geraldo is a piece of work as well.

  4. Kno Won Uno12:08 AM

    What will Faux do if the hairsprayed blondes go to war with the angry men?
    Might be amusing to watch

  5. This is totally Bill O'Reilly.

  6. Hamster Whisperer1:03 AM

    I would guess Bill as well, Geraldo has manners.

  7. My apologies.
    I am laughing as I type.
    What an arrogant, ass.
    I hate FoxNews. I can't watch it. It's NOT a News network. It's an entertainment network.
    Their hosts are always invalidating everyone/anyone on their shows -- except those who completely agree with their far right mindset.
    Anyone in the middle is a "Liberal!"

  8. Wembley6:14 AM

    Last year (or two ago?) I was messaging a friend in England and referenced FOX News.

    He was confused for a while and I finally figured out that, over there, at least in his circle of friends, family and colleagues they had thought FOX was a parody news show (like The Colbert Report but subtler). And then the horror struck him. It was an enjoyable, "welcome to the club, you poor bastard" moment for me.

  9. Mooshki10:24 AM

    Wait, a Faux News host is a piece of shit? Who would EVER have guessed that?

  10. Hot Cola12:51 PM

    The fuxk do they put in these people's coffee that they are all such woman hateres?

  11. A 150 year old woman would be grossed out by Ailes hitting on her.

  12. LaurieD4:22 PM

    LoL! That's awesome. (Not for him, obviously...)
    Oh man. To find out one day that FoxNews was just one big, elaborate prank...? We should only be so lucky!!!
