
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Blind Item #2

At the production office of that superhero show you all obsess about, the married lead actor and his female co-star arrived separately to do some paperwork but left together and were busted making out when their driver had to roll down a window to get something off his windshield.



  1. Tricia132:16 AM

    Steve Amell/Katie Cassidy?

  2. Tricia132:17 AM

    Or Emily Brekt-Richards..

  3. Freyakat2:43 AM

    They killed off Cassidy last season so I think it's Emily

  4. we obsess about an absolutely & totally nothing...

  5. ThyName3:00 AM

    they did kill her off but she flew out to Vancouver anyway so...

  6. kibble3:03 AM

    Why does Enty keep trying to "fetch" this show??

  7. Kno Won Uno3:04 AM

    "All" must be referring to Entern's hallmates in the dorm.

  8. sandybrook3:06 AM

    I dont obsess about shitty tv shows on minor league networks.

  9. Yeah but according to this website we all obsess about Teen Moms too.

  10. Because she bought a flat there and her BF lives there

  11. They don't like each other. She definitely doesn't like him now she was fired.

  12. Freyakat3:23 AM

    Fair enough. although I would still guess Emily. If I had to pick between the 2 Emily would win hands down. I had a friend have to fix Katies cell phone after she broke it- she threw it when she was fighting with her boyfriend- and she was horrid to my friend. He did a good job and did it fast for her even though he had a bunch of work on his bench ahead of her and there was no thank you or anything, just an absolutely snotty attitude. He has dealt with lots of celebrities and she was the worst he ever had to deal with. So it kind of soured me to her.

  13. *don't know why this replied here

  14. not-surprised3:36 AM

    I was waiting for a BI to show up about these two... back to filming... back to *this*, I guess! Someone let me know when photos get leaked. ;)

    Also, to the bitter bettys saying people don't obsess about this show: just becuz YOU don't, doesn't mean other people don't. Feel free to move along to the next BI if this isn't your thing. Lots of BIs on here don't interest me at all, but I don't feel thirsty enough to comment on them letting them know that.

  15. I'm still waiting for those restaurant pics to be released! lol

  16. not-surprised3:45 AM

    same here!

  17. AmellBett3:51 AM

    Ste[hen & Emily. Finally new blind about these two. I have been waiting for some new juicy blind items about them and I want some reveals too. Keep more coming, Enty!

  18. markwords3:56 AM

    now THAT is something ill never understand.

    I dont know any human being under 30 that watches that show. Embarrassing to think enty thinks they count as famous people.

  19. SHEEPskin4:07 AM

    another fake blind by enty just to get those clicks from crazy oliciters

  20. anonymous4:10 AM

    This is hilarious bc she wasnt even there, anyways if this is somehow true than it is just disappointing I knew Stephen was trash, but I didnt think Emily was too then again considering who her friends are...

  21. anonymous4:10 AM

    Sorry they dont exist Enty just knows how to lure the crazies

  22. anonymous4:12 AM

    Now people are "bitter bettys" bc they dont want to hear about nobodies? And they are" thirsty" if they express a lack of interest in these fake blinds?

  23. Ok, honey....if you want to think that ????

  24. And you clicked.....

  25. How you KNOW she wasn't there, though? Were you there? She lives in Van, the production office is in Van, he went to the production office the other day..... It's not completely out of the question.

  26. Dereks Mommy4:20 AM

    Ok son

  27. Laura4:34 AM

    Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards. LOVE IT.

  28. He went to the prod office on 7/7 I believe and just because she wasn't pictured with him in the photo that was up on twitter doesn't me she wasn't there. Whether or not this BI is true I still think there is something between these two. You can just see it in the way they are around each other. However, I would like to see more visual evidence before I even call it.

  29. Right! I am not calling it until I see some pictures.

  30. This description pretty much narrows it down to Stephen Amell and probably Emily Bett. But I've long thought his marriage was for show anyway.

  31. based on these comments and yours, I don't think it's just the "crazy" Oliciters he's getting clicks from... lol

  32. If it doesn't appeal to you. Move on? Simple as that. No one forced you to click and stay bitter about a show you don't want anymore. See now THAT is more pathetic.

  33. @kibble....+1,000,000,000,000,000 LOLOLOL!

  34. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:17 AM

    Superhero show I obsess about? Game of Thrones? European Football (soccer) Championship?

  35. anonymous5:24 AM

    How are you assuming who does and does not watch the show? And no one s forcing you to call people bitter over a comment

  36. anonymous5:27 AM

    I have friends who are huge fans, I am more of a casual fan (its hard to get attached to characters/actors when they change frequently), according to them she was not in Vancouver then

  37. But she was, because they've started filming. She wouldn't leave a city she lives in, WHILE she's filming a show she is on.

  38. Based on your tweet about 'nobodies' which means these people who are 'nobodies' to you... It's not a far leap.

    I simply don't understand why you'd click on a blind that is so obvious and actually /comment/ on it. It makes zero sense. But hey, it's your life. If you want to spend it on something that annoys you (because clearly you are), then so be it. I'll just sit here and enjoy the other blinds on my free time. Have a good day.

  39. She is there. They started filming on 7/5.

  40. Dinah5:47 AM

    The production office is right on set. Huge parking lot. Easy for them to be seen.

  41. Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards

  42. Dereks Mommy6:18 AM

    Shut up son. Everyone still hates you.

  43. Enigma_X6:22 AM

    Under 30? Who over 20 watches that show?

  44. Leena6:31 AM

    This is bullshit! Stephen just called out a fan account for calling his marriage fake & mocking people who believe he doesn't love his wife. Also, his wife has been in Van all week with him so when do people think he had time to have an affair with Emily! This is all made up for website hits. Someone has even alerted Stephen to Enty's blinds on his Facebook page so you can except him to call Enty out soon enough. Enough with these stupid blind items. I actually pity anyone that is believes this crap.

  45. Hanna6:35 AM

    Stephen, Emily & Cassandra are probably sitting around a coffee table mocking the shit out of all of you for being naive enough to believe a man who's a known fraud.

  46. Hanna6:38 AM

    Stephen doesn't care about anyone else but his wife and daughter. Emily is a piece of gum at the bottom of his shoe. Once arrow is over, they'll both go their separate ways and never see each other again. It's only then that people will realise that they're nothing but work colleagues.

  47. Serinda6:43 AM

    His marriage is not for show. He even mocked the Twitter account that attacked his marriage in a recent video. This guy ain't worried about the stupid rumours being fuelled on this website because he knows they're not true. Emily and Stephen spend ZERO time together. HOW on earth do people think they're having an affair?! You can't be cheating on your wife with someone you never hang out with. Besides, he's far too cocky about his perfect life for any of this to be true. People who have something to his always stay silent!

  48. Chatshit.com this is the one blind item I am 100% positive is absolute rubbish. If you believe this to be true you obviously don't understand anything about Stephen. He is 100% honest with his fans and he ALWAYS calls certain fans out when they get too obsessive about his wife/marriage. Cut him some slack. Neither him not Emily deserve this. She already gets so much hate because of the character she plays on arrow. Now people are going to start attacking her because of this fake rumour. And Enty, you should know better! You interact with 2 of Emily's closet friends on Twitter- I'm sure they won't appreciate making things up about their friend. Get a grip! They've both done nothing wrong.

  49. Whether or not this is true I don't really think his wife being there would make a difference. After all majority of the time, she is not there. As the saying goes When a cat's away the mice will play. As for him blasting that person who called him out on twitter, that person was a prick but it was not the first time he tweeted SA, so why react all of a sudden? Besides, he never denied the accusations. And the only reason the wife was in Van was because people called her out. But the way he's been acting lately I can see why people would be curious. They both act like there are divorced and share custody. These two have a weird marriage. Maybe that's what works for them who knows.

  50. LOL at this entire thing

  51. Zero time together......um, well i KNOW they spent the weekend after they wrapped S4 together. He spent an entire day/night at her house getting ready for the wrap party and then he spent almost the entire sunday with her, her friends and his daughter. Plus we have videos and accounts of them together all the time on set. (I dont even have to be a 'crazy fan' to know this. It was all out in the open)
    Just because he SAYS his marriage isn't for show, doesn't mean he's telling the truth. You seem to forget he's an actor.

  52. His wife isn't with him all the time lmao plus, people have posted entys stuff on his page before....has anything happened? Nope.

  53. Cassandra doesn't like Emily. The cast don't like Cassandra. Everyone knows that haha

  54. Jim Summers8:51 AM

    CW gossip appeals to the millennials.

  55. LOL this is so far fetched. Sounds like something straight out of fan fiction. Until you release those pictures of them kissing behind black & blue, I won't buy any of this.

  56. Patiently waiting for Stephen & Emily's interfering friend Carina to refute all these affair rumours. Since she loves to insert herself in every aspect of their lives, I'm sure she'll be the one to deny everything-' no way, Stephen loves his wife, Emily & Stephen & bros la la la'. Where you at Carina? Set the record straight. We know you're a fan of these blind items. Say something gurl! Stick up for your friends.

  57. LOL, them not spending any time together. SA admitted at a con that they spend way too much time together. And based on EBR reaction I don't think he was just referring to them working if you know what I mean. And you're right about him being cocky. Maybe that's why he went off the rail a few days ago. It's probably because he was caught. These rumours have been going around for a while now and he never defended his wife or marriage. But he did defend his co-star, though. Why all of sudden he's coming out now when it never bothered him before? It almost looks like he is preparing himself for something. Who knows?

  58. She's probably the one that tells him this stuff

  59. Cat's got her tongue. She's probably not going to say anything about this. She posted something on her twitter recently about people following her only for her shading a friend's wife and then immediately deleted it; which is kind of rich coming from her.

  60. Stacey9:20 AM

    You are so right. Maybe one of the enterns is on the show?

  61. SHEEPskin11:54 AM

    When i said this blind was just for clicks I didnt mean this MANY damn

  62. Mandy1:37 PM

    Why aren't ever any pictures or evidence? There's always blinds about this dude and this costar but there's never any proof.
    I'm really hoping this is true bc imagine the drama! But still won't believe anything until I see it TBH

  63. ItsMe2:05 PM

    Shit you guys really care about Arrow

  64. Intrigued8:41 PM

    I want to hear more about Stephen being trash. Do you mean unfaithful trash or other forms of dickish behavior? At this point it wouldn't surprise me a bit but nobody's coming through with details and I'm thirsty.

  65. Intrigued8:53 PM

    While he clapped back at that fakemarried account, notice that he has never addressed the rumors and people shipping him and Emily, whereas other actors in similar scenarios have, for example Heughan and Balfe, and even Jennifer Morrison has asked people to respect her co-star's wife.

    He may get pushed into denying it but he hasn't yet. Some people take his marriage at face value and think it's goals. Others look at their interactions and photos over the past 1-2 years and see a distinct lack of connection and warmth. Forget Emily, 90% of the time Stephen looks happier and more relaxed with anyone other than his wife.

    I don't know what the truth is, and I think Enty is baiting the fandom with fake blinds, but something is not as it seems here.

  66. Intrigued9:01 PM

    Oh honey, if you think Stephen (or anyone) is 100% honest with fans I cannot fathom the depth of your naivete. How could you possibly know that anyway? You are projecting as much as you think trash shippers are delusional.

  67. Stinn9:05 PM

    Stephen Amell and Emily Bett, duh. When is he gonna divorce???

  68. 'He is 100% honest with his fans' - awwwww bless you. So innocent. So pure.

  69. I agree with this! He's been banging on about his wife so much recently when he never did before. Makes me think he has something to hide. Sometimes I think maybe he really does love his wife but then I see pictures of him carrying other women and kissing them all over their cheeks & looking much happier in the company of other females and something is a miss! I don't where Emily fits into all of this though. For the most part, he's always referred to her as his very platonic friend & their chemistry is not the same as it used to be. I think Emily is fed up with these rumours because she's taken a step back from social media in recent weeks.

  70. *yawn* his wife will be pregnant with baby no.2 soon & people will still be dumb enough to believe this fake blind. The same thing happened with Damie fans. They were so sure Jamie Dornan was having an affair with Dakota & it turned out to be nonsense. Seems to be a pattern on here to make it look as though the male lead is going to divorce his wife for his younger costar.

  71. I don't know how much truth there is behind this Blind, maybe none, but I don't think anyone can dismiss it on the grounds that they don't think he spends enough time with Emily for it to be true.

    Firstly because who knows what happens on set, where they spends loads of time together, secondly because they only share on social media what they want people to see - and Stephen projects his 'family man' image pretty aggressively. It might be entirely genuine, or he might make out it's all sunshine and roses at home because that's in line with the image he wants to project. I think the latter plays a role, this is a guy who says publicly that him and his wife 'never fight', which is just BS for any couple.

  72. I'm sure knottedyarn & those fan girls on Twitter are having a field day with this blind. Let's just all ignore everything Stephen says and does & listen to an anonymous fat man who frequently makes things up about celebrities to get a bunch of hits on his website. Tragic really.

  73. Oh my GOD, is this getting old. Everyone who pays attention knows it's Stephen and Emily Bett. To the person who thinks Stephen is 100% honest and open with his fans - dude/girl, you don't understand how the world works. Stephen is clearly a nice, generous and attentive guy. And, yes, he cares about his fans. But his personal life has always seemed a little shady. He is a wonderful dad, that's for sure. But this is a man who calls his first marriage ''a long term relationship''. Yes, he was married before and seems to try and hide it. It's HIS business, he doesn't owe anyone an explanation, but he sure as hell isn't completely open, and with the way he acts when his wife is around... Just doesn't look like a happy marriage to me, that's all. Emily or no Emily, whenever I see him around his lady, he looks strained:

  74. Blinds about these two are always fun - keep 'em coming Enty, they're entertaining if nothing else! :)

  75. Yes Mary! Agreed!

  76. I have a feeling if Stephen's wife was about to get pregnant again it would've happened by now. And, look, I'm not one of those ppl who claim his marriage was ''always a fake'' or he did it for the green card or as a rebound or whatever(after his tragic first marriage). I think the earlier pics of him and Cassandra look lovely and their little girl is a beautiful proof there was passion once. That is probably why Stephen used to talk aggressively about wanting more children with Cassandra before. Now when he's asked about more kids at cons (and not by the PR ridden TMNT press guys) his answer is usually an evasive ''time will tell'' or ''we are busy at the moment''. Which seems honest for him, except his wife doesn't have a job, but DOES have like 3 nannies. So, no, not everyone here just wants people to have affairs. It's simply that a lot of the people who believe this blind to be true have been fans of Stephen, Arrow, Emily, David for a long time, and we've made observations. And Stephen/Emily is different than Jamie Dornan, because Stephen is like an open book. He is accessible with his emotions, which is why it seems weird when I don't really see any love/warmth coming from him whenever his wife is around. And honestly - I am not a naive teen girl - I don't expect there to be a ''happily-ever-after'' wedding and riding into the sunset for Stephen and EBR, Hollywood affairs rarely end like that. Besides, he is much older and has a toddler. His marriage though.... I would bet A LOT of money that there isn't gonna be a baby #2, I'll leave it at that. :)

  77. This is my point exactly. Emily or no Emily, he just never looks happy with his wife anymore, but DOES with other women. Now, I'm not implying he just sleeps around all the time. I think he and Emily had an affair at SOME point - what were the circumstances and how serious are/were they.... remains to be seen.

  78. Intrigued12:14 AM

    Not just other women, ANYONE else.

  79. Knotty12:43 AM

    How about keeping my name out of your mouth. Nothing I say affects you so step off. After all you love the drama too or you wouldn't be here. Don't try to play high and mighty on someone else's blog talking about them when you're HERE. In addition don't go calling me out when their are thousands doing the same thing. You don't have to read one single word. But you do. I don't subject myself to reading things/viewing things I don't like. And if by chance I happen across them, I don't go to THEIR house and talk about them. Go read something that pleases you more and makes you happy. You and this thread would be better for it.

  80. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Lol there is a difference between commenting on one blind and having a blog dedicated to the idea married man and his co-star is fucking. Dont be surprised people mention you when you are practically one of the leaders of this stemily cult

  81. Look everyone who checks out this site is a gossip monger so there is no difference in viewing here or viewing on another page that is specifically about certain ppl. It's all speculation and gossip and there is no higher ground with either so stay in your lane.

  82. I liked how he said they never fight. And then the camera pans over to the wife. Her reaction was very telling. He's been selling that whole family man thing recently. And I am not buying it. He's a really good father no doubt about that. Seems like when he speaks about his family, he's mostly referring to his daughter. I think at some point there was no doubt that he was in love with his wife but I really do think that her living in LA and him living in Van what nine months or more out of the year can easily tear any marriage apart. Marriage is about making sacrifices for each other and honestly, her answer for not living in Van because she doesn't like it is absolute bullshit.

  83. You don't need to call people out here and as Anon mentioned this is basically speculation gossip you can easily get anywhere else. And for someone who thinks this is made up just to get hits, you sure took the time and research to not only called someone out but to comment on this. Seems like you're a fan girl yourself.

  84. Shenika1:58 AM

    You know the more you talk knotty, the more you're proven wrong. Turtles promotion is finished now & guess what he's still doing? Still talking about his wife and still spending days on end with her & their daughter. He's as cool as a cucumber because he's got nothing to hide. You make too many excuses for why he does the things he does because you'd liked to believe all these fake blinds are true. You'd like to believe that he doesn't want to have more kids with his wife & that he only said it for PR purposes because you hate her & don't want to accept that she's not going anywhere. You can't hold onto false hope forever. Let it go knotty. Some of us want to see Emily & Stephen promoting the show together again & sharing pics with us but it's people like you that have scared them away. Ain't nothing going on but friendship between those two!

  85. Knotty1:58 AM

    HAAA! Follow me I am your leader!!! You're here too!!! I don't tag anyone ever. So if you know me you've searched me out. Why? I stay in my lane and I don't come for people unless they call for me. I don't mind folks speaking of my blog in a veiled sense because that's how I roll. Talk about it, but keep my name out your mouth. I don't bring my thoughts to the parties involved, it's people similar to you that are so up in arms at our chatter that do. Many people think people such as yourself are delusional be we don't come at you for it. We don't put blogs that worship his marriage on blast for what some perceive is delusion. If you think we're crazy that's cool. Let us stay in our little bubble and let us be.

  86. Knotty1:59 AM

    Simply put, you don't know what I know. But you will.

  87. Honey2:06 AM

    She's got some new gig in Vancouver which will probably keep her there for the whole summer of maybe indefinitely. Seems she actually listened to all those people throwing shade at her for not being there because not only is she in Vancouver at the moment, she's also been showing up on set. I've seen many people say this before and I have to agree. She is a gold digger. Period. She knows Stephen is too weak of a man to ever leave her (particularly after being dumped by his first wife). He will let her walk all over him & exploit his name & fame for her own gains because he wants people to believe his life is perfect. Anyone with eyes can see that man is happy with anyone that isn't his wife. That's why he called that fake married account out.

  88. You're right about him being an open book. If you compare his interactions with Emily and that of his wife, there is a HUGE difference. Notice how when he is posing with Em there is no space between them and there is always a huge smile on his face and then look at the ones with the wife. It's very telling. Hell even look at the ones with Megan you can also see the difference.

  89. Sorry, but do you know Stephen Amell personally? Do you have inside knowledge of his marriage? NO, so you actually have no proof whether or not his marriage is real. We also have no proof that this blind item is real or not. But the fact is, Amell is selling an image of a happy family and while his wife lives in the US 95% of the time and he lives in Canada. If it was so happy, she'd be living with him while he filmed. She doesn't because she doesn't like the cold. That's not a happy marriage.
    As for mocking that twitter account that attacked his marriage, don't you think it strange that he suddenly did that after all the rumours of the girl from the comic con last weekend? Don't you think it strange that he attacked an account with only 10 followers and who hadn't even tagged him? Seems like it touched a nerve. But then that's none of my business.

  90. Shenika2:13 AM

    Simply put, someone is taking you for a mug. Don't be that person in the fandom who believes "sources". You're gonna be mad disappointed when things don't turn out the way you think they will. Just saying.

  91. I completely agree with you. He never denied the accusations. All he did was called the person awful and then sarcastically commented on FB that he called the paps when someone questioned him about their love being fake and that they were going to some park to express their fake love. I personally think they are separated and are just keeping up appearances.

  92. People on here saying that Cassanhoe is making more of an effort to be in Van etc- just remember, a leopard never changes its spots. This is the same woman who openly degrades other women for their choice of clothing & their interest or rather, lack of interest in sports & how this will affect the way men look & think of them. She's not a girls girl. She's a mean spirited woman at heart. Anyone that tries to give her the benefit of the doubt, please read the account from a woman who was bullied by Stephen's wife during high school. You'll see that she hasn't really changed at all. she'll do anything to stay in that marriage because Stephen is her meal ticket to success.

  93. Oh, this makes perfect sense why she was at all of the turtles promos. It's was basically her coming out and it would tie in with why she has a new gig. Why does this feel like the divorce is coming? Her actually getting a job is quite surprising. This also explains the photo shoot she posted about. But seriously who would hire her. She is a terrible actress and even worsts at modelling.

  94. You've been writing blinds about these 2 for years now. It's getting boring. Stephen is too busy trying to be the next hot shot movie star so I don't think he'd have an affair. Plus he's suddenly all about his wife so you know he must be feeling guilty about not giving her enough attention. Emily is being annoying as usual- not bothering to interact with fans, not going to cons, not talking about arrow. Stephen's wife suits him perfectly. Both arrogant and fame hungry. Emily doesn't have enough confidence or ambition to interest the likes of a man with an ego as big as Stephen's. I don't see these 2 even being close friends let alone having an affair.

  95. My point exactly. She is a mean bitch. I first saw her years ago on ANTM and I hated her. The whole damn house hated her and she wasn't even there for a long time. Can you imagine the type of person she was to actually have everyone hating her? Marrying Stephen is all she is known for and will ever be known for. Sometimes I feel bad for him and then I realized that they probably deserve each other. Him being an egotistical asshole and she a racist bitch. I hope this rumour is not true so that Em doesn't get drag into this craziness. But if it turns out true, well good for him for growing a pair.

  96. Where's the photographic evidence? Where are the TMZ/People reports? If it's not coming from a legit source, it's not likely to be true.

  97. Get a brain, Katie Cassidy was fired off Arrow. She is not on the show anymore.

  98. Girl, say what u will, but Stephen is as far from being ''cool as a cucumber'' as humanly possible - and u'd see that if u actually took notice. He lashes out like a mean donkey whenever someone calls him out on this. Instead of rationally denying this or defending his wife, he attacks as a teenage boy. That indicates having something to hide for me. And u know what? You are right!!! Stephen and Em don't promote the show together. But WHY? Are they the only co-stars who are rumored to be together?? OF COURSE, not. Jennifer Morrison and Colin O'Donoghue had LOTS of this going, if not more, and they never stopped being cute and lovely in public, because clearly he loved his wife and the rumors were wrong. IanS and NinaD continued the promotion even after their r-ship shitstorm, because they are professionals and it all was out in the public anyway. So, why exactly can't Stephen and Emily act like adults and promote their show together? Because they DO have something to hide. And more and more ppl start asking Qs about his weird marriage. Blinds like this drop. Ppl close to Stephen shade his wife. Even his safe space fb page sees more and more questions like - why exactly does a happy family spend more than half a year apart when the wife has no job, but DOES have a little girl whom the father should probably see more than on desperate, tired w-ends when he flies thru half the world to wherever his wife is partying. But,dear, if you DO think, from the bottom of your heart, that this is a great marriage, then you know what - I wish you find one EXACTLY like this, lol

  99. Triangle5:14 AM

    { Some of us want to see Emily & Stephen promoting the show together again & sharing pics with us but it’s people like you that have scared them away. Ain’t nothing going on but friendship between those two!}

    They aren't the first nor the last co-star celebrities to have such suspicions flying around. They don't even have it that bad, like the One Direction boys, yet they never stopped being friends just because of fan "rumors". Why would any smart person ruin their career and friendship over internet noise. If there is nothing sexual between Steven & Em, then there would be nothing to hide. They should take pictures/videos or whatever that costars playing a main couple do and what platonic costars do.

    Heck how about some pics of Cassandra & Emily or with the three of them. That will be a quick way to diffuse rumors. They are all on the set of Arrow, if there is no bad blood then how come the two women close to him, dont even act like the other exist.

    Their silence and avoidance, only fuels the Stemily talk. There isnt a single day that Emily reached out to Cassandra and asked fans to stop believing that her & Stephen were having an affair. Likewise Stephen has never addressed the stories directly either, and whats the deal with pushing single dad image on his social media. His wife only showed up for the Turtles PR Tour.

  100. NosyMack5:40 AM

    Im sure Carina has a lot to tell since she lives with Emily, and is such a busybody.

  101. Because as soon as there are pics, the intrigue is over. Of course, the real drama with Stephen and Emily would just begin, but as far as this page is concerned... There's no secrecy anymore, no ''secret meetings'' to report. There has to be proof eventually, but right now ''the talk'' of Stephen and Emily is actually just getting more and more attention, so I don't expect this site to kill ''the buzz'' so soon. ;)

  102. These Stephen & Emily blinds just confuse & annoy me. There sketchiness around each other leads me to believe that something is going on. But the way he has been putting his wife on a pedestal these past couple of months has left me skeptical. Why the persistent rumours but no actual progress? If they have been seeing each other off set, why have other news outlets not picked up on it? He's pretty famous now. Surely someone would see them and report real evidence? I remember enty getting into a fight with a Vancouver pap who sees Emily & Stephen out & about all the time (separately not together) & said there was nothing going on. He also said that enty was a liar & refuted claims that there are pictures floating around of them kissing behind a restaurant. He is a much more reliable source because he's based in Van. I have reason to believe that this is once again a case of over zealous fans hoping to see their faves get together but ultimately getting disappointed because the rumours will turn out to be just that- a rumour & nothing more!

  103. Intrigued8:01 AM

    If you're talking, and you are, about Canadagr@phs, that guy is the farthest thing from reliable. He loathes Emily with an intensity that borders on psychotic and for no reason he'll disclose, probably because it isn't rational. In general that man dislikes a lot of female actors he encounters, is less likely to come down hard of make actors (though he does hate some). He is a grade A jerk.

  104. This is to funny!! What world do you live on in lol

  105. It's not canadagraphs. I think his name is Ken or Kevin or something along those lines. I know cgraph got into a fight with enty but this other pap seems a bit calmer.

  106. SmoakinF8:23 AM

    That's can@dagraphs best friend. Same thing. They both hate Emily for no reason, their reports are not reliable.

  107. Yep, Cgraph is a two face misogynistic pig. Everyone knows how much he hates Em but he still goes after her for autographs. If I was Em I would file a restraining order against that piece of filth. But still you have to wonder though if they are really pictures circulating, I am pretty sure Cgraph would have already tried to get his hands on them because of his hatred for Em. That man would do anything to get his five minutes.

  108. I think Amell wants people to think he's this super nice, grounded dude, with the perfect family life, but since his 'big movie' bombed this summer, he's been trying waaaay too hard, and it's coming off insincere now. It's often the dudes who shout loudest about how transparent they are that have the most to hide, and this dude's ego is unquestionably massive. He's just the kind of guy to have his cake and bit on the side too, and get arrogantly pissed when people start to question him.

  109. Helius1:08 AM

    Not all celebrities are created equal. Stephen or Emily aren't that popular to have Paparazzi following them around. Arrow hasn't even reached the pop cult status of shows like Vampire Diaries, Buffy for example. And it helps that they are based in Vancouver not California. Canadagraphs specialises in covering TV shows location shoots, not celebrity personal lives/scandals/gossip. Even if he did know something ( I doubt it), you are not going to get anything from him, it might compromise his job.

    Remember how Colton Haynes played straight for years despite the gay rumors, that has taught me that Hollywood PR can be very convincing and effective. Enty aside, Stephen/Emily speculation has been going on for a while if there was nothing fueling it, they would have died down by now. In fact, I would even say they have been catching fire this year.

    But yeah I would welcome some visual evidence of these two in action please, or for some big news soon. I'm tired of all these games Stephen is playing. He can't dangle two women like this forever. Its about time his lies and deceptions are revealed, especially to his fan-worshipers who buys everything he says. Time to live his truth.

  110. Nayna6:31 AM

    The power is ALWAYS in a woman's hand. I think the balls are in Emily's court. The way Stephen has been acting up recently leads me to believe that maybe she doesn't want a relationship with him. She did imply that she might be dating someone casually in a recent tweet. It would explain his reluctance to promote anything with her & suddenly brushing olicity off as if to suggest that he never liked it in the first place. He has really changed his tune recently & he's coming off as a really jealous & insecure man. Emily deserves so much better!

  111. Definitely Stephen Amell & Emily Bett Rickards I love these two and Stephen needs to get over his fear, grow a pair and file for divorce....stop living a fake life just to pull the happy married guy, Go follow your happiness and definitely not with his racist failed actress & model Cassandra Jean.

  112. LOL can you actually believe this guy is STILL married to a racist & STILL trying to prop her talentless ass. He's one of those men unfortunately. Too busy worrying about what other people think of him & not actually living for himself.

  113. Woah so many comments! Late to the party but definitely Stephen Amell & Emily Bett Rickards. I'd like to believe it but he's too much of a Mr Perfect & broadcasts way too much of his personal life for me to be convinced he'd be capable of deceiving his audience. Sorry but this one needs actual photographic evidence to be legit. Pics or didn't happen

  114. Tonya6:32 AM

    Why is everyone on here going hard at Stephen? If anyone is making it more obvious that they have something to hide, it's Emily. She's stayed silent throughout all the rumours & all the backlash. Don't know if they are having an affair but not saying anything at all does little to quash the rumours. That being said, stephen & Emily's cast mates are constantly gushing about how wonderful they are & I don't think that would be the case if adultery was involved.

  115. To be honest i think satan himself would keep quiet if he knew anything between these 2. If amell is seeing this girl and they are happy good luck to them . The wife will only resent him if she has to stay in van. She will be back to her drinking buddies no doubt.

  116. Maybe because they know how difficult his wife is. I'm not pro adultery by any means but it doesn't mean they aren't really kind people. We don't know the circumstances of his marriage that lead to this. Besides that he and Em seem far more suited IMO.

  117. Definitely Stephen Amell & Emily bett Rickards. I can't wait till he files for divorce so he & Emil can go publicly and freely. Enough with the fake marriage, Mr. Amell.

  118. I don't know if this is blind is accurate or not, but it certainly is not far fetched considering that they visited the production office as they started filming(recent pictures in twitter) BUT for those people who constantly ask whether there's actual proof(like pics, videos, etc.) here's one that was taken when they didn't know they were filmed in a video: http://oliverqlovesfelicity.tumblr.com/post/123068683637/in-honor-of-comic-con-happening-again-next-week-i

    Basically every interview they've done together proves at least that there's a LOT of sexual attraction between them, even if nothing's ever happened. Also there's been a lot of "stealthy" pics of them in social media when they haven't realised that their fans always find out. Like him wearing her purse and jacket over his suit, them being awfully close in a background of another picture once again thinking nobody sees etc etc.

    I have no idea what kind of person his wife is in real life, but based on social media, she comes across bit thoughtless and entitled, and his many posts how much he misses his daughter and how pitifully little time he gets to spend with her, indicates that she doesn't much care - she doesn't have a job, no projects unless drinking, partying and holidays are considered? Her daughter has several nannies, AND is in a daycare, so motherly duties don't seem to be a priority either. Anyway, I don't believe their marriage is malicious or bitter, I just think they are buddies and that's it.

  119. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Speaking about EBR and her love life, I'm kinda curious what you think about these pics from her and her friends' Instagram:








  120. Blind gossip have also picked up on Stephen Amell's infidelity & he's still going about his social media denying the marriage trouble rumours. He is what we young people in the uk like to call a 'wasteman'. How long is he going to continue denying everything before bigger news outlets start to jump on the bandwagon? He's not getting a lot of good press recently. Should nip things in the bud before the rumours get worse.

  121. No matter how terrible the wife is, he is still far worse for choosing to cheat on her instead of divorcing her. He chooses to be in this situation...

  122. What girl at what convention? I can't find anything about that

  123. These pics are all her and her best friends. Most women have pics with their best friends. It's the norm for women her age.

  124. There was a girl called Asia who worked as a volunteer at the HVFF convention. She posted pics with SA and they looked very familiar and close, and then she intimated that SA asked to take her home. I can't remember her twitter handle, sorry. But I think she was making it more than it actually was. I just thought Stephen's behaviour strange after that happened. Fandom picked up on it immediately.

  125. The wiki site, Fandom.com? They didn't have anything on it, either

  126. Anonymous6:59 AM

    You know, to me she seems to be more than a best friend....For example, in this pic FS says:

    fantasesayYou get ready with your life partners. E - C - K - F

    Both Colton and Kirk are gay men, so the list of names might as well go E-F-C-K, right? And isn't "life partners" an odd way to describe your best female friend?

    Look at the top left pic:


    If SA and EBR had looked this way at each other, the #stemily shippers would have been gushing over their smouldering eye sex and how they can't keep their eyes and hands off each other!

    Maybe "just friends" call each other "Boo Bear", but to me it seems pretty intimate....

    fantasesaySometimes boo bear gotta catch some extra zees.


    And I guess young female friends hold hands when they're out with their gay male friends:


    No hidden implications in this pic either, I presume, just two platonic friends having fun?


    I don't care who EBR dates or if she's into boys or girls, but I find it puzzling and highly amusing how the same #stemily shippers who analyze every glance, gesture and body language to find hidden signs of Stephen's infatuation with Emily, fail to see anything but pure platonic friendship in the above pics. These trash shippers view every random tweet and comment coming from SA or EBR as a coded love message, but are apparently blind to the possible hidden meanings in EBR's or Fanta's Instagram comments....

    I also wonder when exactly SA and EBR have the time to engage in all these steamy extra-marital activities, when EBR seems to spend most of her free time with her Vancouver BFF (family dinners, parties, trips to Paris etc), and Stephen spends as much time as he can with his family. People seem to think that they sneak into each other's vans when they're filming, but according to Vancouver paps they hardly ever hang out on set.

    And the above blind item is just ludicrous...Given that there were only three people present, how did Enty even learn about the debacle? Do Vancouver drivers have hotlines to Enty? Who told Enty about the tĂȘte-a-tĂȘte at the back seat of the car? Did EBR spill the beans to her journalist buddies, who then threw themselves on the phone to CDAN to out their buddy as an adulteress? I understand that trash shippers are desperate to believe that SA and EBR are so consumed by lust that they would risk everything by making out in the company car, but in order to buy this BI you just have to throw away every remnant of logical thinking.

    Maybe it's a matter of perspective? On LGBT gossip sites lots of people are speculating about the EBR/Fanta relationship, while they see no sparks between her and SA. I don't care either way, I'm just saying that it's just as likely as the #stemily speculations. And if anyone should jump on me and tell me I'm badmouthing EBR, I'd say that it's just as insulting to suggest that she's a homewrecker, who has been cheating on her colleagues wife for years....

  127. Here ya go. Her twitter handle.

