Thursday, July 28, 2016

Blind Item #1

Despite the drug use by this B+ list mostly television actor on a very hit network show and their volatile fights because of it, this former reality star turned actress continues to hook up with him while she looks for someone new. She has trouble letting go which is not good in this case. He will lose it when she finds someone new.


  1. sandybrook11:38 PM

    Doesn't really fit and i think they broke up--Katherine MacPhee/ Elys Gabel?

  2. barking3:01 AM COULD be katherine mcphee...

    but she doesnt really seem to 'have trouble letting go'....

    pretty shocked how she was a runnerup for american idol and somehow has a bigger career than any of them.

  3. Elissa3:17 AM

    Easy, Kat McPhee & Elyes Gabel. They were actually pretty cute together though... Despite the rumors and what not.
