Thursday, July 07, 2016

Blind Item #11

Don't believe the BS story being spun by reporters who wear kneepads for a living. The reason this former boybander was not at the big weekend shindig is the drug use. I have told you the rules repeatedly and that is rule #1. An addict is not going to leave the drugs behind. So, no invite and would have been asked to leave if he showed up.


  1. sandybrook4:32 AM

    Any 1D twink not named Harry

  2. Ms. Anne Thrope4:32 AM

    That Zayn kid that used to be in 1D

  3. sandybrook4:34 AM

    Besides Ryan Reynolds what guy would possibly want to go to that thing who wasn't a friend of her childhood bffs?

  4. Ms. Anne Thrope4:37 AM

    I'd rather have a colonoscopy & root canal back to back on the same day without anesthesia than hang with Taylor Swift.

  5. sandybrook4:39 AM

    :D :D

  6. bush bunny5:01 AM

    He wasn't invited because of his severe drug problem with heroin, and because Tay-Tay prefers her girlfriends sans men. This little PR 'romance' is about to fizzle out big time. Huddlepuddle has had as much of the BS as he can take. She will eventually become a recluse in one of her mansions. Wait.

  7. But isn't Cara D a raging drug addict too?

  8. They looked pretty chummy flying out of LAX last night to his acting gig in Australia. He certainly didnt look tired of her.

  9. cebii5:36 AM

    She probably uses but doesn't get addicted. Some people do that.

  10. bush bunny5:47 AM

    Did we see the same photo?! His face was stone. He looked like he was about to lose his lunch but was holding it in until he could get to a bathroom! Nothing chummy about that pic at all.

  11. Wendy6:01 AM

    Cara probably leaves her drugs at home, Zayn probably wouldn't so no invite for him. Just think, we could have had 4 couples in that photo sitting on laps instead of 3....

  12. mocka6:29 AM

    pretty sure hiddles is married to his male publicist.

  13. mocka6:30 AM

    @ms anne

    yea, gigi's 'boyfriend' naturally problematic heroin user

  14. James6:49 AM

    1 D-bags (oh sorry meant direction) it wouldn't surprise me at all if 1 or 2 members were closeted tinks

  15. dereks red gag ball12:43 PM

    Tt my penn pi s flaccid.I cannot talk too good,

  16. Sideburned1:54 PM

    Zayn Malik:

  17. longtimereader3:27 AM

    I'd bet gigi went with her real gf as well.
