Monday, June 20, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Retire The Molester

You probably didn't see this, because you have lives to live and all that, but there was a very important announcement that was quietly published. It looked like any other news release that an executive was leaving, but this departure signaled an end to an era of teen actors and actresses being molested at one network. The sweep it under the rug and pay who you have to pay mentality of this executive, teens were molested over the course of almost two decades by producers and executives. Instead of going to jail, most of these people have made themselves wealthy. The timing was right for this person to leave because there are some rumblings that some of the teens involved might start talking. It would take awhile to work its way up to the level of this person. I think the reason he was pushed out/retired now is that he is about to have a very messy divorce and one of the key people in the breakup of the marriage is this A- list singer who used to be an actress on the network. She has been sleeping with this executive for as long as anyone can remember and he basically finances her life. Sure, she has boyfriends, but this is the guy who has given her career boosts, and given her cash and gifts in the millions.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:11 AM

    Nickelodeon, Ariana Grande and Dan Schneider?

  2. Tricia133:12 AM

    Dan Schneider

  3. MontanaMarriott3:12 AM
    Russell Hicks, Nickelodeon's president

  4. Tricia133:13 AM

    Schneider/Selena Gomez or Demo Lovato

  5. sandybrook3:13 AM

    google says Dennis Swanson at Fox

  6. Kno Won Uno3:17 AM

    Thomas Staggs at Disney/Demi Lovato

  7. Kno Won Uno3:20 AM

    Thomas Staggs "abruptly" stepped down as Disney COO in April.
    He's 55 and a 26-year Disney veteran.

  8. Airhead3:29 AM

    I'm with the Ariana Grande guess, that girl just makes me feel weird, idk what it is thats off about her but there's something.

  9. crystalmeh3:44 AM

    I'm with you on this but didn't enty allude to demi coming out as lesbo with long time gf

    If this is true, I hope it all comes and these pigs fry!

  10. Kno Won Uno3:53 AM

    Demi might be bi. Enty prefers black & white without gray in between, so if there's a woman involved, Demi can only be 100% lesbian.
    If she's been hooking up with/manipulated by Mr Exec Guy for years, that tends to mess with the psyche and she's had a host of emotional issues. Eating disorders, drug use, hanging with that huge A-hole Valderrama for 6 frickin years. It just seems like all the signs are there in her life.
    Hope I'm wrong

  11. Selena Gomez & Demo Lovato are disney, Schneider is Nickelodeon

  12. Kno Won Uno4:04 AM

    Seemingly precocious sexuality when she's actually legal age? I find that creepy as well.

  13. Airhead4:26 AM

    because the statement I made was obviously related to sexuality... Not what I was saying.

  14. Kno Won Uno4:29 AM

    *I* find pretending to be an overtly seductive child at the age of 22 to be excessively creepy. Better?
    Have a wonderful day.

  15. blahblahblah4:37 AM

    To the point. And I agree.

  16. Elle B4:41 AM

    as much as I hope it's an "end of a era", it will continue. the problem isn't only with the evil people, it's with a society that lets it happen again & again.

  17. Airhead4:50 AM

    I agree with what you were saying, but its something deeper that I'm finding off about her is all I was trying to say.

  18. down will fall5:00 AM

    "Nickelodeon President Russell Hicks Exits Post"

    spent 18 years at the company...which means he started in 1998....

    out him to the world, and let the internet end him.

  19. The blank, soulless black of her eyes?

  20. Malibuborebee9:23 AM

    I bet Derek saw it because he has no life besides cdan and cleaning motel rooms

  21. Malibuborebee9:29 AM

    It's like ISIS. You kill them but more pop up

  22. Malibuborebee1:07 PM

    You're an imposter.

  23. Hot Cola2:57 PM

    She has *no soul?

  24. It would not surprise me if there was a scandal at Disney and we have , Bella Thorne, Selena and Demi subpoenaed on the witness stand to tell what they saw.

  25. Whywhywhy???10:12 PM

    I absolutely hate that he got that gig on NCIS...makes me look at Mark Harmon in a whole new light...

  26. Malibuborebee11:06 PM

    You think you can take my name and because you added a picture makes it yours? Go fuck yourself idiot.

  27. There are some big snags in this thing;

    1) Help her? Yeah right. Nick has NEVER have had any hands in her successful music career, and as long that I can remember NEVER ever actually promoted her. Her character was also treated as a second rate person and all. They only did that with Miranda, Victoria and even to a lesser extent with Jennette (if they can pronounce/write her last name right.) She all did this by herself.

    And when she finally got really big ONLY then they started to promote her big. All this to help Nick to get better rates and all.

    2) Since when does SHE need the money? She is already really very rich. If you what I mean.

    3) If this was for a long time, why coming with this blind now? There was never any blind about this at all. There are just too many contradictions.

    Enty just saw this news and wanted to conclude some else to create drama and all. If you know what I mean.

    Rumblings? Jamie was into the open and......*crickets* Nothing.

  28. If true, it would indeed explain a part of her psychological problems that she is having for years. Completely brainwashed into things that should not be happening. If you know what I mean.

  29. Edit: Nick really need someone like her, (NOT the way around) for it is pretty well-known that Nick has severe decline if comes to rates (They are THAT low)

  30. Malibuborebee11:54 AM

    You're still an impostor.

  31. Jim Summers6:14 AM

    It can't be Demi, she was fired from Disney and it ended the show "Sonny With A Chance", if she was getting banged by an executive he would have helped her keep her show.

  32. That Schneider dude is a real creep!
