Thursday, June 30, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Exhaustion

Earlier today one of my most favorite people tweeted this. "I feel like I've lived a sheltered life. To this day, I've never met anyone hospitalized for 'exhaustion'."

The person who Tweeted it is, Lisa Rieffel Dunn. So, I checked her IMDb page to see if this was possible. I ran across a few people right away so with her permission to use the Tweet but in no way shape or form did she contribute to this blind, lets have some fun.

  1. Go to her second credit. There is an actress from that show that I once saw unconscious from drugs. She basically ruined her career with drug use.

  2. I forgot she was on Ann Jillian's show. I miss Ann Jillian. She needs to come back to tv.

  3. The Cosby Show. Three actresses from that show had some serious nose candy issues. One still does.

  4. The Trials Of Rosie O'Neil. Did Sharon Gless use some drugs? Probably, but this is not about drugs on this one. You will have to click full cast to see this person. He used to be a B-/C+ list actor. He had a chance to go higher, but his first big break as a main cast member in a show was short lived because he had sex with the director's teenage mistress and the director said all kinds of things about him to everyone so he was only able to get mostly one offs or a couple of minor recurring type roles so he quit.

  5. Blossom. Click on full cast. There is an A list actress (for her genre) on there. I'm surprised she is alive after the 90's from all the drugs.


I could go on all day with these. So, I will. The later blind items will just be a continuation.


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