Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Drugs, Sex, Religion And Violence

Back in the day, this rocker was at his peak. I will give the band he was in permanent A list status. They have called it quits for now, but tour money will always be whispering in their ears. This guy has been married multiple times and probably slept with thousands of women. At this point in time he was a drug addict and sleeping with women all the time.

His main girlfriend at the time was also at her peak. Had some hits. More famous because of her mentor than anything else. Foreign born. One day she attends a family gathering and brings the rocker with her. Introduces him and shows off an antique diamond engagement ring. The two are getting married. Did I mention the family is very religious? Did I mention that during much of that visit the girlfriend and the rocker spent most of the time with the family doing drugs? Lots and lots of crack smoking. This relationship didn't last very long. Maybe a year. The rocker was doing a lot of drugs and his girlfriend singer was doing drugs. Her problem was that it conflicted heavily with her religious upbringing and family and would go crazy trying to stop because she thought she would go to hell if she didn't but she was so addicted she kept on smoking. That struggle caused her to lash out and she would beat the rocker all of the time for any slight. Cheating, not coming home or not being somewhere on time would set her off. He would beat her too. Lots. Drugs and just because he felt like it. Whenever he would beat her she would call her family to tell them but she never called the police. One day, when they nearly killed each other in a drug fueled fight, he walked away and never spoke to her again.


  1. Tricia133:11 AM

    Ozzie Osbourne/Black Sabbath?

  2. Tricia133:14 AM

    Tnelma Mayfair 1st wife/then GF?

  3. Derek Harvey3:14 AM

    Morris Day and Vanity

  4. MontanaMarriott3:15 AM

    Nikki Sixx and Vanity?

  5. Derek Harvey3:16 AM

    Vanity Nicky Sixx

  6. Derek Harvey3:16 AM

    yup my guess too

  7. sandybrook3:17 AM

    Nikki Sixx and Vanity?

  8. MontanaMarriott3:18 AM

    Damnnnn his entry in "who's dated who" is a list of porn stars and playmates

  9. Roxy Rue3:19 AM

    Nikki Sixx and Vanity. This was in his book, The Heroin Diaries

  10. sandybrook3:19 AM

    correctamundo! Montana wins!

  11. Derek Harvey3:20 AM

    I'm looking at hers-pretty impressive
    Adam Ant (he was the hot guys back in the day)
    Billy Idol
    Rick James
    John Stamos?!

  12. sandybrook3:21 AM

    all of the Crues' hoes are porn stars and playmates!

  13. Tricia133:21 AM

    Nice! I totally forgot they dated. Always thought it was a strange pairing

  14. Snookiemonster3:23 AM

    Tommy Lee and Mayte

  15. MontanaMarriott3:33 AM

    And some of them "dated" the same porn stars and playmates ICK NAST

  16. MontanaMarriott3:38 AM

    Wow she had hotties on her roster, but then again she was a gorgeous woman. I had no idea she was Canadian till I looked her up.

  17. Happydays3:39 AM

    Mick Jagger/Marianne faithful

  18. sandybrook3:43 AM

    at least they are keeping the STDs in the family.

  19. Guesser3:44 AM

    Not really a blind since both of them confirmed this time period. I think it's funny that you would say it was a problem because her family was religious, as if any caring family wouldn't be worried about their child being a crack addict and being beat up by their boyfriend.

  20. Yes. This is it!!! The Heroin diaries talks about this.

  21. therealcinabun4:38 AM

    She doesn't do drugs. And she's not that religious.

  22. therealcinabun4:42 AM

    Vanity was truly beautiful. But I don't think her family's all that religious. Had a horrible childhood, not close with her parents later, so even though the rest fits, I don't think it was her.
    I'd say Tyler & an ex but I don't know of one that he never saw again...want to say Mia's momma, but they saw each other again after splitting + blind doesn't mention kids.

  23. Clarisse McClellan5:27 AM

    Nikki Sixx and Vanity. She was a born again christian and he talks about their crack addiction in his book. Says he almost died in '87 and walked away.

  24. Malibuborebee5:44 AM

    Nah. Tyler = lots of drugs but no beatings (either giving or receiving)

  25. Laura Palmer8:59 AM

    No one was doing crack in the sixties, Marrianne was a strait up junky ...although I think Elka Summer was in a violent thing with Bryan. crack is eighties... nineties.

  26. If you're okay with your girl having been with a thousand guys, who really cares if you know one or two of them?

  27. therealcinabun11:36 AM

    She wasn't close to her family & they're not religious, either, so it doesn't work.

  28. peopleselbow12:16 PM

    THIS +1

    This waswaaay too easy

  29. Candyland1:34 PM

    For a different twist, Katy Perry & Russell Brand.

  30. Shalene7:30 PM

    lol you're right. I was thinking the same. But these gossip sites are so hard on religious ppl. As if religious people have to be perfect and in almost every religion it's clear that man will always battle with flesh.
