Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Today's Blind Items - The Body Collector

This celebrity is creepy looking even with just a superficial knowledge of the guy. Digging deeper and listening to stories about him from former employees, the creepy becomes even more pronounced. He has always had crazy fetishes. These are the kinds of fetishes that make horror movies. His big fetish is medical equipment. He loves using it on women and has spent millions of dollars on making his fetish fantasies happen. Surprisingly he has actually found several celebrities willing to experiment with him. One was a very long hidden relationship with an A list celebrity/reality star that kept her afloat financially for quite some time. One of his specialties is finding women much much older than himself to have a relationship with. Over the years, he has developed relationships with women in the last years of their lives. He has two reasons for these relationships. One is always money. He gets them to give him money while they are still alive and also in their will. His other request for their wills is that they donate their body to a medical lab for scientific purposes. The lab is owned by our celebrity. The lab does not really do any real great scientific work. It is just a place where our celebrity can go see all of the bodies and watch and watch and watch. He watches in person and from his home. He lives his life in pursuit of more dead bodies including his wife's body when she dies, if she hasn't already.


  1. Derek Harvey3:11 AM

    marilyn manson

  2. Tricia133:12 AM

    David Miascaviage

  3. sandybrook3:12 AM


  4. MontanaMarriott3:12 AM

    I thought Marilyn Manson till the last line

  5. Tricia133:12 AM

    David Miscaviage/His wife Shelly who is missing/ and Padma Laksmi maybe

  6. Derek Harvey3:13 AM

    and Kat Von Tease

  7. MontanaMarriott3:13 AM

    Yeah that last line leads me to think it's him but don't know him to have had a relationship with a reality star.

  8. Tricia133:13 AM

    Ex Scientolgy employees

  9. Derek Harvey3:14 AM

    details details haha

  10. Derek Harvey3:15 AM

    or Jesse James
    Kat Von Teese

  11. Tricia133:15 AM

    Says hidden. I said Padma because she's a gold digger that only dates rich men...but if he likes older women maybe it's Kris Jenner. She's always looking for a buck.

  12. Guesser3:18 AM

    He's the only one I can think of who has a wife who we wouldn't know if she was alive. Plus possibly owning a medical lab.

  13. Kno Won Uno3:19 AM

    Except for the "older" part, I'd think Billy Bob Thornton.

  14. Loopymommy3:21 AM

    Crispin Glover
    I remember seeing photos years ago where he had an ob/gyn exam table in his house, complete with stirrups.

  15. Chris3:30 AM

    Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt

  16. Out of all the blinds I've ever read here, this is the one I would like to see revealed the most!

    Even more than the gay mogul and the party van

  17. Chris3:32 AM

    von Anhalt

  18. Tricia133:36 AM

    Von Anhalt and Zsa Zsa Gabor great guess.
    A list reality star? Padma maybe- doesn't specify age there.

  19. Chris3:37 AM

    Anna Nicole for the reality star

  20. StewMcG3:38 AM

    I think you've got it

  21. Marianne3:42 AM

    I heard many stories about his creepiness for many years. However this is hook, line and sinker. Macabre and seriously a true mental case....Manson definitely.

  22. @Chris wiki says in his early life he was a "medical entrepreneur" specializing in remedial treatments. And mentions his fair with ANS

    I think you got it!

  23. I think you're trying to turn Kat and Dita into one person. :D

  24. TopperMadison4:05 AM

    Is this the "Heinz the Baron Kraus von Espy" who is married to Zsa Zsa? If so, that's who I read it as. He claimed to be the father of Anna Nichole Smith's baby.

  25. Son of a fuck whore out of all the pedophilia rape murder blinds this is the one that will haunt my dreams

  26. Derek Harvey4:15 AM

    *Kat Von D haha

  27. Tapioca4:17 AM

    Manson not only because he's an obvious freak but because he's not stupid, i can totally see him being into some weirdo medical fetish BS

    it's fascinating sure, i mean the human body and all that biology almost magical stuff happening on our insides but i think it's a bit too far and not just for the sake of knowledge and curiosity in that case oO

  28. Dutch4:59 AM

    Okay this is chill inducing. Please let this be one of the reveals.

  29. Do u have a link to that one? I'm at work and very bored lol

  30. madol5:26 AM

    has he heard of the internet?

    so much better stuff on it and there's no IRL acts necessary

  31. madol5:27 AM

    also how CRAZY if the person in this blind, and this whole story, became mainstream knowledge?

    can you IMAGINE the BATSH/T insanity that would follow in the media? sometimes I wish somebody would leak the truth just to see what would happen mainstream-wise

  32. Again, not me. But, you can have the name. It's fairly easy to see your posts are not ones I would post.

  33. Guesser6:52 AM

    I only remember gossip blogs calling him Prince Von A -hole. Could not remember his name.

  34. When I think 'creepy', I think Jonathan Cheban, or WTF his name is. Kim Kardashian's pet.

  35. Cindy Who?10:04 AM

    I have to admit: this is juicy! I hope its revealed. Anyway, I can't decide between people; Marilyn Manson or the guy Zsa Zsa Gabor married.

  36. Hot Cola11:23 AM

    The Scientology head guy, David sometjig or othere

  37. SnarkIsFun11:24 AM

    Yeah, it's pretty creepy . . . after 2 separate degrees in the field of medicine where I took Gross Anatomy and dissected human cadavers, I'd have to say that anyone who wants to watch that, who doesn't *have* to (ie, lab professor) has got to be a bit nutso. Wonder if they realize that prolonged exposure to formalin (the watered-down version of formaldehyde that they preserve bodies with) leads to brain cancer?

  38. Hot Cola11:24 AM

    Yes, he also looks like mejor twisted pet

  39. Laura Palmer11:27 AM

    Von Pervo has only married ZsaZsa no? Or does he have a bevy of old trashed out Beverly Hills widows? And I always wondered WTF with Anna Nicole. ..this is some crazy ass twelve kinds of f'd up so I call b.s..

  40. Hot Cola11:28 AM

    @chris, according to another blind here ( reveled ) , he is in a nursing home and suffering from dimentia. Can't remember his wife, ect. Just saying. ( could be a bs reveal. These happen too)

  41. Small Penis Porn11:40 AM

    Dave Navarro

  42. ZsaZsa's daughter claimed he wanted to put her mother's body on display after death. This is it.

  43. popcorn chicken12:30 PM

    I will now go and bathe in a tub full of holy water after reading this disgusting blind. Ewwwwwwwww. Also straight people call gay people perverted? pervs come in all stripes peeps

  44. This is Ted Cruz, aka the zodiac killer

  45. Everyone needs a hobby.

  46. Sd auntie3:38 PM

    David Miscavige for sure. This would require cash, property and high tech surveillance. Pure insanity

  47. chickenparm6:19 PM

    I really want to believe whoever this is, only watches the bodies decompose. my mind cannot allow myself to consider anything else beyond that.

    I also find jonathon Cheban creepy but don't think it is him as he seems asexual or only attracted to himself.

  48. Clarisse McClellan6:20 AM

    This is not Manson. He is not married and does not "support reality stars". He is odd, but that's not his style.

    This is Von Anhalt, the German medical experimenter who hid his 10 year relationship with Anna Nicole.

  49. therealcinabun7:13 AM

    Gravitar. Seriously. :-)

  50. therealcinabun7:15 AM

    Now that's just mean. Dave has his issues but I don't see how this could be him...
