Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Mr. X Blind Item #1

The people of this A/A+ list mostly movie actor are trying a new way to shape the conversation. Press releases disguised to look like articles that sympathetic publications post word for word. They hit comments sections of tabloid sites and Reddit hard all trying to make their client look good and his accuser look bad.


  1. Tricia134:01 AM

    Depp again really?

  2. sandybrook4:01 AM


  3. Kno Won Uno4:05 AM

    ...and that's what PR firms do for a living.
    Anyone who's reached adulthood and doesn't understand that should be punched in the throat.

  4. TopperMadison4:17 AM

    I'm still #TeamJohnny. I think Amber is wackadoodle-doo and I don't buy any of her stories, mainly because she keeps changing them.

    Plus, dog smuggling.

  5. sandybrook4:19 AM

    Amber needs to buy herself a Super-PAC donor or something--too bad she doesn't have any money.....yet.

  6. Kno Won Uno4:26 AM

    It was stupid to call the police about violation of the Order of Protection when his people came to get his stuff when A) he wasn't even there and B) there was a provision in the order about picking up his belongings. WTaF, Amber? Are you 13?

  7. blahblah4:27 AM

    I wonder if there was any other possible way to write this. Sometimes i find it very hard to believe Enty is a lawyer

  8. You all do realize this gossip site has written in the past how Amber is one of the good people in Hollywood. He mentioned it even before I knew anything about her. I don't think she was famous then. This was years ago. I'm sure that plays a fact in why blind gossip and Crazy Days reports it from her side.

  9. saras4:50 AM

    Worrying about two millionaires divorcing who likely abused each other plus other substances is not a priority...

  10. Dutch4:50 AM

    I would be surprised if this wasn't Depp.

  11. Please.I and many others who have in no way a relation with his team defend him all over the internet.Do you think he has paid people everywhere?No way.It's just that people don't believe Amber.Simple as that.#teamjohnny

  12. madol5:23 AM

    lol a particular type of user always at reddit......neckbeard & co.

  13. Mazoo5:42 AM

    So true, so many people fall for it, people need to look at the image being pushed and emphasised by the story rather than the story or gossip itself.

  14. Sadie6:23 AM

    Awww, I kinda like that Amber outsmarted Johnny. Her comment that "she was married to an old man who used to look like Johnny Depp!" Priceless. And a lesson to all those old guys out there who think women young enough to be their daughters think they (and not their bank accounts) are hot!

  15. Dumbass Depp need not worry. His best PR is Amber's stupid AF actions before and after the alleged assault. She is shady AF and is NOT as talented an actress as she think she is. NO ONE believes her. Its pretty clear this was the plan from Day ! of their 'relationship' and it she started the ball rolling by getting Dumbass Depp back on the drugs and alcohol. Can't feel too sorry for DD. Depp is an Dumbass for dumping his baby momma and falling for this trick. Instead of trying to relive his 20's, he should have focused on his kids who were at a critical age and really needed him when he decided to check out. There's no fool like an old fool.

  16. Chuchu7:47 AM

    Team Amber. Yeah she may a gold digger doesn't mean she was never abused. He abused Winona Ryder and Kate Moss. People forget before pirates of the carribean an dude was trashing hotel rooms and doing drugs. He's obviously back on the drugs. And Amber wouldn't come ford if she didn't have some sort of proof I'm waiting for a video or audio like what happened with Mel Gibson. And me personally all the bad pr being sent out regarding amber just makes Johnny look like a angry jealous douchebag. Bisexual! Still friends with an ex! Flirty with her female friends. Doesn't make her look bad. IMHO. Just makes him look like he has an excuse to abuse her.

  17. Laura Palmer8:20 AM

    I love the term whackadoodle.

  18. Laura Palmer8:21 AM


  19. Small Penis Porn11:15 AM

    Shen--I would like to point out that enty has also characterized as a casting couch surfer, in a less than sympathetic person. I think they both wrecked the marriage and were violent with each other. Thing is, Johnny's attorney is beyond shrewd, whereas Amber's attorney can't stop blabbing and there are holes in the story. No police report is indicative of hiding guilt. The emphasis on her needing protection and then the lack of a police report do not jibe. If she was afraid for her life then she would have sought refuge within the police that night, not lied to them (supposedly)

  20. Small Penis Porn11:21 AM

    *characterized Amber

  21. Depp, dont need enty to know this. It's funny because he looks worse for every support *artical* his team puts out

  22. Brilliant assessment of the situation, @pat.

  23. sandy d2:49 PM

    Depp is behaving like a text book abuser and Heard is behaving exactly how a typical abuse victim acts during the early times of leaving a batterer. How do I know this? Because that was once me. I spent yrs in DV therapy learning to understand the psychology of it all. And in the end the one thing that is still painful was how so many people were so delusional in their blind and ignorant support of my abuser and the ruthless attacks on me. I will never understand it! Be careful what you put out there supporting someone like Depp bc karma has a way of educating you!

  24. Barrel of Monkeys3:42 PM


  25. Barrel of Monkeys3:43 PM

    +1000 was to Pat's comment

  26. Clarisse McClellan6:03 AM


  27. therealcinabun6:39 AM

    Yes, but there have been multiple blinds in the last 1-2 years about how horrible she is. Someone said a week or so ago how she's the one forking out $s here now, hence the change from she's going to kill him to he beat her.
    I still haven't seen any viable proof that he hit her & the inconsistencies, etc in her stories have only furthered my opinions.
    If he beat her, he should go to jail. If she's lying, she should go to jail. But at this point, the latter, IMHO, is much more likely.

  28. therealcinabun6:57 AM

    No, it doesn't. Her not having a bruise, putting out texts & pics w/o time stamps, etc makes her look bad. IMHO she's either lying or needs new attorneys/PR people.

  29. StarKittenz1:15 PM

    Actually, she isn't acting like a typical DV victim at all.

  30. StarKittenz1:19 PM

    I think a lot of women are projecting their man hate with this story and it has little to do with looking at facts or even Amber Heard. If Johnny is spreading the word about anything it's nothing compared to the nonsense Amber's team/Amber is. Most DV survivors are offended by Amber not supporting her. Calm down, man haters. If he beat her justice will be served in court, not on your favorite tabloid, and if he didn't, you're supporting an abuser yourself. And no I don't work for Depp. It's just ridiculous how this is being played out in the court of public opinion, and the people siding with Amber should wonder why a DV would use a FILTER on her photos when she takes pictures of the abuse. Nobody would.

  31. Yes she is!!! Educate yourself somewhere other than LifeTime movies!

  32. […] June 14, 2016The people of this A/A+ list mostly movie actor are trying a new way to shape the conversation. Press releases disguised to look like articles that sympathetic publications post word for word. They hit comments sections of tabloid sites and Reddit hard all trying to make their client look good and his accuser look bad.Johnny Depp Anyone think maybe we know one of these people, or just a random crazy or two? FUCK YOU AND GIVE ME MY GODDAMN VENTI TWO PUMP LIGHT WHIP MOCHA YOU COCKSUCKING WHORE BEFORE I PUNCH YOU IN THE MOUTH. I just get unpleasant in my car. - Deej Healthy is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. Reply With Quote […]
