Saturday, June 11, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

May 14, 2016

This oft out of control mostly movie actress who was a big thing back in the day of course signed on to this upcoming long awaited sequel. Apparently when she saw a recent screening of it she sought out the director and had to be pulled off him because she felt he cut out too many of her scenes.

Vivica A Fox


  1. Kno Won Uno4:06 AM

    Actresses should take a course in "The Passage of Time"
    All we are is dust in the wind.

  2. Ms. Anne Thrope4:20 AM

    From the sounds of it this movie is going to be a huge flop.

  3. Derek's Thong4:37 AM


  4. Cinabun6:09 AM

    Is anyone else sick of seeing ads for Valtrex and disgusting incest sites on here? Who does Enty think we are?

  5. I think some of the ads are based on your own searches on amazon and google. I searched for a nerf gun on amazon four days ago (work related project) and have seen that ad here now a zillion times since then. All I'm seeing now are Nissan ads, Crowne Plaza hotel ads, and a couple of clothing stores. What HAVE you been searching???

  6. Ms. Anne Thrope7:06 AM

    I use the Ad Block Plus browser plug in & get zero ads. I highly recommend it. When a site refuses to let me use it unless I turn ABP off, I refuse to use that site.

  7. Elle Ghee7:08 AM

    Haha, this exchange made me laugh...+5000

  8. Ad Block Plus7:42 AM

    Agree with using Ad Block Plus. I see zero ads. And @Thia is correct that @Cinabun search history brings up his/her gross ads they are seeing.

  9. The ads you see are based on your search history. Awkward....

  10. Studio548:15 AM

    I love the Google ads. They are based on my own searches. Google knows me better than I know myself. Google knows NEVER to put up any ad related to K-trash, Kongay, etc.

  11. Guesser8:25 AM

    However, there is a slight chance that it picked up something from comments on the site.Thats why some sites censor words that aren't "dirty" such as p*rn, In**st , etc. If , for instance you may look up Woody Allen and come up with Inc*st, and if you had some type of ad block it wouldn't. Some block all ads,others only spyware types. Some sites won't load properly if you block the paid ads.I used to get foot fungus ads when one of the former regulars kept talking about it.

  12. Cinabun9:00 AM


  13. Megan00m9:03 AM

    I see Nordstrom shoes I've searched & dentists in my area!

  14. Mrsbellaj9:10 AM

    *mic drop*

  15. Derek Harvey9:19 AM

    uh NO honey pffft

    I get ads for cologne and books


  16. Derek Harvey9:21 AM

    imagine how many times "Derek Harvey" is typed into some of these peoples computers...lolllll...the internet is sad...

  17. Derek Harvey9:32 AM

    Trashy and homophobic rednecks with STDS? Oh, wait that is just some of you...

  18. Good luck with the Valtrex.

  19. Dereks Mommy9:46 AM

    Derek Harvey
    June 11, 2016 at 4:02 pm

  20. Dereks Mommy9:47 AM

    I see my son is on a bender again. sigh.

  21. Derek's Uncle Zeke (official family spokesperson)10:00 AM

    Derek gets ads for cologne because he's the Canada's Number 16 Avon lady.

  22. Derek Harvey10:07 AM

    I just came across that post and what I said was true. Lies lies lies is all ya got... 40 posts all about moi. I feel so honoured I am the sole focus of your life.....

  23. Guesser10:11 AM

    My ads are for local attorneys. I guess they found out I couldn't afford the Hermes purses that used to show up.

  24. emeraldcity10:46 AM

    I see no ads. Ad blocker is better than sliced bread.

  25. LaBomba10:47 AM


  26. Derek's inflamed ass pustule10:49 AM

    *scoots up a chair

  27. Derek Harvey11:10 AM

    It is 2016, phone books are as irrelevant as your corny jokes...

  28. blahblah11:24 AM

    Haha o0psie

  29. RightOn11:25 AM

    It is , you should know after all your exhaustive research on people!!!

  30. blahblah11:25 AM

    Lies lies lies

    You get everything about penis enlargers

  31. Kaitlyn11:30 AM

    He also called me a "whore "on that thread for something very diplomatic I posted a few days ago , I believe . Guess I'm part of a large group of victims attacked by him (It really is that scene in Mean Girls lolol). Most hands in da air at this point ffs.

  32. RightOn11:32 AM


  33. Derek Harvey11:33 AM

    That made zero sense...but my excpectations are pretty low of my 3 trolls...

  34. Derek Harvey11:37 AM

    You need to look-up the definition of diplomatic and feel free to look up whore...

  35. Derek Harvey11:43 AM

    And you just happen to know people are (once again) obsessing over me on this particular post? If I just called you those things and yet you are right here...busted.

  36. Dereks Boss11:48 AM

    I told you to get off the gosh darn internet and stop harassing people.And that dann Daily Mail you pour over all day.
    You're Fired.AGAIN. Well have to find someone else to make these beds with hospital corners. You did them great though,s eeing as though you have been to a few.

  37. Derek Harvey12:00 PM

    Have another one....

  38. DEREKS Glory Hole12:12 PM

    That's my line dammit!
    Why do they always say " no thanks "? Is that bad?

  39. Kaitlyn12:23 PM

    Um, I posted what I posted a few days ago. You responded today and my email alerted me. What's unclear? Nobody's obsessing on you wacko. Just commiserating over what an unbelievable asshole you are. There's a difference.

  40. Derek Harvey12:27 PM

    Sure, Jan...
    "Nobody is obsessing over you"
    Well, I suppose there was a reason I had words with you. I don't like MORONS...

  41. Derek's Chancre12:27 PM

    Don't you know those ads are for you, mister?!

  42. We are all humbled by life.

  43. Derek Harvey12:30 PM

    I wonder what happened to "Jake" etc....I AM ALERGIC TO BASIC OK
    "UM".... So DUMB.

  44. Derek's Chancre12:31 PM

    Daddy! You better pipe down or I'll have to flare up in a big way. You don't want to feel the burn, do you?

  45. Nice guy smh.

  46. Dereks Mommy12:46 PM

    LOL! This is better entertainment than Modern Family reruns.

  47. Derek Harvey1:47 PM

    just sent to my e-mail MOOKSHI xoxoxox

    Apparently there used to be a private FB group devoted to CDAN (in addition to the public FB page). I guess the "dominant group" back then was like Mooshki (I think that was her name?) and Jax and people like that. That was going back like 3 years ago, before I started like reading the comments and interacting with people, so I missed the drama. Back then, there was also a really nasty commenter who went by the name "The Black Cat."

    Around this same time (two years ago), there was an "off topic" site formed, that Enty promoted on CDAN a couple of times. Some nastiness started to bleed over onto the off topic site, so it was made private. One of the girls (prety sure it was Mookshi) who was on the private site was also a member of the private FB group. Apparently, someone in the private FB group didn't like that this girl was a part of both groups, so created a Blogger profile and started posting on CDAN with it. The Blogger profile name was the girl's infant nephew's full name (first and last), and the profile picture was a screenshot from Google Maps of the street view of her house. Completely fucked up, right? Well, the brain trust who did it didn't know how to take a screenshot; she took a photo of her computer screen, so there was a reflection of her face in the picture. The girl who was the victim recognized the picture as someone who was a member of the private FB group; it was The Black Cat! The Black Cat used personal information that she got from the girl's FB page to harass her on CDAN. The girl e-mailed Enty to have it taken down; nothing happened. Enty doesn't give a fuck.

  48. Derek Harvey1:54 PM

    Cat got your tongue WHORE---wait till I find the one that Tricia sent me about you!

  49. Derek Harvey1:57 PM

    they were both the same person--Blackcat and Mookshi


    I wish I had a pic of her ---can anyone help???

  50. Derek Harvey2:03 PM

    I slay slay slay

  51. Dereks Mommy2:15 PM

    i called. They are on their way to place my son on a 5150. He be cray cray.

  52. Barrel of Monkeys2:28 PM

    It's called Search Advertising. It places online advertisements on web pages that show results from search engine queries.

    Ads are generated by what you or someone using your device have searched for.

    Did you contact herpes from the incest sex?

  53. Barrel of Monkeys2:35 PM

    I remember those names posting here. I remember bits & pieces of all the craziness. I was just lurking then so I never interacted with any of them.

    I wish you'd share all of her emails to show she isn't the sweet innocent damsel in distress she plays. I'd like to read them & I'm sure others would too. Lay it all out on the table & let the chips fall where they may.

  54. Mooshki6:08 PM

    Dude, you're the one who posts under multiple names. I have been Mooshki, and only Mooshki, on CDAN since 2005.

  55. You can also turn off javascript, that stops all the ads on my old osx 10.6 Mac.

    The ads bulk up the page so much that if I open several pages, like on Reveal Days, my laptop running osx10,7 slows to a crawl and gets very overheated.

    Java off, ads stop, problem goes away.

  56. Baby Trisha Harvey11:18 PM

    Daddy, you always promise me you'll find emails exposing the trolls but you never do :(( it's like when you always say I can play with my My Little Pony's but you are always hiding them in your butt

  57. Baby Trisha Harvey11:20 PM

    Oh nooooo please call CPS too I don't want to be left alone with mommie she's so annoying and ignores me while taking selfies

  58. Umm what's the thread?

  59. Whywhywhy???12:41 AM

    Well that explains my gazillion shoe ads. And shoe places I NEVER shop like Zappos so somebody needs new algorithms cause I don't plan on shopping at either. I do buy online but not at the advertised.

  60. ANAL BEADS R US12:47 AM

    I've got news for Derek. No one is OBSESSED with you. That's too flattering. People are SICK of you and your filthy nastiness. People would like to run you outta here on a rail. People want you GONE.

  61. Derek Harvey12:54 AM

    Just evidence that you and your little "friends" are terrorists around here that pry into peoples personal lives---get a personal life of your OWN. I notice you don't deny this happened 10 ys ago when you were a poster and I notice you are not denying any involvement..sick sick sick. My trolls are dumb people (see Cinabon aka Boni) and my defenders are smart people...give it UP.

  62. Someone1:00 AM

    The Black Cat was the worst of the worst and my comment got moderated for calling her the biggest see you next Tuesday that ever lived. I'm glad she's dead because if you think Derek is vile, which he absolutely is, you have no idea how terrible the black cat was.

  63. Derek Harvey1:03 AM

    no worse than you and your homophobic moron friends with no lives..think of something else besides "vile"- troll

  64. Someone1:07 AM

    Maybe if you take the stick out of your ass you'll be nicer

  65. Kno Won Uno1:16 AM

    Lol! I used to swear I'd own a Birkin bag before I died. The closer I get, the less likely it seems. Owning a purse that costs more than my car might seem questionable, anyway.
    I get ads for dresses & animal hospitals. Maybe my cat's sick & has been browsing WebVet while I'm at work.
    I gotta search for 'free lawn care' ;-)

  66. Kno Won Uno1:17 AM

    No worky on mobile. I'm mostly on mobile on weekends.

  67. Kno Won Uno1:24 AM

    This shizz is so distracting.

  68. Truthin2:27 AM

    Funny. These days Derek is a normal poster and his detractors are the ones spewing filthy nastiness. Those are the ones people want GONE.

  69. The Black Cat2:47 AM

    Derek is VILE and you apparently are as well

  70. Truthin2:52 AM

    I'm sorry dear, but in order for you to insult me, I must first value your opinion. Nice try though.

  71. I used to work in mental health. Oh, we are getting there. And I'm not talking about Derek.

    Derek has a short fuse and blows once in awhile, and my personal bitch is Malibubee but I get they have anger management issues due to whatever. But if those are a few people against Derek <5, I hope it's good character creations and not schizophrenia.

    I'm sure it's not schizo, but let's not hit a "trigger". Because I'm seeing a blur with reality at this point. And it's beginning to worry me.

  72. Read up on mental illness. You need to let this go.

    The harder you use that part of your brain to "get even", the bigger it gets like a muscle. Don't do it. Don't push yourself to a disorder.

    "Om mani padmi ohm" until the anger passes.

  73. W. R. A. P


    Look it up. It gives you a grid to fill out to understand your triggers, how to avoid triggers, what to do when you find yourself having an episode.

    Lots of social workers work for free in all of US. Call one.

    Your mental health and happiness is everyone's priority.

  74. Anger Management, by Dr. xxx, PhD, UCLA

    Anger doesn't go from 0 to 100 mph. It's more of a glass. You start off as an empty glass. Anger, in this example, is the water that is poured in. You snap not at half a cup. You snap at when the water overflows.

    Your job is to make sure the water is always less that 25%.

    Suggested relaxation techniques therapy, visualization, exercise, chanting, praying, ....

    Talk to a therapist. Your world does not need to be in constant anger.

  75. And you don't have to get even. Evenness is created naturally called kharma in Buddhism. If you are Christian, turn the other cheek, God likes that. If you're Jewish or Muslim, I've got to get back to you. My studies in hippy dippy religion is still developing. Please give me time.

    If you're an atheists but a scientist, negative energy is a bitch. Don't do it.

  76. With that, I wish all of you well, as I do every night before I sleep bc my spiritual teacher said if I don't constantly strive for bodhichitta ( loving others at all times), then I'm going to be stuck with you fuckers down here for eternity. And I want to quit this bitch called rebirth asap, so I wish you well each and everyday. Natmaste.

  77. LaBomba3:52 AM

    You're the only telephone book here, Derek

  78. ...the land of unscared lunatics & scared cretins....

  79. Concerned Gossiper7:07 AM

    Everytime I see the phrase "nailed it", I'm triggered.

  80. Cinabun8:09 AM

    Taking my name on now fuckwad? LOSER.

  81. Cinabun8:10 AM


  82. Cinabun8:14 AM

    You know what's really awesome? To return here after a few days & find out your name's been taken by some asshole with nothing better to do.
    Guess I'm off to gravitar...sigh...

  83. Cinabun8:16 AM

    At least no one took over your screen name & started posting valtex & homophobic to gravitar...

  84. Cinabun8:17 AM

    I'm not a troll fuckwad someone took over my screen name...DUH...

  85. Cinabun8:20 AM

    I've had the same name (though recently stolen) for 2+ years too.
    And I'm not a troll.
    After all the times I defended this ass, you'd think he'd figure it out...but that's over now...what a pity...

  86. Mooshki8:36 AM

    Okay, here you go: I was in no way involved with any of that blowup. I am way too lazy to get involved with that kind of game. When I have a problem, I either bitch to my friends about it, or post how I feel here. What are you talking about with "10 years ago?" It was a whole different kind of shit-show in the comments back then because you could post anonymously so people had even less restraint than they do now. Your "trolls" and your defenders are probably the same make-up as the rest of the internet - some morons, some smart people, and lots of in-between.

    Also, I don't know a single one of my "'friends'" who continues to post or even read CDAN regularly. This kind of crap that you ruin the comments with has driven them all away. You're the one who needs to get over herself. 99.9% of people do not give a shit about you one way or the other.

  87. Cinabun8:38 AM

    @ fake cinabun
    Get a life
    Get a j-o-b
    Grow up
    How come you're too scared to post with your own name???

  88. Mooshki8:39 AM

    It sure couldn't hurt! :) What gets me about Derek is that she/he actually often has some pretty funny or clever things to say, and is good at tracking down blind guesses. If he/she acted like less of a douche, she/he would probably be as popular as she/he wants to be.

  89. Mooshki8:43 AM

    It's also pretty funny that you're still so fixated on me when literally no one but you even knows or cares who I am at this point. As I said above, as far as I know I am not friends with anyone currently commenting on CDAN. I know you think I'm fixated on you, but I would rather not be part of this drama - I wish I had more restraint to not comment on your crap at all - I just get so fucking sick of reading "Nailed it" over and over and over and over and over. And having half the comments be you typing off little bits as fast as you can just so you can try to be "first." Dude, talking about 10 years ago, that's about the time that everyone figured out that being "first" was actually super lame.

  90. Derek Harvey8:48 AM

    You would need a password though-am I not right? so this is more "anonymous" than what it was before. And dont shoot the messenger--how the heck would I know all that-I swear I was not here-I already told you that. I believe you (I suppose-and it is hard) so please have enough respect to believe me.

    Last thing though: And this is my last post of the night-this place is suppose to be fun -NOT draining. A year or (maybe 2?) ago when the format switched someone I was friendly with (think GOD KNOWS HE AINT NOW) had someone post some very personal info here -(wasnt me I dont even think I was there that day and had NO IDEA what was going on)-that person told me they heard it was probably YOU. So I am just saying your name gets tossed out A LOT . I didnt even know who you were-never really payed attention etc. So if what you are saying is true then I feel your annoyance and whatever the word is for being blamed for doing something you did not do..

    However I am not going to change what I say, how I say it, whom I like, whom I dont- just because people like YOU tell me to...

  91. Derek Harvey8:49 AM

    and here I am BEING F*CKEN NICE TO YOU????


  92. therealcinabun9:03 AM

    Try going in Google & searching for my regular screen name (cinabun) on can & check out how many times I defended you.
    After all the times I did so + you yourself being trolled & one day someone steals my name & you talk sh#t about me multiple times Call me a troll? You don't think you'd be pissed? Really? I think you might.
    I know you get trolled a lot but I have NEVER trolled you or anyone else. So I guess this negates your earlier apology? Check out my last post as cinabun on today's reveal & what I said.
    Your choice.
    But I'd suggest you do your homework 1st about what I've said about you before you made wrong assumptions about me.
    Then get back to me.

  93. therealcinabun9:08 AM

    New screen name +avatar since original (cinabun) was stolen.

  94. Derek Harvey9:09 AM

    Look I am not mad at you-and if you have defended me I sincerely thank-you-but I am trying to be nice and then you call me an ass--and you know I am short-tempered (only around here being called names) so lets just drop-it and start fresh-I am not apologizing for not knowing it was not you yesterday-but I am willing to look past it- knowing it was not you..

  95. OG CDaN9:41 AM

    It's happened to many as you might have already seen. And it will continue . Just ask yourself what or who the common denominator is and the reason all the absurdist, and extreme behavior. Even if you are newer. Shouldn't be hard to figure out.

  96. Kno Won Uno9:44 AM

    I think someone tried once. Here.
    It's happened to me other places since 1995.
    I don't pay much attention to the kind of people who spend all their time following someone else around the Internet. It's so 20th century.

  97. therealcinabun9:49 AM

    Well, from now on I'm using gravitar with this name since my original wasn't available.
    So, minor irritation solved.
    Do wonder why Enty doesn't use discus though.
    A my own personal troll? Gosh I'm so popular!!! ROFL
    Thx 4 reply
    Feel free to have fun with the fake troll. I know I will. :-)

  98. therealcinabun9:50 AM

    + infinity

  99. therealcinabun9:51 AM


  100. therealcinabun10:37 AM

    I called you an ass before you apologized. I haven't since. Time stamps of posts will verify.
    I'm over it. Not mad at you. Waiting for troll. :-)

  101. therealcinabun10:40 AM

    I like how you were so peaceful until you got to the "fuckers" part. :-)

  102. therealcinabun10:44 AM

    Nope it's not.
    It's not rocket science.

  103. Derek Harvey11:03 AM

    I never apologized ; )

  104. therealcinabun11:14 AM

    I believe it was along the lines of 'if this wasn't you then I apologize/am sorry.' Do I need to link it? Do you not want to move on?

  105. Derek Harvey11:17 AM

    Well, I'm a bit daft ( incase you didn't get the memo) WHO?

  106. Derek Harvey11:22 AM

    Ok well its a Canadian thing

  107. therealcinabun11:25 AM

    I don't know that it's 1 person, but it's possible. I don't think it's YOU, though. I think it's someone who enjoys giving you & others sh#t but they are too trollish to use the name(s) people know them by.

  108. therealcinabun11:26 AM

    And I don't think you'd keel over if you did 'officially' apologize. Just saying. :-)

  109. Derek Harvey11:40 AM

    Well don't hold your breath. From now on I will contine nailing it and talkIng with the nicer people (all 5 of them) Have fun! Just not with me.

  110. Barrel of Monkeys6:57 PM

    We should have realized you were being trolled due to the nature of the question.

    I apologize for my snark on your troll's post. I fell for the troll using your name. I'm sorry.

    It sucks that people have nothing better to do than to be shit stirrers. You know their personal lives must be in shambles for them to be so miserable online.

  111. Barrel of Monkeys6:59 PM


  112. LaBomba10:53 PM

    What gets me about Derek is that he's such a loser he has notes on website commenters about incidents that happened before he got here! I was here and remember when Derek came. That's like, TTM crazy.

  113. therealcinabun1:35 AM

    No worries. :-)
    Thanks for the apology.
    Seems the troll is done with my awesome name. Lol
    Should've taken @unemployable advice back in February when Obr showed up & done gravitar then. :-(

  114. therealcinabun1:36 AM

    Moving on...

  115. Unemployable2:09 PM

    Mike Webb is that you? The Gentlemen from Virginia strikes again! Good luck with your campaign, future congressmen, sir.

  116. Unemployable2:36 PM

    Hey Guys, I dont mean to change the subject but is anyone else seeing adds for hemorrhoid creme, and Zovirax and wart remover, and anal lube, and granny-porn sites, and anti-psychotic meds, and mail-order brides, and snuff-films and ...

  117. Unemployable2:42 PM

    By the way, all my adds are for Magnum condoms and Platinum credit cards and investment funds and how-to-books on how to stop accidentally giving women orgasms just by looking at them.

  118. Mooshki7:44 AM

    I assumed that "he" was here all along but using different names.

  119. Mooshki7:48 AM

    Nice try, but you've said things before that directly contradict all of this.
