Saturday, June 18, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 27, 2016

It was like an invasion. The staff of this celebrity couple say each person on the staff was taken to a room where multiple people were waiting. In the room, there was a ten page document which they were told to sign or they would lose their job. They were not given the opportunity to read it but were told they could have a copy after signing. It was a new NDA.

Kim Kardashian/Kanye West


  1. Bill Clinton3:25 AM

    Inhaled it

  2. zilla13:27 AM

    I'd say "see ya" and then shop around the tabloids for the highest bidder, story by story. I find it hard to believe Kimye pay their people THAT well.

  3. Sir Edmund Hillary3:41 AM

    Scaled it

  4. zilla13:42 AM

    Failed it

  5. Jenny3:44 AM

    Not legal, speak to union.

  6. honestly, im no fan of kardashians

    but lately, ive been wanting taylor swift to just come crashing down. she really profits hard off homophobia by snagging these closeted actors in exchange for fiction to write her songs.

  7. they probably had to sign the new NDA bc that bodyguard that got fired....he didnt hit on kim...

    kanye hit on him, and he rejected him obviously

    thats the real story

  8. Malibuborebee4:43 AM

    She doesn't actually write her songs, she pretends to write her songs.

    You don't have to choose, you can dislike the Kardashians and wish for the downfall of Swifty without any conflict whatsoever. Ain't life grand?

  9. Malibuborebee4:55 AM


    NDA's always make me laugh, this one is even funnier than usual. Because they didn't allow the employees to read the new NDA before signing it, any attempt to legally enforce that NDA will be thrown out of court.

  10. Derek's Parole Officer5:05 AM

    Jailed it

  11. Wouldn't making your staff sign an NDA without reading it make it null and void?

    If it were me I'd have flat out told them I'm not signing anything without reading it first. If they refused I'd be out of there. There are always more jobs out there.

  12. Mrsbellaj5:13 AM

    Someone who has nothing to lose needs to do a tell all and not give a F if they get sued. Get the juiciest secrets out first starting with dirt on PMK, Kim and Kanye.

  13. PA LEEZE5:35 AM

    Come on. That's a reach to say she profits off "homophobia". These so-called closeted actors are not forced to beard.

  14. BETTY BOTOX5:38 AM

    I find this super troubling because: A couple of months ago a complete stranger managed to gain access to Kris' home and waltz into Kris' office!!! And they're worried about what the help says? I know, priorities!

  15. crystalmeh6:11 AM

    Yet, why would you sign something you haven't read and how do you prove in court you never got to read what you signed?

    I know people will do anything to keep a job but still..

  16. Bondsman6:44 AM

    Bailed It.

    No way it's enforceable, but I doubt they have any lawyers on their staff so it'll serve its purpose of keeping them quiet.

  17. Taxi Cab7:17 AM

    Hailed it.

  18. NDA manuscript8:43 AM

    Kimmied it & Kanyed it.

  19. I personally wouldn't sign something I haven't read first. That's just asking for trouble.

    I don't know how you would prove it in court but people have sued with little to no evidence and have still won.

  20. numoon69:54 AM

    they live in their own private idaho.

  21. Studio541:45 PM

    The sex tape actress's own duplicity is catching up with her. She's been leaking to the press that she is going to divorce the narcissistic personality disorder and at the same time, bragging about her sham marriage. No. #3 is stupid and blinded by his ego, and thinks gagging the unfortunate people that have to work with them, covering up THE TRUTH, will SHUT UP the situation. It won't. People will for sure leak as they always have about this entire sham situation.

  22. Potato gun12:23 AM

    This be the definition of duress

  23. And-so-on..2:08 AM

    Of course they taped this incident.. hee hee.

  24. Just goes to show how uneducated Kim and Kanye are - and maybe their "team" as well for not allowing staff to read the NDA before signing. Stupid people.

  25. Studio549:05 AM

    They are stupid, both of them. But it's ego driven stupidity too, like PMK's massive ego in trying to pass of gay Corey, young enough to be her son, as any type of legitimate boyfriend.

  26. Derek Failed1:01 AM

    I excelled!
