Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 20, 2016

This now deceased permanent A+ list comic/actor once sat on this now deceased all-time A+ list comic for an entire day when the latter wanted to use drugs after a couple of days being clean.

Robin Williams/Richard Pryor


  1. Kno Won Uno3:36 AM

    I wonder who has the upper hand in the after life.

  2. Kno Won Uno3:42 AM

    Probably the guy who's not on fire.
    Good talk, self.

  3. crystalmeh3:59 AM

    I'm over these guys. Yeah, Aladdin and the toy are some of my all time faves (as well as almost everything else those 2 produced) but whyd they do what they did

    Such a huge waste.

  4. AndrewBW4:44 AM

    I think it's completely fair to call Richard Pryor a comic/actor, just like Robin Williams.

  5. Dutch4:52 AM

    Now that's a friend.

  6. Two greats sitting in heaven.
    God must have needed a good laugh....

  7. Sorcha5:42 AM

    To stop their pain and torment. It can be overwhelming.

  8. EscargotFan6:12 AM

    Snailed it.

  9. mysticchic6:26 AM

    +1 with all the Cray cray happening on Earth some laughter and absurdity was required in heaven.

    I can't even open Facebook now. The Divide is deeper than I ever witnessed. My Facebook feed makes my conspiracy friends look sane...and trust me my conspiratard friends are definitely off the lunatic fringe.

    Ugh. Thank God for Enty and the daily blinds..it's a welcome relief.

  10. Salaam6:37 AM

    Pryor was near-genius. The guy could make me laugh just walking out on stage, because you knew something very funny was about to happen. And he was a great actor as well, love him as Piano Man in "Lady Sings The Blues", and Charlie in "Bingo Long".

  11. Studio546:42 AM

    I agree Richard Pryor was a brilliant comedian. I still remember his skit on Mohammed Ali, when he said if he was asked if he wanted to get in the ring with Ali for charity. NO said Pryor. My luck, he would have a flashback to Joe Frasier and start pounding him like he did Frasier.

  12. Robin was suffering from depression and a debilitating form of Parkinson's. Richard Pryor had multiple sclerosis and died of a heart attack. They may have lived hard. But maybe you could show a little compassion for the pain they were in when they died.

  13. crystalmeh8:32 AM

    Another anonymous Internet tough guy, huh?

    Maybe you ought to realize that I'm entitled to my own opinion and you should probably get a hobby if you're that worried about what anyone says.

  14. Honeybunny8:44 AM

    I was thinking the same thing.

  15. I agree that Pryor should be listed as a Comic/Actor; he and Carlin defined comedy for my youth and I loved his movies with Gene Wilder.

  16. Fairmont19551:14 PM

    And that "tough guy" is entitled to his opinion of your opinion :) Besides, no one told you that you couldn't have one, even if it is ignorant.

  17. crystalmeh1:26 PM

    And maybe you need a hobby, too.

    I stand by my thought. I just made the mistake of voicing it on here where there are hypocrites apparently.

    I think Pryor and Williams were extremely talented and wasted a lot of money and time doing drugs and that didn't contribute to their deaths, it didn't really seem to make life enjoyable for them while they were alive. That's all I was saying.

    Carry on.

  18. Fairmont19551:37 PM

    Clearly has struck a never given your defensive response. Given how little you seem to know about why some people use drugs, your suggestion to carry on a is a good one. Take your own advice.

  19. Jamie Haldor2:05 AM

    Someone disagrees with you politely and you go to "internet tough guy?"

    You're an imbecile and a pathetic hypocrite. You're a waste.

  20. therealcinabun7:01 AM

    + infinity

  21. therealcinabun7:03 AM

    +infinity to @Aeol

  22. therealcinabun7:04 AM

    Beautiful, thank you, David.

  23. Hortensia12:42 PM

    Robin had Lewey Body Dementia which presents at first as Parkinsons. LBD is a horrible way to go, and Robin knew what was in store for him.

  24. Truther2:08 AM

    If you're gonna do the crime, then you gotta do the time.
