Friday, June 03, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 9, 2016

Technically he is not foreign born, but most people think he is. This A- list mostly movie actor who has seen bigger days in movies is dating his sober coach after a long run with the actress everyone likes. The problem with dating your sober coach is that when it ends, your sobriety tends to disappear with it.

Andrew Garfield


  1. Zilla12:43 AM

    Why not assign sober coaches to people who are unlikely to want to date them?

  2. Derek Harvey3:06 AM

    I think that hideous Emma Stone introduced him to drugs

  3. Sigh...always the's the same question always with the nannies too. Why don't they just hire nannies no daddies will be into...? Someone once answered that (in ref to Garner/Affleck) by saying that Hollywood is so skewed towards attractive people and that everyone only wants attractive people around, so they just don't weigh that in like they should...seems like such an easy fix...

  4. nancer3:38 AM

    this whole 'sober coach' thing is such bullshit. i do know that in AA, it is STRONGLY discouraged to get into a relationship with another person you meet there, and your sponsor is supposed to be someone you would NOT get in a relationship with---like a straight woman would not have a straight male sponsor, for instance. so HOW is this a good idea? and how is it a good idea anyway when YOU are the person responsible for staying sober??

    i swear, these assholes would hire someone to breathe for them if they could.

  5. Guesser4:17 AM

    Some of these guys like homely women too. They think they are doing them a favor and nobody suspects anything.

  6. crystalmeh9:50 AM

    Erm, that didn't work so well for Maria shriver, now did it?

    I couldn't imagine a more homelier housekeeper and Arnold STILL hit it

  7. on

    June 3, 2016 at 7:32 pm

    Does no one else realize that this Derek Harvey also goes by aliases of:

    Seems disturbing that someone would have a whole conversation with themselves, no?
    You just need to look at how they all write the same and the time stamps, wasn’t too difficult to figure out.
    Uh oh… busted…

  8. Unless she held him down and blasted coke up his nose against his will, his choices are his own responsibility.

  9. Derek Harvey1:18 PM

    Do you know what "introduced" means? Moron.

  10. purejuice2:14 PM

    no sober coach worth the name would date a client. in the 12 step world, that's called 13th stepping and it is considered homicidal. for the reasons you suggest.

  11. Derek Harvey2:16 PM

    Sorry for being rude and harsh---I just cant STAND her...

  12. ANAL BEADS R US2:22 PM


  13. Cinabun4:57 PM

    Agree with your points, a sober coach should have their sh#t together enough to not screw their client.
    In 12 step programs it's aka 13th stepping. It's when a 12 step member w/ sobriety takes advantage of a newbie.
    Sponsors aren't sober coaches - they are supposed to be a trusted friend - someone the member can call when they want to drink, have a bad day, etc.
    The saying goes, what do you get when you sober up a drunken horse thief? A sober horse thief. ;-)

  14. Zilla15:45 AM

    Now you know how we feel Derek

  15. Zilla15:46 AM

    Did you accidentally get wrapped up in Peewee Herman's giant foil ball?

  16. Malibuborebee7:54 AM

    Get a fucking blog, Zilla, and you can whine about the people you dislike all day long.

    Most of us don't have any problem with Derek.

  17. LucidDreams1:32 PM

    You stay sober my going to meetings, talking to other alcoholics,volunteering. Thats what I did, ive got 2 years 8 months now. Not by someone babysitting you 24 hours a day. You never learn to be sober on your own that way.
