Friday, June 17, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 25, 2016

This foreign born married B- list actress in her own country is probably C+ or even C over here. Her husband is also foreign born but has achieved A+ list in his own country and probably A- list over here. Anyway, our actress was so convinced she was going to marry her husband that she got his name tattooed on her arm after their first date. Yeah.

Georgia Moffett/David Tennant


  1. therealcinabun2:43 AM

    When has this ever been a good idea???

  2. sandybrook2:44 AM

    Nothing assures the end of a relationship better than getting the other's name tatted onto your body.

  3. Derek Is Fundamental (D.I.F.)2:46 AM

    wait for it...wait for it...

  4. MontanaMarriott2:47 AM


  5. Give me a break2:51 AM

    Derek is a F***tard

  6. Will someone explain to me why trolls get jealous of other people on blogs? It's not even funny, it's just plain sad. And seriously stupid.

  7. Apple Tartin3:08 AM

    I don't think some of you guys get she did actually marry him in 2011. On top of the fact her father is Peter Davison who played Dr. Who from 1981-1984. He replaced the greatest Dr. Who ever Tom Baker.

  8. Skywayke5:55 AM

    Yeah, they've been married and have I think 2 kids now. So she lucked out that they didn't break up. lol....Oh and TOM BAKER rules my <3. Best Doctor.

  9. Wendy5:57 AM

    Actually they have 4 kids now lol, they've been busy.

  10. D Rock6:35 AM

    Ahhhhhh so satisfying

  11. Well, as it turns out she *did* marry him!

  12. 4 kids in 5 years?

    I guess someone doesn't own a tv. lol

  13. Laninna9:33 AM

    I think David is more like A+++ in his own country/kingdom.

  14. Weirder when he spends 9-10 months each year filming away from home. It's been a very rocky relationship from the beginning. An oops pregnancy from a very casual relationship, him spending months agonising about whether to move in, forced engagement announcement prior to pap photos of her pregnancy, at least one separation, 4chan leaked photos, caught out with other women, public arguments, shilling his kids on the US chat show circuit despite claiming privacy comes first, her trolling on Facebook. Guess secret to their marriage is staying apart for most of the time and being willing to turning a blind eye. And pop out a kid every other year. Seems to work for them so far...

  15. I never got what, where, when or why of Dr. Who.

  16. Sounds more like a business arrangement than an actual marriage. Kind of team no one on this matter. He didn't have to marry her just because he knocked her up. She sounds like quite the prize. Starting with getting his name tattooed on her arm after the first date.

  17. Thist1:24 PM

    Would have had to marry her though given his carefully cultivated good guy image here in UK. I have more sympathy for her. Being left with young kids for most of the year while he desperately tries to get a foothold in US. Rarely sees kids and on spare days does voice work or PR. Very odd couple and suspect they will just continue to lead pretty well separate lives rather than divorce due to his PR image.

  18. She had to have known what she was getting into. At least partly. As for being home with the kids she didn't have to have 4 kids in 5 years. That's just stupid. Especially if you know your marriage is on shaky grounds. I'm still team no one.

  19. Hola_15:18 PM

    Wow. First date. No pressure then. Wonder what he thought when he saw it. I would have thought he'd run like the wind as he had a reputation on Doctor Who for chasing and bedding guest actresses and young women in the crew and moving one to the next very quickly!

  20. Hola_12:07 PM

    Divorce will be expensive and nasty and bad for his career. Look at his DW costar, Billie Piper. Her marriage ended badly recently despite having tattoo of hubby's name on her ring finger. They won't want a similar media circus. Expect they will continue to lead separate lives unless there is a public indiscretion the PR people can't quash.

  21. Skywayke5:04 AM

    Whoops, you're right....although the oldest boy is from a previous relationship of hers. :)
