Sunday, June 12, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 16, 2016

After campaigning to get the lead female replaced at mid-season and failing on this barely renewed network show, this former B list mostly movie actress from that franchise bailed on the show. Even though the female lead was eventually killed off, producers had no desire to give a larger role to our movie actress. So, she walked.

Nikki Reed/Sleepy Hollow


  1. Kno Won Uno1:33 AM

    She's useless.

  2. Khaleesi1:45 AM

    This girl is so irrelevant enty. No more blinds or reveals about her, please?

  3. Sleepy Hollow has jumped the shark for me.

  4. she & her idiot of husband have to disappear in obscurity....

  5. meep meep6:30 AM

    Nobody cares

  6. Stacey7:01 AM

    I don't watch the show. Was her character killed off as well?

  7. Sylvia2:23 AM

    Her character sort of was killed off since she was back to her time. Anyway I hated her character she really is a bad actress.

  8. Jeannie4:46 PM

    So, she is a new hire on a show then maneuvers to get the lead actress killed off only to walk herself because she didn't like what they offered? Real piece of work right there. Karma needs to kick her in the a*s one of these days.

  9. More likely her bad acting and childish behavior got her let go. Her walking is probably a story to save face.
