Saturday, June 18, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Kindness

May 25, 2016

This Scandal actress has personally picked up the tab for close to 100 dogs who have been involved in dog fighting kennels. She pays for their medical treatment and all the other expenses at the shelters where they will remain for the rest of their lives.

Bellamy Young


  1. I wonder if it would be less expensive for her to buy a building, convert it to a shelter, and own/manage it herself?
    Either way, it is very nice of her.

  2. crystalmeh2:34 AM

    My dream is to one day to operate a shelter for unwanted animals. I could live there with them forever until I die. Talk about loving your "work".

    Animals (anything other than humans not counting my kids) bring me such happiness and fulfillment. I could never reward my cat enough for what she's done for me.

    Kudos for the selfless out there that love those that haven't been loved enough

  3. @crystalmeh I'm right there with you. I want to do it in a town with a Veterinary school so students can donate their services and learn at the same time. Everybody wins--the pets most of all

  4. crystalmeh3:01 AM

    I thought about the veterinary thing as well.i know that if I had enough money and I met people that cared about animals as much as me, I'd take care of them too.

    The thing is since I'm not greedy and materialistic, I'll never have money and all the people I know are selfish monsters but for a few.

    The world has few gems In human forms but I've met so many wonderful cats and dogs etc and the only time they hurt me is when they had to die.

  5. crystalmeh3:02 AM

    I know I sound like a crazy cat but whatever

    The truth is the truth

  6. What an awesome idea !

  7. I've also had the dream of owning a farm and using it as a no kill shelter. I never thought of doing it near a vet school. That's absolutely brilliant! I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever win the lottery and am actually able to make it a reality.

  8. No idea who she is, but I love her for doing this! The two shelters I volunteer at rely on donations & free labor. So many overlook the situations of animals & when someone with the means has the desire to help, it makes me an instant fan. Megan Mulally, Bob Barker, Ewan McGregor & Dr. Cuddy from House are all big animal people who've helped us out tremendously too. I love reveals like this!

  9. Malibuborebee5:51 AM

    Dr. Cuddy from House = Lisa Edelstein

  10. Stacey7:08 AM

    That is such a great goal. I hope it comes true. If I ever win the lottery, I am so doing this.

  11. crystalmeh7:31 AM

    Couldn't agree more

    People that help the defenseless are real heroes!

  12. crystalmeh7:33 AM

    Me too

    A huge reason I play the lottery. I pray for it all the time.

    One day I hope it happens

  13. crystalmeh7:34 AM

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that has these amazing thoughts

    Celebrities have more ability and the voice to do so much yet only a few really walk the walk. They should be celebrated!

  14. crystalmeh7:36 AM

    I think she's on scandal. I never watch that but I could since I read this and also found an article about it.

    You're awesome, Bellamy.

  15. therealcinabun8:02 AM

    Don't know her, but that's awesome. One of the reasons I love Mayte Garcia so much.

  16. Claire8:17 AM

    She probably doesn't have the time, but she does have the money

  17. Studio542:14 PM

    How wonderful! Good for her.

  18. I love her! All of the actresses on scandal seem to be great ppl. Shonda has a good eye for hiring great talent who are good ppl. If not, she'll have you killed off, lol...i.e., Patrick Dempsey and Katherine Heigl on Greys.

  19. Already liked her but now I really do. And even though I didn't like her I think Heigl is very good to animals, too.
