Friday, June 24, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 14, 2016

A receptionist who retired recently says this A list reality star from that reality family, who also has a decent side job had a brow lift when she was just 13 or 14. Mom agreed it would be a good idea.

Kendall Jenner


  1. sandybrook2:04 AM

    Kris probably put her and Kylie on the ho stroll soon after their first surgeries too, especially Kylie since she was "home schooled" (was Kendull home schooled too, I forget?).

  2. Kno Won Uno2:09 AM

    Well, she did have a bad case of LowBrow. Could have survived to deal with it in adulthood, though.
    PMK is the scummiest.
    I wish she'd get back together with Caitlyn and they can duel to the death in the self-promotion ring. At least one of them would die, anyway.

  3. hothotheat2:10 AM

    Quelle surprise.

  4. Kno Won Uno2:10 AM

    And I wonder who "home schooled" them? Tyga? Khloe?
    Everything they know, they learned online.

  5. French girl2:17 AM

    Possible but not as young as 13/14.

  6. @sandy I think the general consensus is that you are right about that

  7. Khaleesi2:31 AM

    Yes to the duel!

  8. Simon2:38 AM

    No reputable surgeon would do this..

  9. Forward3:13 AM

    If you have money for it, you can find a Dr to do it. Jacko is the ultimate example. Any type of Dr can do cosmetic surgery, not just plastic surgeons.

  10. longtimereader3:20 AM

    There are plenty of non-reputable docs out there if you have cash. Dr feelgood is not a myth.

  11. Malibuborebee8:32 AM

    Dr Feelgoods are for drugs, not plastic surgery. There aren't that many around but there are some if you know where to look and have the money.

    Plastic surgeons are another story. There may be some who won't work on young girls but they don't have a practice in Southern California. If you take a look at pageant girls you'll find that plastic surgeons actually work on young girls all over the country, particularly in the South. There are just more doctors willing to do so in LA.

  12. Studio5410:58 AM

    PMK is exactly like Patsy Ramsey, who wanted JonBenet's hair dyed blonde before kindergarten, and her eyes photo shopped to be blue. "Parenting" is the first to go in these pimp mama's whose kids are their meal tickets.

  13. A lot of people call Kendall the natrual sister and give Kylie a lot of smack talk for her surgeries when kendall has had probably more than her little sister. She def has had a nose job and her jawline/chin

  14. Derek Harvey2:19 PM

    No wonder she seems brain-dead

  15. Derek Harvey2:20 PM

    They have their ways----Look at her step-sisters father

  16. Derek Harvey2:22 PM

    I'm in the wrong city. The harder a person actually works-the MORE they are actually attractive in Toronto...

  17. Lavert12:12 AM

    She appears to have had another brow lift in more recent years.

  18. Malibuborebee2:05 PM

    lol You wild and crazy Canadians.

    About 30 years ago I lived in Toronto for a while and there were many attractive people. ;-P

    Your city is too clean, the population is too nice and far too polite. It was a culture shock but I did learn to play a little snooker, an unusual skill for an American woman. There are so few snooker tables in the US that I only get to play when I'm traveling.
