Sunday, June 12, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 16, 2016

One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is this A+ list singer. First she was asked if cameras could shoot some of the concert, and she said no. She also said that if any footage of her shot on phones or other cameras showed up on the show, she would sue.

Beyonce/Keeping Up With The Kardashians


  1. schmerek schmarvey1:20 AM

    Stapled it!

  2. Honeybunny1:22 AM

    Can you blame her!

  3. Kno Won Uno1:33 AM

    While I understand her distaste, she'd do well to remember that her mogul husband is a former drug dealer.
    Pot, meet kettle.

  4. bush bunny3:06 AM


  5. Ms. Anne Thrope4:54 AM

    I'm with Beyonce on this one. I'm glad to see people tell that family to GTFO.

  6. I'm very curious too..
    Is it possible to be a former & alive drug dealer? Unless the gossips are true that he always was scared of "real hoods" & made deals w/ a rich white teenagers of Long Island....
    Maybe even his "street credits" are fake...
    Or he's still "in the game".....

  7. Stacey7:02 AM

    I hope they do show Beyonce on their show, that way she can sue them and get their show cancelled.

  8. Penelope27:34 AM

    Leonardo DiCaprio did the same... said they'd be sorry if they showed his image or pics of them at the same party on their show.

  9. Cinabun7:44 AM


  10. Cinabun7:46 AM

    Yes, it's possible, I know a few.
    And yes, he's still involved in it. He's too greedy & stupid to have gotten out when he could have.

  11. Shalene11:51 AM

    Oh my God my respect for you right now is hard to contain!! :)) People have witnessed him selling to pregnant women. That fatherless boy can't get a DNA test from that loser even tho his mother has pictures of them two all loved up. Most celebs (like Keanu did) provide dna to get it to go away. Not a fan of reality ppl but he's trash. When that lil mama rapper embarrassed herself she was close to suicide I really thought it was tacky the way he did not speak up and request his fans to stop bullying her. as if he doesn't have something to be ashamed of.

  12. dazzle12:17 PM

    I totally agree with Beyoncé. She's too good for them & she doesn't need that kind of publicity.

  13. Kno Won Uno1:01 PM

    He's a jerk and a bully. I'd love to know why people fear him and I'm really hoping someone takes him down a peg. That stupid music streaming service went nowhere, so that was a start.
    I was wondering if maybe he was the father of the son who wants to come out as gay. I wonder how that son's mother feels about him doting on Blue Ivy and ignoring his son. My daughter's DNA donor was like that.

  14. Studio542:10 PM

    Good for you B! With you all the way on this one.

  15. Claire3:24 PM

    I'm not a huge Beyonce fan - though I do like some of her songs - but good for her!

  16. DerekThinksIslamIsAPlace11:29 PM

    Like Beyoncé has morals and independent thoughts... She's only doing this because it helps her image -she probably doesn't give a rats ass if she's on the show or not

  17. Cindy3:39 AM

    Beyonce will never do something that her team is not in control of. Her image is meticulously plotted out for her. Everything she does and says is planned in advance. If you watch her rare interviews (with Oprah mostly) you can tell there isn't much going on upstairs. I don't think it's a matter of being associated with KUWTK as it is the lack of control her team will have over what's portrayed.

  18. fritanga5:38 AM

    Please. "Former drug dealer" is far more palatable than being associated with "vapid, tasteless, talentless famewhores." I'll take Jay-Z over the Katrashians/Jenners any day.

  19. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is […]

  20. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is […]

  21. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is […]

  22. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is […]

  23. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  24. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is […]

  25. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that …read […]

  26. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is […]

  27. […] I nsiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights  […]

  28. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is […]

  29. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is […]

  30. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  31. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  32. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if they film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  33. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is […]

  34. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights. […]

  35. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  36. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  37. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  38. […] off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights One person who will not be giving permission to appear on that reality show that will not die is […]

  39. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  40. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  41. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  42. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  43. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]

  44. […] Insiders claim Beyonce threatened to sue the pants off the Kardashian Klan if the film any of her concerts and show it on their reality TV show. From Crazy Days and Nights […]
