Sunday, June 12, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 15, 2016

This foreign born permanent A list model is hooking up with a new guy so she kicked out her last guy and blamed it on his drug use. Please, she uses just as much as him, if not more.

Kate Moss


  1. Moss is boring. Kate Moss blinds/reveals are always the same. Same shit - different year. Give us something juicy Ent.

  2. schmerek schmarvey1:24 AM

    Kaled it! (with vinegarette)

  3. Kno Won Uno1:29 AM

    She's still with Nicolai von Bismarck and has been since before her husband vacated the premises.
    She went for a drive with the son of a friend and suddenly he's her new boy toy.
    Von Bismarck was never out of the picture.

  4. bush bunny3:04 AM

    Kate and countless other famous people are celebrities only because they have the HC. Somehow the Kardashian family managed to become famous without it. Rare.

  5. Same for Britney Spears blinds. It's common knowledge at this point that Kate's a druggie and Britney's a loon. Why are they on a blind gossip site?

  6. Never underestimate the appeal of two 55cm balance balls implanted into an @ss.

  7. meep meep5:50 AM

    I admire the way she just keeps using and using but never dies

  8. Cinabun7:52 AM

    If she didn't have money, she'd have been dead from drugs & booze long ago. Truly. You'd be amazed how buying better quality drugs, booze, food, health care & being constantly enabled can extend the life of a junkie/Allie.

  9. Cinabun7:53 AM

    GD auto correct :-(

  10. Derek's Anal Beads11:51 AM

