Thursday, June 16, 2016

Blind Item #9

This married A list mostly television actress on a hit pay cable show says she has no regrets when she hooks up with married men or men involved in a relationship. She might have regrets if her fans stop watching her show because of it.


  1. Tricia133:46 AM

    Claire Danes?

  2. Tricia133:48 AM

    Is it a play on the whole Crudup(when with longtime partner Mary Louise Parker) and her breaking them up...

  3. sandybrook3:48 AM

    Claire Danes

  4. hothotheat3:48 AM

    The fact that Claire Danes still has a career after hooking up with Billy Crudup makes me think this isnt't her. The Felicity girl?

  5. sandybrook3:49 AM

    however its not like her cheating was a secret and it didnt really destroy her career

  6. Kno Won Uno3:52 AM

    Oh, Lord. No one's going to stop watching any show because of a hook-up, except maybe you, Enty. You have serious issues.

  7. I really don't understand why you come here. You are so negative and snarky. If you hate everything Enty says...GO AWAY!

  8. back again4:17 AM

    ..and Enty. she actually said the opposite.She realizes that it was not cool esp. now that she's a mother. She realizes it was pretty messed up to do that with Billy knowing that Mary Louise Parker was 7 months pregnant.She said she was young,in love & didn't care at the time...but it's in the past & everyone's moved on.

  9. Kno Won Uno4:20 AM

    So, you agree that people will stop watching a show because of who an actress slept with? That makes you FOURTEEN - GO AWAY!!!

  10. Tricia134:21 AM

    It was pretty awful. And shocking, because in some way I find her very asexual.

  11. Derek Harvey4:28 AM


  12. back again4:30 AM

    Actually, i think that I would've stopped watching her AND him at the time.I thought that they were obnoxious getting papped flitting around lower manhattan all giggly & loved up & shit & then i'd see a pic of Mary Louise Parker trudging along,very pregnant,looking visibly beaten down lugging grocery bags.I thought that they were unnecessarily stupid & indiscreet.(i'm just a sap for really pregnant ladies who live in walk ups).

  13. Kno Won Uno4:31 AM

    Because you'd be bereft without me, luv. I couldn't possibly abandon you.

  14. Besides Dekek, you are the next poster we want gone. Yo are a drudge and a bore.

  15. Krisr4:34 AM

    @me - I couldn't agree more! Why come to a site if you hate everything about it? A good word is rarely said...

    ...and, could it be possible that when somebody doesn't completely fit the blind - THAT IT ISN'T THAT PERSON? Sheesh - I'm so tired of reading that Enty made up another one because the person chosen doesn't fit. Rant over.

  16. + 100000000000000000000000000000000000

  17. Kno Won Uno4:38 AM

    It's impolite to dribble out info unless you've got enough for everyone, so please do explain to the entire class who "we" are, dear.
    "WE" needs a nice cup of tea and a nap.
    Hush now...troll someone who gives a shit...shhh shhh'll be OK. You'll feel better when you target someone with a fuck to give...I promise.

  18. You seem so sad and lonely. Maybe if you try to be nice you will get some friends.

  19. Derek Harvey5:00 AM

    @know of course----I don't see someone stopping to watch their fav show cause AN ACTRESS (its all MAKE BELIEVE) has affairs...I can see boycotting a director for molesting kids but c'mon

  20. Derek Harvey5:02 AM

    you call her SAD AND LONELY yet you say things like "Besides Dekek, you are the next poster we want gone" LOL
    sorry we cant all be as "cool and smart " *gag* as your idol, Tricia...smh

  21. Derek Harvey5:04 AM

    "they" don't even have the guts or integrity to choose a user name and stick with it

  22. Always back to Tricia.......pathetic.

  23. Is it Claire?

  24. made in twerkica5:19 AM

    who is 'we' ? the people who visit this site?
    you don't speak for us.

    honestly, I've been reading this site for a long time. tons of us have....

    and over and over, this dedicated fleet of stalkers come to harp on Kno and Derek. mostly Derek though it seems.

    dude, if you (and the others, unless you're all one psycho) are that easily upset by some rando on the internet in a comments the hell do you live life? seriously? this isnt even real life. do you get that? its a screen. this isnt real. this is the internet. do you remember what grass under your bare feet feels like? maybe you should go rediscover it if strangers on a computer piss you off so much.

    consider placing your emotions in something that is real instead of a realm that only exists on the internet.

  25. Okay Derek, I'll do that. Maybe you should too. RME

  26. Clarisse McClellan5:41 AM

    K. Washington? I thought there was a blind previously that she hooked up with her married costar.

  27. Claire5:51 AM

    Exactly. If I like a show, I'm not going to stop watching it because of one of the actor's personal lives.

    It's fun to gossip about, but other than that, most people don't care.

  28. back again6:33 AM

    ummm, that's not so.

  29. back again6:39 AM

    unless she was doing "Homeland" back then,lol ...then all my protests fly out the window b/c i loved season 1 & wouldn't give that up for any of my imaginary biases.

  30. Concerned Gossiper7:27 AM

    +infinity, me

  31. Elle B8:04 AM

    @kno I've always liked your posts.

  32. SweetBlu8:17 AM

    ^ Amen

  33. SweetBlu8:19 AM

    How did my comment end up under
    'Me"? Goodness no. Twit needs to head over to Perez.

  34. back again8:21 AM

    ooh,good guess except her show's not pay cable.

  35. crystalmeh8:39 AM

    Great point!

  36. Derek's Anal Beads8:59 AM

    And you use the same pathetic go to line every time. A pussy being a pussy. Crazy.

  37. I also think you are a jerk.

  38. Dereks Mommy11:36 AM

    Me too.

  39. Nonsense. Kno is one of the more entertaining posters on this site.

  40. Laura Palmer12:01 PM

    Love me some good kno won ono posts..

  41. Laura Palmer12:03 PM

    Love good. ...who cares who she snogs..?

  42. Hot Cola12:43 PM

    LMAO @Kno
    I certainly wouldn't. If anything, I'd tune in to see what the fuss is about.

  43. Hot Cola12:51 PM

    +100 Million
    ( and a galaxy or two)

  44. Cindy3:01 AM

    The only way fans would care I think, is it if were a show with super conservative followers like that show about 19 kids who are all preachy. Other than that, I dont care who sleeps with who and doubt most people care either.

  45. Elle B6:15 AM

    @@kno lol

  46. Malibuborebee9:36 AM


    The whole exchange was highly amusing, Kno.

    Someone thinks she's the leader of the Online CDaN Bullying Brigade and *you* are their next target.

    I'm a bit offended really, I thought for sure that *I* would be their next target.

  47. Kno Won Uno2:14 PM

    I'll pick on you if you promise to pretend it's marginally significant on any planet.
    If you don't play along, it's no fun. ;-)
    Wait....would I have to make up another name?! I'm out. Sry.

  48. Kno Won Uno2:23 PM

    If only we'd known we were King & Queen of the Despised, we might have gone to Ascot! I'm gonna need more notice for these status changes. I don't have a proper hat for the Royal Box. Next year. But *you* have to sit by Eugenie. I called NOPE.

  49. Kno Won Uno2:27 PM

    I'd tune in on purpose if there was a cheating heaux in Duggarland.
    Wasn't that supposed to be happening according to an Enty blind some weeks ago? Jessa's husband, maybe?
    I hate that I know who these people are
