Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Blind Item #9

This just about permanent A list mostly movie actress who likes directing is saying some rightfully nasty things about a couple of other A listers. She thinks they bailed on her for a lot of press they were supposed to do for a movie when they realized it was going to bomb. She had to do most of it solo and is really upset.


  1. Tricia133:46 AM

    Jodie Foster

  2. Tricia133:46 AM

    Jukia Roberts/Jen A-Mothers Day maybe

  3. Derek Harvey3:48 AM

    Jodie Foster George Clooney Julia Roberts

  4. Derek Harvey3:48 AM

    her movie Money Monster

  5. Tricia133:49 AM

    My bad- Money Monster:Clooney/Roberts... Came out months ago though

  6. Guesser3:52 AM

    Julia Roberts, George Clooney ,that movie That was so bad can't remember the name. They did bail on her, big time. They were supposed to make appearances together that didn't happen.

  7. Guesser3:54 AM

    Stupid name. No wonder I couldn't think of it.

  8. Tricia133:58 AM

    I confused it with Mothers Day(Garry Marshall very not female btw) b/c it was a bomb and Roberts/Aninston seemed like they wouldn't do PR for a stinker(they also intrigued me as costars, as in, I wonder how they got along?)

  9. therealcinabun4:34 AM

    High hopes for it...but it kinda sucked!

  10. Simon4:47 AM

    Greek wedding sequel

  11. Simon4:48 AM

    Never mind. She's not A list

  12. Ettacettera4:59 AM

    I'd forgotten about the Mother's Day debacle--guess Julia's batting 00

  13. Tricia135:32 AM

    :( !

  14. Malibuborebee5:36 AM

    Yep. Julia being a selfish bitch about it is no surprise but George is - at least to me. I figured him for a grin-and-bear-it and do the publicity anyway guy. Jodie's pissed, don't blame her, and that means RDJ and Mel are also pissed.

  15. Plastic Pony6:26 AM

    I think Julia is coming close to her expiration date. BTW, the movie looked ghastly, just ghastly.

  16. immature9:23 AM

    Obviously Jodie Foster, but 'Money Monster didn't bomb. It just isn't a blockbuster.

  17. This Enty should check boxofficemojo before writing such BS as Money Monster is a bomb(in his head maybe).. The movie costed $ 27 million, and I guess around $ 10 million for the promos. Still in the U.S. only earned $39,939,291 as of right now. And worldwide it earned $76,139,291 That's not even close to be a bomb, and it was not supposed to be a block buster. I say the movie earned a solid profit.

    I agree though, that Julia and George abandonded her (and Jack O'Conell) promoting it after Cannes. Jodie were everywhere (London, Madrid, Berlin, Sydney) and they were no shows in these locations.

  18. CDaName10:55 AM

    Yeah, it's shitty to bail on publicity but Money Monster looked AWFUL and as director that's on her.

  19. I liked the movie and Jack, George and Julia were good. I'm not a harsh critic usually and if I like the actors more times than not I like the movie.

  20. Oh God just the Entertainment Weekly cover alone was gag-inducing and insufferable. It looked and smelled like a bad 1980s movie turd.

  21. WhoDatGirl774:15 AM

    Lol agreed :)
