Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Blind Item #9

This A/A+ list mostly movie actor/wannabe full-time band member is not welcome in one Caribbean country after beating his foreign born ex there. Several people witnessed it.


  1. Tricia133:45 AM


  2. Tricia133:48 AM

    Or Depp/Vampire Weekend and Vanessa Paradis

  3. Tricia133:48 AM

    He bought her an island in the Bahamas I believe:(

  4. sandybrook3:49 AM


  5. Kno Won Uno3:50 AM


  6. sandybrook3:50 AM

    Or just throwing out another wannabe band singer--Russell Crowe

  7. sandybrook3:53 AM

    probably him---since Enty is all team Amber and Team Depp is named Harvey Levin

  8. TopperMadison4:15 AM

    I have to say I'm stunned at the complete 180 Enty is doing on Depp and Heard. I know this site is a Kneepads of blind gossip (ergo Jessica Alba in the random pics EVERY DAY for years), but this complete reversal really shoots any remaining credibility out of the water and puts it in National Enquirer land. The blinds have become merely ads bought and paid for by the highest bidder. That's probably why they've gotten easier to guess and are written less clever than they used to be.

    Just missin' the good old days...

  9. Airhead4:17 AM

    could this fit Mark Wahlberg? or am I just making shit up

  10. Tapioca4:20 AM

    Deep and Paradis

  11. You know he said years ago how he thought highly of her. And that thing and Johnny killing his ex partner I can't understand because Johnny gave everything he owed his partner's daughter. When if he knows anything about law the daughter really did not legally have the right to collect. This site and blind site seems as if they've been friends or very buddy buddy with Amber

  12. Making it up!

  13. sandybrook4:43 AM

    Yet throughout this marriage she was to blame for everything until the day she filed and everything changed here.

  14. Airhead4:48 AM

    I thought so lol but I thought would put it out there.

  15. Yeah that's Depp and Paradis.Do you want to know where this information came from?There is a comment on Celebitchy from today.One person claims that something like that happened like 15 years ago and everyone told her to send it to gossip sites everywhere.She was quick.However there is no way I'm believing things like that without further proof.Besides,people on CB are so pro Amber that could have easily made up things like that one.

  16. CDaName5:35 AM

    Is Billy Bob Thornton A list? If not then maybe Bruce Willis.

    Unless this is just yet another Depp blind.

  17. Jules5:54 AM

    An island? My god I'd be happy with dinner at a nice steakhouse !

  18. Jules5:55 AM

    Both actors. I've never heard them called "celebrities" here or anywhere else . It's another boring Depp blind, is all.

  19. @Tricia, it's Hollywood Vampires. Not Vampire Weekend

  20. Is Amber svcking enty's dick?

  21. Small Penis Porn11:32 AM

    Enty said Amber was surfing the casting couch circuit...not long ago. He also said that Depp was miserable in the marriage from the 3 month point and that was why he was never home and avoided her by doing drugs with Brian Warner

  22. Only if he has $

  23. Ratoncita11:58 PM

    Seriously? Enty is scouting comments off Celebitchy. That was a comment from a contributor there. Wait to work that padded desk chair dude.

  24. Ratoncita12:00 AM

    Ha! You beat me to it. Didn't realise as I posted below. It could be true, either way I have lost interest in both of them. CB is cutting comments from anti Amber peeps..
