Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Blind Item #8

This A+ list comic actor rarely makes the tabloids. The only time you hear anything from him is when he is promoting a movie and is known for doing anything to promote. Apparently the long time married actor is on the outs with his wife and has moved into a new place. Not sure if the 20 something woman he was seeing is moving in.


  1. Tricia131:45 AM

    Will Ferrel

  2. Derek Harvey1:45 AM

    adam sandler

  3. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    Adam Sandler Launches American Comedy Tour to Promote New Film
    Mar 29, 2016 - Adam Sandler's four-movie deal with Netflix is still rolling full-steam ahead ... and they're launching a comedy tour to do its promotional bidding.

  4. MontanaMarriott1:48 AM

    Jack Black?

  5. Tricia131:58 AM

    Love Jack. He is a great promoter too. I read it as Ferrel because of all the silly PR be did for the dreadful Zoolander 2 and when he did that basketball movie

  6. sandybrook2:02 AM


  7. lemon swizzle2:16 AM

    And Ferrell is a d-bag.

  8. Zilla12:25 AM

    Steve Martin?

  9. maker2:26 AM

    lol marriage. its funny cause its naive!

  10. What's a society without marriage?

  11. Stephe962:35 AM

    Sacha Baron Cohen?

  12. Zilla12:58 AM

    It's for the people who can get other people romantically interested in them in the first place.

  13. Sarah Kay3:22 AM

    Jerry Seinfeld?

  14. More like declining, drug addicted, depressed etc

  15. Cindy Who?4:36 AM

    Will Ferrell

  16. therealcinabun4:56 AM

    Marriage is the cornerstone of society??? Since when? Not according to history. Just saying. :-)

  17. Clarisse McClellan5:34 AM

    Sounds like Will Ferrell, married 16 years to his wife. :(

  18. Winnie5:41 AM

    Adam Sandler was my first clueless thought. I know nothing, though.

  19. Malibuborebee6:17 AM

    A society without marriage is... a society without marriage. Marriage is fine for those who wish to get married but it certainly isn't necessary for life or society to exist.

  20. TopperMadison7:58 AM

    Will Ferrell. He went on TV in some small station in Iowa to promote something...maybe one of the Anchorman movies? A cut-out billboard of his face is also along Highway 80 just outside Davenport. I don't know why, but it's a promotion for something local.

  21. CDaName10:44 AM

    Will Ferrell, he's done a ton of stunts to promote his movies and there aren't other long time married A+ list comic actors. Hart is engaged and Rogen only got married in 2011. Sandler is definitely not A+ anymore, too many bombs.

  22. I think Sasha Baren Cohen does the most ridic things to promote his films and has been married for a long time to Isla. But this could aslo be will farrel

  23. therealcinabun11:59 AM


  24. I've worked with him twice & he was nice both times. However, he was focused, quiet & very different from the zany character he always plays in between takes. I'm not married to him though & he could be a different person at home.

  25. I read this as Adam Sandler but thats only because i love will ferrell and it makes me sad to think that he's a douche :(

  26. Hot Cola2:59 PM

    People who are happy don't feel the need to enforce their "happiness" on the rest of the human race.

    (* nothing ahinst marriages. To each his own. But everything aginst enforcement)

  27. I disagree.

  28. Since Adam and Eve.

  29. Nobody's forcing you to do anything.

  30. therealcinabun1:28 AM

    I said historically. Not biblically. And they weren't married.

  31. Venusinfauxfur8:22 AM

    Paul Rudd?

    Sandler is in the tabloids this week on holidays, happy with his wife. Can't see ferrelll pulling a 20 yr old. Rudd is a cheat and I can totally see it. He's gotta be A list after getting a Star on the walk of fame I think.

  32. They were spiritually married. This country is spiritually bankrupt and the breakdown of the nuclear family/lack of marriage is to blame IMO.

  33. therealcinabun2:41 AM

    I respect your beliefs & def believe all are entitled to believe in what they choose.
    That said, I think it's simplistic to think that the breakdown of marriage is a main contributor to our society's issues today.
    Marriage as an institution has only (in its current form) been around for a few hundred years. Imho it is extremely patriarchal - a dad 'giving' his daughter to another male, for example - which is representative of a deeper problem that is at the core of our social ills - inequality. Females in this view are less than men, we make less $, own less assets, & are not given the same opportunities even when we have the same qualifications. That's patriarchy.
    I do not find anything inherently (just mo) spiritual in it. In fact, I find it to be the opposite. And the Bible is filled with many, many examples if females being less than men. But historically, that was a time when men wanted to (& did) get power over not just females, but other males. It's too long to go into here!
    I have nothing against christians (or anyone else) until they attempt to institute ideas, etc that affect others negatively.
    If you're interested, there are some great books that tell the truth about history with verifiable sources, etc. If not, that's okay too.
    Lastly, your statement about marriage is one that is also used to justify hatred/discrimination, etc against LGBT, etc & it's my hope that your beliefs are such that they include the love that is (IMO) supposed to be inherent in all spirituality for all, not just a few.
    Peace. :-)
