Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Blind Item #5

Another step out of the closet for this former A list tweener turned A- list singer. A few more steps like he recently took and by the end of the year we could get over this long running charade.


  1. Tricia1312:46 AM

    Nick Jonas

  2. Lee M1:11 AM

    Do people really think Nick Jonas is gay? I don't see it at all.

  3. Me either. Maybe somewhere on the spectrum. It would be be very disappointing if someone who constanly proclaims their honesty to have been so deceptive. Like if Clooney ever came out.

  4. mariaj1:40 AM

    Well, for a while he was the only " straight" of the Jonas brothers, according to gossips, not it tunrs out that he and Kevin are the gays...with Joe apparently straight or uncertain :)

  5. Cindy2:45 AM

    I can see Nick being gay. I think Joe is definitely straight and Kevin I can go either way with.

  6. Zac Efron to be different.

  7. Eh....scratch that. Not a singer. Jonas it is! Could be Demi if it didn't say "he" but I don't consider her A- singer. She is more like a B-

  8. How about Justine Bieber!!!!!

  9. Weenuk3:18 AM

  10. Sarah3:27 AM

    100% Jonas.

  11. nick jonas plays any games to stay relevant, his singing
    is bad, his looks are getting more pitecantrop's like: face w/ big jaw, big ears, low forehead & body w/ short legs, long arms)...
    but he is a nice person (not interesting so...)

  12. For me, it's definitely Kevin who's gay. The other two are straight.

  13. I always thought it was Nick and Kevin who were gay, then for awhile it seemed like all of them were gay....

    I'm hoping Kevin isn't gay just because he went through all that trouble to get married and have kids....i just hope he's straight and happy.

    They're probably all straight and this is all bullshit lol

  14. Lee Mack1:01 PM

    You nailed it with that last sentence. They're all straight (I think).
