Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Blind Item #4

While filming the next installment of this franchise, the interaction between the two leads has been much better than the first installment. Much more heat and chemistry. It's interesting that on days they don't film together, the lead actor almost always has dinner with his wife out of sight of the public, but on the days when the couple does film together, and especially if they have a love scene our actor and his wife go to dinner where they can be papped together as a couple.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Dakot/Jaime Dorman

  2. Tricia1312:32 AM

    Amelia Warner and Jaime looked very cozy in a pic:)

  3. Jamie Dornan wife are most likely sick of stupid fangirls who ship him and Dakota together but all of the pap pics make them crazier, they think he has something to hide

  4. French girl12:42 AM

    What fascinating blind ! A guy often dinners with his wife during a filming .it deserved a blind.

  5. Johnson/Dornan/Warner. What are you alluding to here Enty??? Is Dornan and the wife happy, are they not, is he having an affair with Dakota, is Dakota together with Rita Ora, did Jamie hook up with Ora this time around. This really isn’t a great blind. First no one knows what the Dornan’s do in their private time. But I will tell you they are paying the VC Paps to follow them around and take pictures of what they think is “loved up”. The photos of the Dornans around VC are as subtle as the Swift/Hiddelston beach photos. Not sure why they need to try so hard.

  6. Airhead12:48 AM

    soooooooooo basically you are trying to make him sound like he guilty for something, but it just sounds like he validating his marriage in case there might any discomfort in him filming that type of movie....?

  7. Khaleesi12:52 AM

    Another unbelievable blind submitted by stupid fans enty.

  8. Oh man here we go with the crazy stupid motherfucker fans. Enty please. This sounds submitted by a die hard fan of that crap movie. Probably Lisa

  9. Vera solis12:56 AM

    either this was made up by enty based on pap pics, or submitted by a deranged fan of jamie and dead in the eyes dakota

  10. Rebecca Fisk12:58 AM

    This is the kind of mentally disabled fans that have ruined CDAN for me. Stupid egglings who use the word ship. You belong to the likes of emotionally retarded groups of people like beliebers, directioners and twihards

  11. So where are we gong with this blind??? Is him and the co-star having an affair? Is him and his wife back in love? Does him and the wife pay the paps for staged photos? I'm a bit confused by this blind?

  12. DanBer1:11 AM

    Dont be confused. Its so stupid. Sent by a mentally ill fan

  13. Stewie Griffin1:13 AM

    This is supposed to be dornan and the girl who should play wednesday adams coz she looks dead dakota. enty, i cant believe u fell for this. Heat and Chemistry? Really? thats so made up by stupid fans. If u wanna post blinds submitted by fans, at least change the wordings to make it a bit believable. Ur regulars are not buying this

  14. pretty sure dakota and rita are the ones hooking up.........

  15. @mark1:54 AM

    Naah. That's also rumors started by crazy Jamie fans.

  16. This blind is just as pathetic as the ones that imply Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards are having an affair. Just a bunch of delusional shippers spreading gossip and lies because they don't like the actors real wives ????. Same old same old. I don't know why Enty recycles these boring blinds.

  17. It's a smart thing to do, but you're right - it doesn't need to be a blind. More like a "hey, did you know ..."

  18. tea with toast6:23 AM

    A man and his wife have dinner. Groundbreaking . Alert the media!!!!

  19. This has been happening. They have been getting photographed a lot when they really never used to. But what is blind suppose to imply? Nothing really juicy about it.

  20. The Dornans are becoming the UK versions of the Katrashians. Never thought Jamie would be a sell out like this. I mean how many more articles is the Daily Mail and Just Jared going to write about these two going to dinner. I mean OMG a wife and husband go out to dinner, wow! Not sure what they are going to do once they go back to London, they won't have their VC friendly pap following them to make sure their picture is out there. I guess they'll have to pay a London photographer.

  21. Pretty funny - Kim and Kanye, the London Version! :)

  22. Willow12:22 AM

    haha, yep, Enty will try to turn ANY non event (usually whatever is in the Daily Mail that day) into a blind.

  23. What else should i call stupid fans who fantasize about two people being together? It is a common term and I dont ship anyone or anything so fuk off on your high horse Damie trash
