Saturday, June 18, 2016

Blind Item #4

You know those engaged to each other franchise co-stars? Friend zone at this point. At least that is what he told this teen he was trying to pick up the other day while on a trip with his supposed future wife.


  1. Tricia132:46 AM

    Dave Franco/Brie Larsen?

  2. Derek Harvey2:46 AM

    anna camp skyal austin

  3. Derek Harvey2:47 AM

    *skylar austin

    pitch perfect

  4. Tricia132:47 AM

    *Allison Brie

  5. sandybrook2:48 AM

    Anna Camp/Skylar Astin?

  6. Zilla12:49 AM

    Blind Gossip just posted a slew of solved items.

  7. sandybrook2:55 AM

    Are they the ones that are as obvious as Mr. X's?

  8. Kno Won Uno2:56 AM

    Some are.

  9. Ms. Anne Thrope2:58 AM

    I was banned from posting there a couple of years ago because I said Beyawnce was overrated. No joke.

  10. sandybrook2:59 AM

    I may pay a visit to Ace this day then. S'up Ace?

  11. sandybrook3:01 AM

    Ace is like that, you disagree with his opinion he says see ya, GTFO!

  12. Derek Harvey3:01 AM


    I best stay clear from there if YOU got banned

    plus the comment/guessing section is on hold for like 24hrs

    Hows a guy suppose to Nail anything??

  13. sandybrook3:03 AM

    I think if I tried to post at his site, he'd ban me before I was finished and hit enter. :(

  14. Ms. Anne Thrope3:04 AM

    LMAO Derek!

  15. Ms. Anne Thrope3:05 AM

    LMAO Sandy

  16. Ms. Anne Thrope3:09 AM

    Ace can kiss my ass. I don't even bother reading that site anyway. I'd much rather hang out with all y'all here anyway <3

  17. yah,right4:09 AM

    You could still nail it. It would just take 24 additional hours for people to get tired of you.

  18. I'm banned right now! They "accidentally" locked me out and there's no getting back in for me. Whatever, lose a reader/poster every week and good luck running a website!

  19. Derek Harvey4:59 AM

    I DON'T live a cookie-cutter life and I'm NOT apologizing for it.

  20. The Beygency5:05 AM

    We are no joke.

  21. Malibuborebee5:09 AM

    I've never read/posted there. If I did I'm sure I'd be banned in a heartbeat.

  22. Dylan5:19 AM

    Well that makes for an ambitious rewarding blind.
    So we can all read that horrid site and guess answered blinds? What the AF happened to this site?

  23. CDaName6:36 AM

    *Alison Brie

  24. Mooshki7:27 AM

    Wait. Posting the exact same phrase every single day isn't a "cookie-cutter life?" Okay.

  25. Derek Harvey7:40 AM

    I just went on BlindGossip and the first "reveal" I read was a picture of Mark Paul Gosselar with a beard-"can you guess who this is"? "Solved it is Mark Paul Gosselar from Saved by the Bell. Who would recognize him-he has a beard! And he looks older than he did 20 years ago"...

  26. Claire8:04 AM

    I guess the truth hurts! Beyonce is hugely overrated. I don't hate her, but I don't think she's anything special either.

    Blind Gossip is boring anyway.

  27. Wendy9:16 AM

    I read the blinds there but it's so clearly made up from news stories and the 24 hour moderation makes it not even worth it to comment.

  28. Kno Won Uno9:49 AM

    It's so damned s l o w.
    I may have commented there once or twice a few years ago, but I don't remember my username or anything.
    And none of you guys are there, so why bother?

  29. Derek's Anal Beads12:08 PM

    Sister, we already explained to you that your left hand is the only thing getting nailed. And Ace wouldn't put up with your hormonal bitchiness for 2 seconds. Get off the rag, gurl.

  30. Jim Summers4:26 AM

    Can anyone explain why Anna Camp is dating that guy who looks like a nerdy closet case? Just something a bit strange about their whole coupling.
