Thursday, June 16, 2016

Blind Item #3

After the whole Russell Crowe/Meg Ryan backlash and bomb of a movie, studios can be apprehensive about giving huge roles in big budget movies to someone the public dislikes because of perceived home wrecking. This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor is set to hit it super big but both of his last two "relationships" involved women who were engaged or in serious relationships when he broke them up. It actually might be three consecutive "relationships."


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM


  2. Derek Harvey12:04 AM

    Alexander Skarsguard

  3. There's really no "homewrecking" involved when breaking up a fake relationship. I mean the paperwork is hell, but eh!

  4. AshBey12:04 AM

    If it *is* Widdles, would explain the Tay Tay disease spreading to him.

  5. Derek Harvey12:06 AM

    Legend of Tarzan is predicted to be huge this summer

  6. Derek Harvey12:10 AM

    Hiddleston has no big movies to be released this year

  7. AshBey12:18 AM

    What marriages did A-Skar wreck? Why do I want to start calling him Skar-cophagus? Hmm

  8. No, but he is the front runner for James Bond. Also it was rumored that he broke up Elizabeth Olsen and her then fiancé?

  9. Kno Won Uno12:37 AM

    I suspect the 18-24 year old men who buy movie tickets don't give a rat's ass about the 1950s phrase used here. This is absolute BS.

  10. HA! So which is it? Homewrecking or Staged???? Make up your mind. LONG LIVE HIDDLESWIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Sadie1:26 AM

    Try as I might, I find it impossible to believe Hiddleston is heterosexual. I'll go with Skaarsgaaaaaaarrrdd.

  12. Gotta say, I'm STILL in shock that Meg Ryan cheated for the first and only time in her life w/ mother-fucking Russel Crowe. He's not only hideous looking, but the guy is a blatant douche-bag asshole!! I feel so bad that out of all the dickheads she had to ruin her life over, it was him...he doesn't deserve the time of day from anyone.

  13. ...and when I say "ruin her life..." she dealt w/ serious backlash after all this came out. Even though Dennis Quaid had cheated throughout their whole marriage, her infidelity was publicized, scrutinized and used to rake her over the coals. After that she stopped getting roles and started w/ the God-awful plastic surgery.

  14. +1 - can we say PR queen?

  15. Guesser1:42 AM

    To be fair,people didn't really know what he was like until later.He also was considered handsome at that time and I think she fell in love with him, and thought this was going to last. She was burned personally and professionally,he was not. Her career was ruined because too much of it was based on her image. By the time people got over this,she wrecked her face.

  16. d brown1:43 AM

    I suspect her career slowdown had more to do with her being forty than fooling around with RC. If their film grossed as much as Sleepless in Seattle the studio would have gladly paired her with RC for another dozen movies.

  17. Good point. I forgot about how America put her up on that Sweetheart pedestal and then gladly knocked her down after she made a mistake.

  18. Guesser2:12 AM

    The backlash started before the film was even out. Because of that, people were already inclined to dislike the film. But Russel 's career thrived afterwards, and Dennis even played the victim up to a point. Meg was a good actress and should have been allowed to get through a rough patch, it really seemed like it was a media driven back lash at the time.

  19. Isn't Skarsgard supposed to be gay?

  20. Isn't he rumored to be gay?

  21. Derek Harvey2:17 AM

    I think that is why it says "relationships"

  22. therealcinabun2:33 AM

    Patriarchy at its finest!!!

  23. SnarkIsFun3:10 AM

    Crap like that STILL goes on. When Claire Danes started dating Billy Crudup (who left Mary Louise Parker while she was pregnant), people poured their vitriol on her, not Billy. When Kristen Stewart was pictured kissing Rupert Sanders, she was the one vilified, not him. When Simon Cowell got Lauren Silverman pregnant, she was branded with the scarlet letter. It doesn't matter who is already in a relationship or married, it's the woman of the pair who will bear the brunt of the negative press. Sick of it.

    Gotta say, on the Taylor Swift/"Swoki" thing: she's a woman in her 20s who is dating around. She's not displaying any PDA that's more than G-rated. Why do people hate on her for it, when guys can date around forever (see: Leo DiCaprio, George Clooney, Jack Nicholson) & they don't get nearly the amount of flack? More patriarchial BS.

  24. all of that bashing is from other women, not men.

    women always harp on the woman when two people cheat and not their guy who cheats. woman-on-woman sexism is an art form.

    "GIRL POWER!....unless my guy thinks you're hot then you are a slut a whore I'll ruin you"

  25. alice4:15 AM

    YES! thank you, agree 100%

  26. GroovieMann4:21 AM

    I think both Hiddles and ASkars have both already hit it big, unless someone has been living under a rock.

  27. Claire6:32 AM

    I don't think the affair ruined her life. I mean, she was, as you say "raked over the coals" by the media, but I think people would have gotten over it.

    Her biggest mistake was all the surgery. That's what ruined her career.

  28. Hot Cola1:28 PM

    +2 on the Russel Crow

  29. Hot Cola1:37 PM

    The movie was god awful
    Really bad.

  30. Hot Cola1:39 PM

    + infinity

  31. Antonio4:37 PM

    I know Skarsgaard has been reportedly gay in past blinds by Ted casablanca so pretty sure it isn't him. I guess it's safe to assume any male actor nowadays is gay even if proven otherwise.

  32. Malibuborebee11:23 AM

    I'm not sure who told you that Crowe was the first and only affair in Ryan's life but it's not true. Ryan and Quaid cheated on each other for years and kept it pretty quiet. They stayed together for PR and their kid. When she decided that she was "in love" with Crowe during their affair, she blew up her tidy little marriage arrangement. The problem was, she never stopped to ask whether or not Crowe was in love with her - he wasn't.
