Saturday, June 04, 2016

Blind Item #2

Apparently this A- list singer has learned his lesson when it comes to beating women. Now he punches them in the stomach instead of the face and gets his kicks from making them do things that make TagThe Sponsor activities look tame.


  1. Derek Harvey2:15 AM

    chris brown

  2. Derek Harvey2:17 AM

    what is "Tag the sponsor" and what are the "activities"?

  3. Chris was an abused child thats why he gets off on degrading others. Still, these girls know what they sign up for by getting with him.

  4. Kno Won Uno2:22 AM

    I thought I was the only one who had no idea WTF Tag the Sponsor was.

  5. Derek Harvey2:26 AM

    I googled it-but still don't understand. Something about instagram "models" going to the Middle East and getting paid for degrading dirty sexy stuff...Not sure about the tagging or the sponsoring

  6. Tapioca2:35 AM

    it's a bunch of people asking all the hoes and thot to at least be honest about their real activities aka selling pussy/ass and tag their sponsors aka clients when they are sharing their shit on social media.

    like pictures in Dubaï, pricey bags and shoes, big ass cars etc

    these liars are trying to pass for fitness models and shit like that when the reality is they are escorts and the most nasty type on that business.

  7. Derek Harvey2:39 AM

    ok, gotcha. Thanks.

  8. Kno Won Uno2:40 AM

    Enty the red-piller

  9. Zilla12:42 AM

    And still, that excuses nothing that asshole does when he hits women. Don't feel sorry for him, he is a douchebag.

  10. French girl2:48 AM

    Apparently #TagTheSponsor is a private Instagram account who do in relation some "Instagram" models with some clients .(Like a pimp ?)

  11. French girl2:50 AM

    Sorry I am wrong

  12. Derek Harvey2:50 AM

    the most repulsive thing I have ever read lol---read at your own risk-if you want a laugh and cry--dont say I did not warn ya...

  13. oobejabbawwonka2:52 AM

    Wow. Way to blame the victims. Chris Brown is a violent misogynist. That he was an abused child is tragic but NO excuse.

  14. It wasn't an excuse.

  15. To repeat, it wasn't an excuse. He wasn't born a violent misogynist, he was made one.

  16. Vomiting3:01 AM

    Good lord I always wondered what the humiliating sex acts could be and now I wish I still didn't know. Whoever does the most liquidy diarrhea on her FACE is the winner and gets to pick the next girls and vacation destination. Holy shit some people have way too much money and zero respect for human life. Can you imagine how many E. coli infections these girls suffer? Next time I hear one is hospitalized for food poisoning I'll know it wasn't bad sushi :( I bet they have to eat it too oh god I'm so nauseous now.

  17. Vomiting3:03 AM

    I'm with you Ay. He's only doing what he was taught. Everyone deserves help and love but until he's ready for it, everyone must stay away and not be so greedy looking for fame and his money.

  18. Cinabun3:17 AM

    I see a long term prison sentence or OD in his future.
    He's had chance after chance & still beats people. Yes, he was raised with abuse, but so are plenty of other people & they don't abuse others.
    If he didn't have $s, he'd be in prison.
    And why people continue to support his violence ala buying his music, going to his concerts is beyond me.

  19. killer tofu3:18 AM


    you were abused too, huh

  20. killer tofu3:19 AM


    do you talk to someone about the abuse youve been through, ay?

  21. Who the fuck are you?

  22. Agreed. He shouldn't have been famous he should have gotten therapy. His mother was trash though so she chose to live through him instead and his father never gave a damn. I won't cry when he dies/go to prison.

  23. Every woman of this age had to have seen that photo of Rihanna's face, so imagine the type of woman he's attracting.

  24. Derek's Thong4:18 AM


  25. S.D.AUNTIE5:27 AM

    His gang affilliation, his piss poor attitude and violent outbursts will result in a tragic outcome. Maybe anothwr O.J. or he will get it from jealious homies. Too bad-so talented but needs therapy quickly.

  26. The sponsors are the arabs who pay for the disgusting's gross, but these girls are so pathetic, they'll do anything for money. They're nicknamed Dubai Porta Potties.

  27. Studio546:08 AM

    What a low life punk. Illuminati loving, female beating jerk. He's on the OJ road to hell and prison.

  28. Derek's Diarrhea8:03 AM

    @killer are you trying to insult @Ay by claiming she was an abuse victim? So all victims should feel ashamed? You didn't really put much thought into your insult...

  29. Hot Cola9:09 AM

    Nothing Tragic about him leaving this plant.

  30. Whywhywhy???11:11 AM

    Yeah, especially when he puts his foot on a fan's head and there is a video. I have no doubt he was a "passed around" boy on his come up as the mom comes off as fame-whore momager. He's been to prison and he's not scared. Anger is his go to emotion and violence is his habit.

  31. This entire post & all the comments, makes me want off this planet now! What the he'll is wrong with people?!

  32. There will be nothing tragic about his outcome. All the shit that's due to come his way will 100% justified, be it death or prison. I'm just sad he procreated before someone inevitably wipes his smarmy thug ass off this planet.

  33. I spent a good three hours on that Tag the Sponsor site. Unbelievable! Heaux, beaux and more heaux. And poopy to boot! Ugh

  34. Guesser2:17 AM

    Three hours? I won't do three minutes.After what was already said, I don't need to see what can't be unseen.

  35. Sitara9:53 AM

    Tag the sponsor outs models who get paid to let rich arab men do gross sex stuff to them. Including getting pooped on, having to eat poop, gang bangs and shoving fish up their sponsor's butt. Also outs the men too. Read the dirty for more info.

  36. back again3:53 PM

    Imagine how many hits Tag The Sponsor site got after this Blind.

  37. NYCStudent12:58 AM

    TagTheSponsor should also tag the A LIST CELEBRITIES that are involved in the same thing.

    But this is what happens when people get involved in prostitution. Clearly, morality DOES matter!

  38. Just another example of how vile arabs are. There women who go to these countries for legit jobs, have their passports taken away and become sex slaves until they are released.
