Saturday, June 25, 2016

Blind Item #2

This former A list mostly television actress turned A list mostly movie actress who finally seems to be having a harder time getting work because of her continual box office bombs has gone to the Victoria Beckham get some attention quickly model. Prior to knowing she is going to be papped, the actress plays with her nipples to get them hard for the photos. Victoria used that for almost a decade.


  1. Tricia132:16 AM

    Jen Aninston

  2. Ms. Anne Thrope2:19 AM

    Yep, Jen with her highbeams on while being papped the other day.

  3. Stephie2:20 AM

    I agree this is supposed to be JA but anyone who watched Friends would know her nipples always looked like that. Maybe VB copied her.

  4. Tricia132:22 AM

    Exactly...or maybe an AC was blowing on her in the car?? Lol

  5. Paint Chips2:51 AM

    Jennifer Aniston used to complain in interviews that after she got her books done, her nippers were always hard.

    I would never admit that.

  6. Yup surgery did that to me too

  7. Claire3:14 AM

    I had never noticed that until my boyfriend pointed it out. Now whenever I watch Friends all I can see are her nipples!

  8. Claire3:14 AM

    This is dumb because as someone pointed out above, just go back and watch friends. Her nipples were always poking out on that show, so this is nothing new!

  9. nipples or no, still cant save the fact that jennifer aniston is a butterface

  10. therealcinabun4:29 AM

    I really wish I hadn't read this blind.....

  11. Noreen5:04 AM

    I haven't seen any recent pix of her and all the pregnancy talk(I've read it here). Just saying that it happens easily if in situations with forced cold air like the studio they filmed"Friends" in maybe?

  12. Nope. It was while running errands in NYC in nearly 90 degree temps on Thursday. The photos were everywhere and thisclose to obscene -- not only were her high beams on, you could fully see her areola too.

  13. back again6:18 AM

    jeebus!!! what kinda books WERE they?!?

    ; )

  14. back again6:22 AM

    gaaawwwwd, this is so passe......nipple rings or don't bother.

  15. Aniston's been nipply for years.

  16. James7:27 AM

    I thought JA made bank when she starred in Friends maybe movies aren't her strong point but to associate herself with Posh she must be downright desperate only film I have ever liked JA in was She's the one

  17. Werklurk7:32 AM

    When she was on Friends Jennifer Aniston used ice cubes to perk up her nipples every day.

  18. Paint Chips7:46 AM

    Ooops! BOOBS!

  19. texasrose10:47 AM

    Just another bs blind pulled from the daily mail or any publication that had her recent nip pics.

  20. Debbie Do (@debbiedonothing)1:02 PM

    Her entire career was based on going braless w/ high beams in Friends. Marrying Pitt helped her movie career take off. Let's face it, she's never been a great actress.

  21. Small Penis Porn2:36 PM

    She also does that fake pregnant thing her people have her do...stick your stomach out on vacation and then cover your stomach with a jacket for a week and we'll have paps there every day. She's done I think. She really wore out her welcome 10 years ago

  22. Whywhywhy???11:10 PM

    She surprised me in Derailed. Of course, could have been blinded by Clive Owens but she did more than I expected from her. Poor Girl is just a prom queen for life.

  23. Camal1912:39 AM

    True...but I call BS. JA had a hard time on the set of Friends, and had to put band aids over her nipples when they filmed. I have the same problem JA does. I walk down the street, and they automatically get hard, through my bra.

  24. […] ‘This former A list mostly television actress turned A list mostly movie actress who finally seems to be having a harder time getting work because of her continual box office bombs has gone to the Victoria Beckham get some attention quickly model. Prior to knowing she is going to be papped, the actress plays with her nipples to get them hard for the photos. Victoria used that for almost a decade. Jennifer Aniston‘ (Blind Item van 25 juni) […]
