Sunday, June 19, 2016

Blind Item #1

This former A-/A list mostly television actress from a hit network show has scrambled since the show's demise quite some time ago. Everyone knows the show. Everyone knows her character. Her drug use needs to get under control because it is making some other health issues even worse.


  1. Tricia1311:30 PM

    Shannon Doughtery

  2. Tricia1311:31 PM


  3. MontanaMarriott11:34 PM

    Could you make this any more vague?! It could be anyone.

  4. Kno Won Uno11:39 PM

    So let's go with Shelley Long

  5. Kno Won Uno11:40 PM

    Calista Flockhart?

  6. Tricia1311:42 PM

    I think he may be referring to her fight against breast cancer of the last year....he probably saw a bad photo of her:(

  7. Yeah it was on Lainey Gossip. She is looking a bit rough though. But I always loved Brenda Walsh!

  8. Kno Won Uno11:49 PM

    And is mega judgy. Enty logic:
    -Someone with HIV is having a cocktail?! No wonder they're dying!
    -A model is spotted smoking a cigarette outside a club? --> instant pancreatic cancer!
    -Actor swallows a tylenol? SEVERE adderall addiction! Will it be rehab or death?!
    That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.

  9. Tricia1311:56 PM

    I saw a photo of her not long ago and she didn't look well, but what a hell of a thing to write about or insinuate ?

  10. back again11:58 PM

    for the record,i don't really know the show 90210 except for it's zipcode name & some of the old actors in it nor did I know Shannon's character's name til' @ Lisa mentioned it above.

  11. @Kno Agree. So, in that logic; Enty must have liver cancer for all that drinking that he have done and all.

  12. crystalmeh1:29 AM


  13. S.D.AUNTIE2:36 AM

    Shannon should be in menopause and it is not fun folks. I have the insomnia and am lucky to get 5 hours of sleep. I can not imagine using drugs while in this stage let alone Chemo.

  14. James4:09 AM

    Shando 8-( but I truly hope not just going along with the popular consensus

  15. Whywhywhy???10:54 PM

    Get yourself some black cohosh need for any of that... through some Valerian root in there...most prefer tincture for the smell. Progest cream (this is brand name comes in blue box at GNC or Whole Foods) also works and is over the counter. I feel you discomfort though as I got a friend/okay so he's dismissed but dealing with the hormonal issues of unwanted ear and nose hairs...not funny or comforting to him at all. His other issue was not comforting to me.
