Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Today's Blind Items - Sex & Jealousy

I love any kind of blind that sounds like it could be in a soap. I also love that the two main figures in this blind are not regular visitors to this spot. They are a married couple. The actress is foreign born and an Academy Award winner/nominee. The actor is B list but is probably headed down to B- list after his most recent television flop. It was this most recent television flop that has led to all the drama between this well known couple. On the set of his recent flop he got involved with a foreign born actress who was his co-star. It was an on set romance but he also got busted and was acting like a love struck puppy. It caused a great deal of drama on the home front. it has taken nearly a year to get his wife to even partially forgive him. He became much more contrite when his show was canceled. His wife is about to have a very big year and is doing a ton of press. It just highlights to him his acting failures. This has caused him to lash out and the couple has had some fairly public blowouts the past couple of weeks. Most have revolved around him being jealous and not wanting her to travel to promote her show. Or if she does travel, her insistence that he accompany her. Why? She doesn't trust him and has made it perfectly clear to those around him during the arguments. She has also made it clear during these arguments exactly why she doesn't trust him which has led to him lashing out even more. Probably not helping matters is that the actress from that television show has been communicating with the actor through a friend of his.


  1. sandybrook3:28 AM

    I'm stuck--can't find a foreign-born Oscar nominee with a show.

  2. Scarlett Drawl3:31 AM

    Emily Blunt and John Krasinski

  3. Violet3:31 AM

    Emily blunt and John K

  4. sandybrook3:37 AM

    ok I can see that couple but what "show" is she out promoting?

  5. sandybrook3:41 AM

    she's also very pregnant

  6. What's John's recent TV flop?

  7. MontanaMarriott3:47 AM

    Unless Enty is mistaken Emily Blunt is not an Oscar nominee/winner.

  8. d brown3:47 AM

    Not a show but a couple of big movies - Mary Poppins and The Girl On The Train

  9. d brown3:49 AM

    I misspoke. MP is in pre-production. It is TGOTT that she will be promoting.

  10. Violet3:58 AM

    Ok then, how about Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer?

  11. He doesn't have a "latest television flop" that I know of. The Jack Ryan TV show is on Amazon Prime I think and that is only in pre production. So he doesn't really fit.

  12. lila fowler4:01 AM

    This doesn't fit anyone. Blunt isn't an Oscar nominee.

  13. Kibble4:01 AM

    ^ This.

  14. sandybrook4:01 AM

    Montana says Emily isn't the answer.(right below)

  15. Can't be blunt.
    Enty has a coupl of items on her cheating on john. she can't hate him for a year for doing what she does.

    plus john hasnt had a tv show bomb has he?

  16. Kibble4:06 AM

    She is currently promoting Roots, Page Six or DM had a blurb and pics.

    He does not look very happy in them. But it looks like he's got another gig lined up so I'm not sure how Bastard Executioner is causing his career to slide.

  17. Tweently4:52 AM

    The Bastard Executioner being his tv bomb.

  18. Tweently4:53 AM

    Anna also won an Oscar as a kid.

  19. back again4:56 AM

    @ Violet got this with Anna Paquin with the Roots remake premiering on May 30th.
    and Stephen Moyer with The Bastard Executioner debaucle.
    -I'm just wondering how the hell Anna ever thought that he was going to be faithful to her with his track record?

  20. lila fowler4:57 AM

    Ahhhh I forgot that she had an Oscar. Good one.

  21. back again4:58 AM

    nice one @Violet!

  22. texasrose6:33 AM

    I thought she was bi and they had a somewhat 'open' relationship or does that mean they can only have fmf threesomes?

  23. texasrose6:34 AM

    Paquin/moyer for the couple.

  24. WickedBee7:25 AM

    Good guess but I'm quite sure they've been in many Blinds before. Although, I'm not entirely sure what Enty means by "not regular visitors to this spot".

  25. back again10:10 AM

    ..and Flora Spencer-Longhurst for the co-star.
    -I binge-watched that show and actually started to like it by the end(except for some really stupid casting like Katy Segal in a role w/a ridiculous wig & accent & Ed Sheeran,period) just when Sutter pulled the plug.(evidently I was the only one though).Anyway,I TOTALLY can believe that those two were hooking up-absolutely.

  26. It could be Paquin and says they aren't "regular visitors", so they have been blinds before but not regularly.

  27. Hot Cola1:27 PM

    I also thought they have a somewhat 'open' relationship

  28. Hot Cola1:28 PM

    Who ever he is, he's not the first nor last, male to act like this.

  29. Number124:27 PM

    Maybe Anna Paquin (Roots) and Stephen Moyer (The Bastard Executioner).

  30. Number124:29 PM

    Yep! @Violet
