Today's Blind Items- The Managers
If you are represented by these managers, I know you slept with them and are probably still sleeping with them. You are also a female because the only way they would rep a guy is if he were a monster superstar already where they didn't have to do any work. These managers are known to most of you, but not as managers. Most of you know them from the music business where they used to be big. B+ list big. A couple of hits big. They get papped enough where they stay in the public eye and makes them look more attractive to their female recruits. They also make sure to appear when they can on music television shows, again, to attract the women. It is great if you have talent because they will make it look like they are doing something for you when anyone else could have done the same thing. If you are not talented, they will represent you until they get tired of sleeping with you and then you will be sent on your way. In the meantime, while they are sleeping with you, they will use you to find other women who may or may not be talented. They love signing new talent and then running up their fees. Not only do they take a cut of the earnings but they also travel and drink and dine all the time using the money of the people they represent, claiming it is a business expense. Did I tell you they are both married? Makes it even that much worse.