Friday, May 13, 2016

Four For Friday - Traditional

#1 - A couple of hours in bed with this foreign born A list mogul and this former singer turned reality judge gets a gig that pays 20 times the gig she bailed on pays.

#2- This B+list mostly movie actress who has had multiple chances at network fame has lung cancer.

#3 - Kindness - This dual national actress who grew up here and abroad and is on a hit cable show along with minor parts on other shows is A-/B+ list. She recently got paid to work for a food chain and made them match her salary for the gig in a donation to an inner city school that needed computers.

#4 - This B+ list mostly movie actress who is a celebrity offspring thought after her monster hit from last year that people would be throwing offers at her right and left. They were, until they saw she had gained some weight. Then, all of a sudden the offers all disappeared except for some off camera work. There is even talk she might be written out of the next installment of the monster hit. Hollywood sucks. She is great.


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