Friday, May 27, 2016

Four For Friday - Drug Boss

This actor is an Academy Award winner/nominee. Over the past decade he has really stepped up his charity giving game. Apparently he has a lot of money to spend on his charitable efforts because he uses a private jet for his charitable visits. Most of his visits are focused on one country. A country that shares a border with one of the biggest drug trafficking countries in the world. Huh. Our actor used his money and influence in the country he visits to get some very favorable concessions from the government. Apparently there are a couple of locations where our actor has set up "offices" for his charitable work. The funny thing is most of these "offices" are just a place where coke is processed by his workers. The coke is cut up and cooked for crack. It is then sold to the residents of this very poor country. Every couple of months our actor flies in to check on his workers, press the flesh and pass out some cash before taking a bunch of his cash home. Not all of his cash though. Nope. He needs to launder money too which is why our actor owns several stores in the country but the main funneling of his money is into a production company. Nobody knows how to move money around better than a Hollywood accountant. It plays by its own rules and is the perfect place to clean your money. Now if he could just get rid of some of his competition. Oh wait.


  1. longtimereader3:13 AM

    Sean Penn?

  2. Elle B3:15 AM

    sean penn

  3. sandybrook3:15 AM

    Benecio del Toro?

  4. sandybrook3:16 AM

    yep Peen FTW which is why he just made a horrible movie.

  5. Emmaline Lucas3:26 AM

    Now this is delicious gossip.

  6. Sasha3:41 AM

    Too funny, I read that as Doug Ross!
    What production company? As far as I know, he doesn't have one anymore and curiously, is says A production company.

  7. Emmaline Lucas4:10 AM

    What's the country he is continually going to? Haiti with the neighbor Dominican Republic?

  8. Cessa4:35 AM

    I vaguely remember a reveal that had Penn telling then gf Theron to dump her dealer & use his.

  9. shakey4:41 AM

    Ha! When that whole El Chapo thing happened, I joked that Sean was probably his best customer, which is why he interviewed him. Didn't realize he was competition.

  10. PoniTayl4:51 AM

    Well THAT'S gotta "chap" some El Chapos hide! hehehe

  11. Sanctuary5:27 AM

    I immediately thought of Sean Peen. It does make perfect sense. He's into his charity persona and this makes sense. Hard to accuse a "charity dude" of really being a huge drug trafficker.

    Back when I did the whole Conspiracy Theory stuff, there was a whole discussion about how convenient it was to do human trafficking, drug trafficking and espionage when one is a "hollywood star" or celebrity. Rumor has it that this goes back - Houdini was rumored to be perhaps a spy. Makes sense - ease of movement, visas, and being in the public eye has its own "protection".

    I could go on...but I'm kind of done with the whole Conspiracy thing now...and have to get back to work.

  12. Just Saying6:28 AM

    Sean Penn is a disgusting, degenerate political poverty pimp and a disgrace to truly progressives and charitable celebrities.

  13. TheNewGuy7:15 AM

    I'm big in the Hollywood conspiracy game (none of that aliens/reptilians shit) and much of what is considered "conspiracy" is actually legit.

  14. Sanctuary9:42 AM

    Yeah I agree.... (I just didn't want to slide down that slippery slope...cuz I started to come here to detox from that addiction...) I have/had a friend (don't know if he's still alive..he was quite the twinkies in his day) who turned tricks with some huge media mogul. I'm sure he avoided telling me some stories because I was already alarmed and clutching my pearls as it was. I think if I would let him he would have made my head spin!

  15. Shut Up!11:22 AM

    Sean Penn owns several stores in Haiti or the Dominican republic? Not that I believe any of this but it has to be somebody who owns businesses that people know about.

  16. Wrong countries... Penn was besties with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela... Was down there hanging with him a lot before he died... And Venezuela is neighbors to the #1 drug country in the world: Columbia.

  17. marlo4:40 PM

    Sean Penn is a very lucky piece of dried up old excrement turd.

  18. Morgana5:00 PM

    Colombia not Columbia.

  19. back again3:16 AM

    hahaha...he really literally does look like a piece of dried crap.
