Sunday, May 29, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

April 11, 2016

This A- list singer has been in this spot many times discussing the work she has done to her face. Apparently it is just the first step of many as the part-time actress wants to look like Kim Kardashian.

Lady GaGa


  1. sandybrook3:48 AM

    All the work in the world isn't going to make her face less fug. She'd have to do an entire face reconstruction to look anything like KTrash.

  2. Ms. Anne Thrope3:51 AM

    Hate to break it to her, but she's going to need more than plastic surgeries. Perhaps a head transplant?

  3. Zilla13:52 AM

    Don't people dislike Gaga enough without her aspiring to Kardashianism?

  4. Ms. Anne Thrope3:52 AM

    LOL jinx! There was nothing here when I posted

  5. Ms. Anne Thrope3:52 AM

    This is going to be a hilarious thread LOL!

  6. Ms. Anne Thrope3:53 AM

    +1 LOL

  7. Zilla13:54 AM

    I agree.

    When a dumbass idolizes a dumbass...

  8. back again3:56 AM

    OT: I'm intrigued that Vanessa Paradis has come out SOOOO clear & supportive of it said, if anyone had an axe to grind & might enjoy seeing him squirm for a lil' bit,it'd be she.

  9. She's such a fraud. Anyone who gets all the attention, that's who she wants to be.

  10. Hot Cola4:05 AM

    Kids, stay out of the drugs..

  11. That's her kids father of course she's supportive.

  12. Derek's Thong4:12 AM


  13. saras4:13 AM

    +2 but which face? So many to choose from...

  14. Derek Gaga4:48 AM

    Some nights when I'm home all alone, I put on my meat dress and drink highballs when I'm nailing blinds.

  15. Malibuborebee4:50 AM

    She should take a good look at Tori Spelling and recognize that plastic surgery has its limitations.

  16. Studio544:51 AM

    How fitting. The blind ego wanting to look like the blind ego. Luckily though, it's easy to ignore G, not the K-trash, but I think we're on the slide down hill for good with them too.

  17. Studio544:55 AM

    @back again o/t: I'm not surprised. Margarite Simpson always supported OJ during this trial. Ex wives are almost never supportive of the new ones.

  18. Surly4:56 AM

    I suggest she option for the pretty, au natural version of KK.

  19. back again5:06 AM

    as i said, i'm intrigued...still,i really didn't think she'd say anything so soon just cuz it doesn't seem her style. Anyway,It'll all play out soon enough.

  20. Kno Won Uno8:28 AM

    Even now, she's prettier without makeup, in my opinion. There aren't many people I'd say that about.

  21. back again8:43 AM

    ..except for the missing ones on ID Channel.

  22. Laura Palmer9:54 AM

    I agree..she has many interesting sides to her face...some angles she looks like a Picasso, others a Bottecelli..she could maybe do something with her nose...something minor.

  23. Barrel of Monkeys1:15 PM


  24. Airhead1:21 AM

    she would be better off going for a Cher type face

  25. Donald Trump1:30 AM

    This is such a nonsense blind based on yep, you guessed it - zero evidence.

    If this: is her trying to imitate Kim then she's sure taking her time about it.

  26. Mr. Knowitall1:59 AM

    LOL. Even Kim Kardashian doesn't want to look like Kim Kardashian.

  27. longtimereader2:26 AM

    And they laughed at Micheal Jackson for wanting to look like Dianna Ross...

  28. James6:59 AM

    Why in the hell would GaGa want to emulate bottom of the trash heap K-Trash

  29. Djenda8:41 AM

    Lady Gaga is always after somebody else's stuff wether it's the crap music she buys from producers and add her two lines on them to get a credit, someone else's boyfriend, someone else's career and now someone else's face (that one is understandable, when you look like a horse with bad wigs on).
    Just like every other born one percenters.

    Her PR machine in the begining worked wonders to sell her to the public. Completly built her up and marketed her to death. From this day on some stupid cretins still believe the hype her record company created and repeat the things they unconsciously planted in their minds about her thanks to massive publicity.
    That said there's absolutely nothing left. All the people who built her up left, all hate her today and talk about how she was fabricated. Still some cretins from rural Arkansas believe she's the hypest thing ever.

  30. Studio5411:30 AM

    Speaking of bad plastic surgery, I just saw the latest pictures of Caitlin. In less than a year, "she" has completely ruined "her" face and turned into Catwoman in world record time. I also read "she" wants to reduce the size of "her" feet, as it's a huge giveaway big man hands and big man feet as to a person's true gender. This is pure hubris. Nature gave "her" those big feet, because "she" is 6'2" tall. "She" needs feet that size for balance. Unless "she" is going to shrink her height too....

    This whole thing is a very sad freak show. I wonder how many millions "she" has already wasted, and doesn't still look remotely feminine..... Don't mess with Mother Nature....
