Monday, May 30, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

February 19, 2016

Usually this foreign born permanent A+ list member of a group who has done nothing solo that I can think of off hand is much more discreet about cheating on his long term wife. This past week though he was flaunting a mistress he brings on vacations with the family. Separate accommodations of course.



  1. sandybrook3:20 AM

    discreet with the cheating on his wife yet brings the mistress on vacations with the family?

  2. Derek's Thong4:15 AM


  3. Kno Won Uno4:49 AM

    'long term wife' interesting.

  4. And-so-on..5:37 AM

    Always a dirt-bag..
    Why does Bono continue to pretend to care about impoverished people around the world takes millions and millions in donations like Pean, brags about it but, holds onto the funds until the price and publicity is good and unloads lame projects of his richest friends as uplifting and helpful ways to spend it.., when the poor and sick and sad are used to experiment their fav projects, here now.. you can drink your urine but don't dig a well to get plumbing.. that spoils the view of nature and makes modern conveniences popular. they have endless restrictions and forced laws imposed to keep them rural and interesting.. a list of yes and no's the claim show they are so conservative and kind.. but it is to gain more publicity, because you have these CHARITY bashes
    with the most stars invited.. LAVISH FOOD, drinks and, the best of the best places to stay and be entertained.. etc etc,
    again, so pampered they don't care most are into drugs and anorexics.. a lot of this food put in garbage afterward
    Stop wasting money and food which could be given to those who need it., just good food, clean water, housing, schools, trade.. fair wages and not buying up the best spots of that country for rich tourist only, making a profit from viewing their continued suffering...
    Do what? Oh if we had more.. the poor people, such a lovely way to make lots of tax free money .. pretender..

  5. saras5:48 AM

    Yeah you are right as most celebs and rich philanthropists do it for more for pr and perks than the feeling of kindness. The web of bs is spun and some people are helped but not as many as they could or should.

  6. Lost respect for this guy a long time ago.
    His hypocrisy is too overwhelming.

  7. James6:14 AM

    So Bono (Boner) brings his side piece of ass (she probably takes a separate flight) on vaca with his family maybe the wife knows and just doesn't care


    Best way to get rich fast is to create a foundation, take donations, donate speaking fees to the foundation, give 6%-10% to charity, then live large on the rest. Get as much publicity as possible in the meantime. See Hillary Clinton for directions on how to accomplish this.



  10. ItaloDance7:34 AM

    Like the Romans said: CUI BONO?

  11. Zilla18:06 AM

    Bono was incredibly wealthy before he had any association with a foundation and Hillary was a partner in a law firm before they ever hit Washington. She also wrote a bestselling book as did her husband.

  12. back again9:00 AM


  13. SandyC9:13 AM

    Hillary Clinton did not make millions from being a partner in an Arkansas law firm. Sorry. And writing a best-selling book doesn't make you that much either. She profited from selling her connection to Bill, her stint as Senator and Secretary of State, and everyone's assumption that she would run for President. She (and Bill) basically prostituted their "public service" for money, but go ahead and close your eyes!

  14. Whywhywhy???9:15 AM

    Ah yes, the band that bequeathed the peasants a free album without even asking if it was wanted to show up in their iTune playlist.

  15. Nancy9:34 AM

    They are pretty open, actually. Not cheating.


    Rock on, Sandy C. Remember, Hillary said she and Bill were broke when they left the White House. Now they are millionaires mainly from Hill and Bill's speaking fees where Bill sometimes earned nearly one half a million dollars. Of course, it was then donated to the "foundation". Zilla, do some research.


    Make that Bill would earn hundreds of thousands PER SPEECH.

    This is from CNN:

  18. oh. no.10:37 AM

    He isn't a good ambassador for Christianity. He's a hypocrite.

  19. No, just incredibly icky.

  20. Zilla110:50 AM

    Law firm partners aren't broke, either. And she and Bill each got multimillion dollar advances for their first books.

    Obama, like all former Presidents, and most politicians, business owners, subject matter experts and celebrities, will also take money for speaking engagements after he leaves office. It is legal and there is nothing immoral about it. After Sanders retires from the Senate, which might be soon if he and/or his entitled fanatics cost the Dems this election, he will also begin (or continue) to make paid public appearances, at Dollar Store openings across the country.

  21. Studio5411:01 AM

    Bono covered for and excused both Steve Jobs AND his wife for doing NOTHING substantial with their money for charity.

  22. SandyC11:18 AM

    Of course there is no conflict of interest if President Obama makes speeches for pay AFTER he leaves office. Because he is not taking exorbitant fees for any kind of access. Bill got speaking fees from companies, both foreign and domestic, wanting to get business from the U.S. that required State Department approval. And guess what, they got it? She meanwhile advised many of them to donate to the Clinton Foundation from which she was getting monies even while she was Secretary of State. See, that's what you call a "conflict of interest." Read up on it. And it's more the Clinton Foundation/State Department co-dealings that raise everyone's suspicions. What she said in the speeches? Who cares. I want to know what she said when they handed her the checks for the speeches!

  23. Christianity?? Bono's Jesus Card is long expired -- I wonder, do you mean not a good liberal/socialist/FSA'er?

  24. emeraldcity1:01 PM

    There is also the well publicised story of Petra Nemcova's request for Bill to accept an award at a charity event, which was refused several times until she agreed to donation to the 'foundation'. The donation turned out to be $500,000 made late last year after the foundation sent the charity an invoice, which amounted to almost a quarter of the evening’s net proceeds — enough to build schools in Indonesia.

  25. Hot Cola1:21 PM

    Apperently that's worst noting this day & age, Extincting species or something.

  26. shiba4:35 PM

    it's their marriage. They have kids, are a family, both seem happy -
    why would divorce be a better solution?
    Life is long and can be complicated.

  27. Quiet Riot11:24 PM

    I find I odd that he does not cling to Queen Rania's designer dress hems anymore. For the longest they were inseparable and then poof, he was gone. A lot of odd stories there, too.

  28. longtimereader3:32 AM

    Well the rumour is his wife likes models and they have an open marriage. 30+ years with kids and still he gets the occasional threesome as well.
