Sunday, May 29, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

April 9, 2016

While this foreign born A list dual threat actor was out of town filming, his wife was out with another man, who some say is the boyfriend from whom she never split. The two were definitely very very close while out in public. I think she thinks she is not recognized when she goes out.

Benedict Cumberbatch/Sophie Hunter


  1. If Ben doesn't care why should we?

  2. sandybrook3:27 AM

    Cumberbitch weekly page view day

  3. Malibuborebee3:51 AM

    As long as we're here, couldn't he make the weekly Cumbersnatch item something more interesting?

  4. Derek's Thong4:09 AM


  5. LOLSTANS7:22 AM

    This was debunked and actually it's a horrific story. Someone took a bunch of extremely blurry long distance photos of a woman who looks a little like Sophie Hunter wearing a bright yellow poncho walking with a shaven-headed man, at the National Theatre in London, and send them anonymously to one of the Sophie Hunter hate blogs. I don't know if they were trolling or a "sceptic" who genuinely believed it was her. The photos are so blurry and distant you really can't see anything, but the hate blogs used the photos as proof Sophie was cheating, because obviously she'd take her secret lover to her husband's workplace, right?

    Anyway it was later revealed that the people in the photo are actually a Welsh married couple named Matt and Samantha Reece. Matt Reece made a request to get the photos removed, and was refused, and the haters have been harassing them ever since (they made false reports to FB and succeeded in getting his account temporarily suspended which they then used as "proof" he didn't exist, then when the account was restored and people pointed out there were public posts on it dating back to 2007, they changed their tune and claimed Matt was Sophie's secret lover).

    His account is still searchable on FB and he made a bunch of public posts about it. WITH screencaps. ;)

  6. The photos of "Sophie and her secret boyfriend" that were behind this rumor and fake BI submission were proven to be some random Welsh couple who the skeptics have been seriously harassing and making up all sort of crazy lies about. It's truly disgusting.

  7. I thought the skeptics were convinced Gambles was her secret boyfriend?

    Remember when they "found" the registered office address of Sophie's theatre company on the Companies House website (which is owned by Gambles), and became convinced it was proof Sophie and Gambles lived there even though it was proven it'd been a building site for years, that Gambles had a blog all about the refurb, that Gambles is married with a baby, AND Companies House lists Ben's address as being a business park in Stevenage?

    Even though I know it's evil for the skeptics to make up damaging lies about men with wives and children on the basis of the most tenuous or mistaken connections to Sophie, it's pretty funny they genuinely thought Companies House lists celebs' home addresses that anyone can see just by typing in their name! Ffs.

  8. LOLSTANS7:37 AM

    The "sceptics" are currently harassing and mocking an ordinary uninvolved woman who is currently mourning the death of her young child, purely because Sophie read a letter the woman had written (to JK Rowling) at a Letters Live event this weekend, and the letter-writer tweeted something nice about Sophie reading it. Literally just for one tweet!

    They're becoming cartoonishly evil.

  9. Bluebird8:13 AM

    Are these posts by Cumberbitches, plural? Or just one? This is the same old, same old with these blind reveals. I can set my watch to posts by people with axes to grind on Cumberbatch blinds.

  10. Kno Won Uno8:19 AM

    How about he carries Arthor Conan Doyle's cremated heart around with him on a keychain?

  11. TimerGoesBoom8:30 AM

    Okay. I can see reason here. Anybody give me a link for the tweets where this woman on Twitter was harassed? I saw some mocking of Letters Live and there PR strategy but none of the woman or her grief. I saw a response from her but nothing at her. I looked. So what it looks like is someone sent a grieving mother a link to a blog that was commenting on publicity which would deliberately make her upset. Since the only direct tweets she received, unless there were private messages, she was sent that upsetting link by the very people crying about how upset she had been made. As for the Facebook account, Facebook did not suspend it. The deleted it. The person who is behind it put it back up. They did not copy the timestamps correctly. Some does have that information. So whether she was cheating or not, whether it was a date or not, someone was intent on proving that it wasn't. I don't know about you, but that kind of says to me that there is something to hide.

  12. I know, it's terrifying.

  13. Seriously this woman LOST A CHILD, she's on Twitter literally begging the haters to leave her alone, and you still can't stop dragging her? WTF is wrong with you????

  14. LOLSTANS9:22 AM

    If you mean Matt Reece's FB then no his account was not deleted, only suspended and then un-suspended after he uploaded a scan of his passport. Go search his name on FB right now, you can find his account very easily and there are public posts dating back to 2007, so obviously it's not a new account he set up. I would seriously question your motives for making up lies like that.

    Some random couple had creepy stalker photos of themselves taken and smeared all over the Internet, been lied about and harassed and libelled -- you're STILL making up lies about him on this thread! -- purely because the wife looks a little like the wife of a celeb whose obsessed fans hate her. But yeah sure it's totally suspicious that they would want to have their photos removed.

    And please remember that Matt and Samantha have done literally nothing. He sent one single email asking to have their photos removed, and has made a whopping two FB posts asking that they stop harassing him and his wife.

  15. LOLSTANS9:41 AM

    When Ben and Sophie visited seriously ill children in Great Ormand Street Hospital, the haters attacked the mother of one of the children and claimed that she'd been paid off by Sophie to fake the whole thing and had forced her kid to pretend to be dying of cancer to create a photo op.

    There's no one they won't attack. To them the entire world is a vast evil conspiracy controlled by Sophie, and anyone even vaguely connected to her is automatically part of the plot and therefore Evil.

  16. TimerGoesBoom9:54 AM

    @Leo I said nothing about the woman or her child and if someone went after her they should be ashamed. This is not the topic of discussion however. The Facebook page was shut down. The original post was time stamped for 8:28pm and the new timestamp says 11:34pm. Only because someone screencapped it, is this known. The minutes could be because of a computer error but the hours? It's not a timezone issue either. The person didn't have the time but that 1 hour prior stamp so the post was one hour prior to their screenshot which is more accurate than the alterable timestamps which they also have proof that have been changed. They have the HTML coding. They also have proof that it could not possible have been posted from Wales where the couple claims to be from by the same screenshot. Instead of blindly attacking maybe try listening once in a while.

  17. Chuchu10:35 AM


  18. well considering that Sophie faked a pregnancy (look at the fake belly comparison photos, the baby they were "holding" proven to be a bad Photoshop job) it was insult to that woman (Chrissy) to have her letter, about the child she lost from cancer, read by a woman who would fake the birth of a human being.

  19. seriously that woman LOST A CHILD, she deserves to not have her letter (which no doubt means a LOT to her) read by a woman who faked a pregnancy and has no idea what bond a child can has with its mother.

  20. Shaddup Mimsey12:36 PM

    Holy Manifestos.

  21. PANTS GO BROWN12:43 PM

    Are y'all for real??????????

  22. Bluebird2:57 PM

    My god, it's like the world's most boring tennis match...

  23. Chuchu7:36 PM

    I can't comprehend how pepole like you exist. It's not a fake pregnancy, there is no fucking rubber baby and those photos werent fucking photo shopped. Your just a sad woman who is trying to make sense of something, that doesn't fit into your Tumblr fan girl world. Get help for your sake and for the sake of your friends and family. I hope to god your either that lady on twitter who tweeted Amanda or your Gatorfish I can't imagine there are more of you guys.

  24. Chuchu7:40 PM

    I can't comprehend this post, like seriously. We get it. People think your crazy and you want to prove otherwise but you know what this ain't helping. Over analysis of some dam picture of "Sophie" doing nothing bad is pointless.

  25. Chuchu7:42 PM

    Except it seems Christy is a fan of Cumber batch and Sophie and seemed really happy that Sophie read her letter. So the one who is offended is you.

  26. Danni8:55 PM

    "considering that Sophie faked a pregnancy

    Um, okay

  27. Danni9:06 PM

    I have literally no idea what you're talking about but there is no physical way to FAKE nine years' worth of FB posts on a brand new account. There are posts (with comments from others) dated 2007.

    Not sure what "posted outside of Wales" is supposed to prove or if this allegedly proof exists. But obviously they are/were in London since the National Theatre is in London and that's where they were photographed. London and Cardiff are pretty close.

    Maybe you should just not constantly stalk innocent strangers?

  28. Danni9:09 PM

    I wish the Enty team would stop posting these fake Cumberbatch BIs. We all know who's writing them and imo they seem genuinely mentally ill.

  29. Crazy9:31 PM

    The pics of her horse face out with her BF are all over Tumblr. Is this Gambles? Your lies are showing. Ha ha!

  30. Crazy9:34 PM

    Awwwwwwww...look at all if the butthurt nannies and liars that Gambles hired to post these comments full of lies. It's laughable.

    its her in the pics online. Anyone can spot that horse face from a distance.

    This is all fake. And the truth is starting to come to light.

  31. Seriously, Enty. Out this sham for what it is. Sophie Hunter is a liar, a drug addict, an escort and a con artist. She faked a pregnancy and blackmailed Benedict into a fake marriage for fame. Now she's getting caught out with her real boyfriend and reading letters about dead kids to bolster an image in which everyone is laughing at her about in Hollywood.

    Pushing these BI's is just nonsense. It's sad that you are sitting on the truth and won't say anything at all about these lies. Perhaps you'll feel differently when eveything finally does come out.

  32. Paprika12:08 AM

    "Me" you are absolutely right, Enty probably needs a few more pieces to put together.To those who don't believe it, get prepared when it comes.

  33. Honeybunny1:12 AM

    You and your "homies" need Jesus.

  34. Benedict Lizardface is never going to have sex with you.

  35. Exactly. The truth bomb here is going to drop, no matter what anyone thinks. So all of Sophie Hunter's idiot minions who honestly think they can cover up the lies here with more lies better get prepared. Karma is a bitch.

    Enty better hope it doesn't hit him either (too bad it will). Wait for it.

  36. TimerGoesBoom2:26 AM

    ( Anyone can do it! Fool your friends! Fun at parties! S*ll your crap! Make M^n^y! THIS IS NOT AN AD, Enty. Proving my point that it took a two minute search to find this. I'm sure that there are better versions out there.

  37. longtimereader2:29 AM

    Talented British actor is a closet case? colour me surprised.

  38. morgan54:08 AM

    Well damn this was fun til lolstans and leo showed up. Go away. I'm open with dishing the dirt even the conspiracy type.

  39. LOLSTANS7:54 AM

    That only works to create SCREENCAPS of FB posts dumbass, not actual clickable posts that can be viewed by going to Everyone knows you can fake screencaps! What you cannot fake is posts showing up on a FB profile itself.

    If you go to FB right now this second and put "Matt Reece" in the search bar, his account pops right up, url matt.reece566. I'm looking at it right now and the oldest public post is datestamped 12th February 2006. This is a clickable post on itself, NOT a screencap of a post. You can click on the profiles of all his friends who have left comments on his posts over the years to check that they are real profiles.

    I don't know what about this is difficult for you to understand or what "screencaps" you are even talking about. Matt Reece only ever posted one screencap and that was a screencap of an email between him and Tumblr support. Do you mean screencaps other people have made of his FB and posted to Tumblr? Easy way to check if they're real or faked and that's look at his Facebook profile yourself. If the screencaps were faked the posts wouldn't be there, but they are.

  40. LOLSTANS7:56 AM

    "Enty" isn't a real person...

  41. LOLSTANS8:00 AM

    Crazy/TimerGoesBoom/xxx/Me/Paprika/morgan 5 = all the same person = Gatorfisch.

    I read a short story once titled 'Egg' where it's revealed that every single human being who's ever lived is actually the same person reincarned billions of times. It's good, you should read it. It's online somewhere. The conspiracy theories remind me of it. In their world, there are no regular uninvolved human beings. The Queen, Obama, the world press, all are minions in the most dark and powerful conspiracy of all time: convincing the world a B-list British actor knocked up a boring woman. Every single person on the Internet apart from the dozen valiant "skeptics" is secretly the Dark Sith Lord Sophie and one day she will come for you too!

  42. Paprika12:51 PM

    "LOLSTANS" I'm not gatorfish, so don't even try it with me alright? Or should I start calling you someone else, would you like that?

    If you want to continue to make excuses for this couple, then so be it but don't start with this crap of assuming I'm some other person.You give me an impression of a typical close minded being that doesn't like any other opinion that doesn't fit your own, well start getting used to it. Yes I suspect that this marriage is not real, there are too many clues that point it and as a matter of fact I'm more convinced now that it's a complete SHAM, got it!
    Get yourself another hobby as it seems you have none, as for looking at the clues and the obvious - you are a disaster at it!

  43. liarliarpantsonfiar6:19 PM

    Untrue. The women you are referring to debunked that she got harassed by anyone.

  44. Crazy6:36 PM

    LOLSTANS, you are an idiot. And everytime you put your nonsense out on this blog, you keep getting called as such. Give it up. You will never convince anyone with your lies.

    Tell Gambles and Sophie Hunter that jail awaits them. It's nothing short of what they deserve for their lies and idiocy.

  45. What color is the sky in your world?11:18 PM

    It's truly astounding how you can tell such barefaced lies about things that anyone with a passing fancy can verify for themselves.

    Look at the woman's tweets complaining and begging to be left alone. Look at the woman's blog, and the "open letter" she was forced to write to the haters. Look at the COMMENTS on the letter. Skeptics are actually using her "please stop" letter as a forum to heap more abuse. HunterHypeReport (aka TFOE) posted a really nasty comment to the woman's blog, anyone can go and look at it. Someone send Gator an anon message asking her to leave the woman alone and she flat out said no, my right to be outraged trumps everything.

  46. What color is the sky in your world?11:23 PM

    What lies? Everything in that post is easily factchecked by visiting

    You're just butthurt at having your retarded lies exposed. And lies that are so stupid! Matt Reece doesn't even have anything to do with Sophie Hunter, he probably doesn't even know who she is. Is it really that hard to admit you made an innocent mistake in confusing two women who look alike? Do you have to create a vast conspiracy involving some random Welsh person hacking Facebook's code to create nine years' worth of old posts, just to hide the "fact" that maybe possibly a married woman once had a conversation in public with a man who is not her husband?

    Even if it was Sophie, who the hell cares?? Are you the Taliban?

  47. LOLSTANS11:26 PM


    I'm not the one spending literally something like 18 hours a day 7 days a week maintaining a hundred blogs and online personas devoted to stalking an actor I've never met, nor am I creating vast criminal conspiracies involving the Queen and President of the United States simply because I can't acknowledge a celeb I have a crush on might have put his penis in a girl once.

  48. lyingdoesnthelpdear1:27 AM

    Why does she say then that she hasn't been harassed? "Can everyone take a step back from the word harassment, please? I appreciate your willingness to step up for me, but no one harassed me."

  49. jared1:30 AM

    Taliban insult. tsetsetse rings a bell....

  50. horsefacelol1:47 AM

    but but but Shofie is beautiful. lol well I am astounded about the uproar about this confirmed Blind Reveal. So she hung out with mystery man? what's so terrible about that?

  51. horsefacelol1:53 AM

    "Even if it was Sophie, who the hell cares ??" Exactly! So why try to debunk it @ all the Sophie-Stans here? Why is it SUCH a problem that Enty just revealed that Sophie was seen with some dude (who could be her boyfriend)? Would it be so unthinkable if Hunter found a new man? I think not.

  52. morgan54:32 AM

    lolstans, for the record I'm not this gatorfish either. Untwist your knickers have a cup of tea.

  53. fritanga5:27 AM

    Seriously. Step slowly back from the crazy...

  54. fritanga5:32 AM

    I'm frightened, actually - not for myself but for poor Mr. Cumberbatch and his wife. The level of delusion and mania here is staggering - and this isn't even a Cumberbatch site. Imagine what those are like. Wow.
