Saturday, May 28, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #6

August 7, 2012

Most of you have heard the Charlie Sheen shooting Kelly Preston story, but there is one that would have made the world explode with gossip if this one had ever got out to the public. This couple was everywhere. They were all over every tabloid. The actor, all movies all the time is still A+. Back in the day not so long ago he was a drinking and drugging machine and had a thing for antique weapons. Still does. Brings them to the set all the time. Much more careful with them now though. His girlfriend at the time was A list. She was strictly a booze and cigs kind of person with the sometime coke night if she was really having fun. Well, one night, our actor was showing off a new gun he had purchased at auction and was drinking and playing around and swinging it and shot his girlfriend. Bam right in the ribs. The bullet sliced off a chunk of the side of her ribs right below her bra line. She was not wearing a bra at the time. She was naked. There was blood everywhere. They screamed for several minutes before one of them finally got the idea of trying to towel it off. Yeah, that did not last long. They then used the hotel room drapes. Finally our actor made a call and the hotel sent up a doctor. The girlfriend did not need surgery because it went in and out. It did cause her a whole lot of pain and to help with her pain she started using some stronger drugs which took her ten years to break.

Johnny Depp/Winona Ryder


  1. Timmy Shimmy Yo3:18 AM

    Remember a little show called 21 Jump Street Enty? One of your generic blinds to pull out when a scandal breaks?

  2. sandybrook3:26 AM

    Nobody is disputing Depp has always been a POS and a drug addict Enty, however they are disputing Amber's stories from the past 2 weeks. The story sounds fishy, no?

  3. And it sounds like an accident.

  4. Cinabun3:47 AM

    Explains a lot about Winona & the whole shoplifting fiasco, though.

  5. back again4:08 AM

    Derek already reminded us cited this CDaN reveal yesterday in the "Amber Heard Says Johnny Depp Is A Wife Beater" Thread.

  6. makersmark4:22 AM

    whats weird is enty has repeatedly posted blinds suggesting amber is a bigtime black widow thats manipulative

    and now he's switching

    which is the truth, enty

  7. saras4:27 AM

    Wow its amazing how the internet has changed the way VIPs can't hide major crap anymore like they used to!

  8. Derek Harvey4:31 AM

    he he

    If this is true---I wonder if she got/still gets some serious hush money from him?? I sure hope so---she was just a young girl 18/19..and he was in his late 20s..what an ass...

  9. Tapioca4:42 AM

    not a surprised, what about Moss?
    he used to treat her like shit in public, sure shit happened between them and not only during that infamous hotel room scandal.

  10. Kno Won Uno5:02 AM

    I'm quite fond of your bourbon.

  11. It's all coming out now, Johnny. Amber has witnesses, including Johnny's bodyguards.

  12. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:20 AM

    That pos depp has a thing with writers, either playing as one in fear and loathing or trying to do a william burroughs with lovely Winona.

  13. Karen5:54 AM

    Why can't they both be true?

  14. mariaj6:07 AM


  15. shakey7:02 AM

    No it doesn't.

  16. That's the first thing I thought! Very suspicious.

  17. Someone8:06 AM

    If this did happen, I wonder if this was around the time she was to appear in The Godfather 3 but got sick.

  18. Honeybunny8:50 AM


  19. Yup, I agree. That's the same thing I said yesterday on a different post Sandybrook. I just don't buy a word of what Amber's selling. Have you seen the photos of her at I believe the Daily mail from yesterday? The no make up, the faces she's making, the breaking into uncontrollable tears, & fear when she's in private, only she knew the paps could photo her from the front of the car as she is facing forward. I think she just is upset at the backlash for divorcing him practically the day his mother dies.

  20. Despite my novel length comment, he he ( sorry ) I forgot to mention that this story doesn't sound like he's a girl beater. It sounds like he's an addict that stupidly shot his gf at the time by accident. Is it incredibly stupid, irresponsible, immature, & very illegal? Hells yeah! Does it make him a wife beater? Nope

  21. sandybrook10:31 AM

    I'm completely curious about one picture--she got beat up on Saturday night yet on Sunday she is out taking selfies with her friends with her hair covering one side of her face and she is happy? I dunno....

  22. sandybrook10:34 AM

    Plus Alice in Wonderland just opened and (according to reports) this sent the box office into the tank. Deliberate timing or not?

  23. Derek Harvey12:52 PM

    He was on that show for a year. If
    the blind is so "generic" who else would it, asshole? Go back to your loser site, sugar tits!

  24. Studio541:40 PM

    This kind of blind from Enty came to mind when I heard about Amber's allegations. Thanks to Enty for letting us know Depp was dangerous and an accident waiting to happen. He has been getting away with stuff for too long, and it's caught up to him.

  25. marlo3:46 PM

    Hm, for some reason I just can't picture JD beating up anybody, let alone a woman. He's just so metrosexual, wouldn't he worry about all his man-jewels and other accessories?
    But I can certainly picture him throwing stuff at her (head), if she starts telling him how he should die already, to provoke him. Then she'd get into the line of fire, for picture day tomorrow.
    As for Wynona & Kate: Wynona always seemed all right, while Kate Moss is mental and psychotic, so....

  26. Timmy Shimmy Yo10:41 PM

    ...sugar tits?

  27. Derek's Valtrex11:56 PM

    Because fags can't fight? Have you seen Derek in action?

  28. Matt C11:58 PM

    "Who else would it, asshole"

  29. Shut Up!12:35 AM

    Allegedly getting shot explains why she's a klepto? Fvck outta here.

  30. Mooshki1:12 AM

    1987-1990 is one year? That said, after the show ended he was "all movies."

  31. Cinabun1:17 AM

    Only a little to linear aren't you? I'll explain since your cognitive skills seem to be sorely lacking...I'll go sloooow so you can follooowwww....
    It explains the prescription goodies they found when they busted her stealing.
    Kind of like how your verbiage explains your EQ.

  32. Mazoo2:02 AM

    I don't think it's too far fetched to think she may have wanted to go out the next day with friends. Either she didn't tell them and wanted things to appear 'normal' or she told them and they convinced her to go out with them. She could easily have put some make-up over the marks and then attempted to cover it in photos with her hair because she was embarrased. I don't know what the truth is in all this but the above scenario is possible. Victims of assualt or abuse can appear happy in single photos but that doesn't tell a whole story.

  33. Derek's Anal Beads3:08 AM

    What a dumb buttfucker you are.

  34. Shut Up!3:11 AM

    Your insults don't bother me. Hang on to your idiotic 2+2=5 theory.

  35. Hot Cola3:24 AM

    That's right, @Mazzo

  36. Guesser3:56 AM

    Winona was always a little off mentally, she even had herself committed at least once. Kate isn't really psycho at all when sober, the trouble is she doesn't seem to want to be sober.

    not saying amber's story is legit but he's no angel
    and disney would have paid paradis profusely for that statement... notice it took an extra day for her to come fwd but the wife from 30 years ago came fwd quickly... hilarious that after all hes been through in 30 years they pick a woman from 30 years ago to vouch for him


    If I didn't know how to spell, I wouldn't be as nasty. You sound like Derek.


    BTW, that comment was addressed to Cinabun (Derek)

  40. Cinabun7:20 AM

    Not Derek. Unlike you I only use one name.
    And your replies are inane & immature.

  41. Nelson's voice7:28 AM

    HA HAH!

  42. […] old Blind item Blind Items Revealed #6 – CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS August 7, 2012 Most of you have heard the Charlie Sheen shooting Kelly Preston story, but there […]

  43. annie4:56 AM

    Ill never watch another of his movies
    a lot of people don't understand physical emotional abuse of a spouse /girlfriend
    a lot of times women don't act the way that people on this board seem to think
    just remember yeardley love
    it took a while for her to leave george huguely
    she left him and he beat her to death in her bedroom after he broke down her door
    yet people were still defending him!
