Sunday, May 01, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 1, 2015

This former A+ list NBA athlete is back at it again with his ex. He just can’t get enough of her despite the fact he is married to an actress. They have had issues before, but this is really getting to the divorce level.

Dwayne Wade


  1. sandybrook3:21 AM

    ex-wife? I kinda doubt this considering all the accusations she made like domestic abuse, giving her an STD etc.

  2. Derek Harvey3:45 AM

    you sorta sound like Trump in the OT lol

    "Anthony is still playing for the Knicks and I’ve never considered him A+. He’s never won chmpionship and is a loser"

  3. sandybrook4:11 AM

    I spoketh the truth right there! However he is an A player and will be on the Olympic team again, so he's not a total loser.

  4. It said his ex, not necessarily ex-wife. A previous blind stated he was still hooking up with the baby mama from his "break" from Union.

  5. sandybrook6:29 AM

    That would be the girl named Aja. fwiw she had gotten pregnant while he was dating Gaby according to the time line. According to HIS time line he and Gaby were "on a break".

  6. Whywhywhy???7:38 AM

    Wonder if this "ex" is as crazy as Gabby and the ex-wife. It seems D Wade likes them on the nutty side. I wouldn't feel sorry for Gabby if he ran her over in a divorce. No matter how crazy the ex wife was, Gabby should not have dissed her on social media because of the kids. Can't figure out why D doesn't gift her some acting lessons.

  7. Kelly1:51 AM

    If true, this makes me sad. They always seem like a really great couple to me. I like her, anyway.

  8. Fancyfacefree1:15 PM

    how you getem is how you lose em

  9. sweetstarshine112:58 AM

    thats a wendy williams comment. she used to saay it all the time on her radio show!

  10. he's such a con artist.
